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Everything posted by RedJazz1900

  1. I would love the windmills if they would just make it so they didn't rotate. Just lock all of them in the same position.
  2. Wow. Boston is killing it. How weird would it be if Academy was 11, Boston 12, Madison 13?
  3. Not sure why/how the Bluecoats are beating the BD show.
  4. What's with the spirit members standing on the track, watching? They are in uniform.
  5. I have the $99 package. Watched SCV. And now my feed says that my account doesn't have access to this content.
  6. This is a cool video! However, I don't think however emotional Phantom may be, that that absolves any disappointment in competitive results. Yeah, PR performs very well and is very good drum corps. But I don't feel like performance emotion alone makes up for the lack of positive competitive results. Long story short: The PR members are having a great time this summer and are sounding good, but if I was them, I definitely would be a little disappointed competitively.
  7. I don't like the term "peak". I tend to think of it more as slowing down, not peaking. Groups I think will slow down: Bluecoats Crown PR Maybe Blue Knights Madison Troopers Groups I think will push ahead faster than others: BD SCV Cadets Cavaliers Blue Stars Academy
  8. I don't get how Bluecoats are winning based on their musical book. It's just loud repetitive ostinatos over and over.
  9. It's design. Plain and simple. Been plaguing PR since 2013.
  10. I feel like Bluecoats brass book is either loud block chords, fast passages, or nothing.
  11. This Bluecoats show is losing steam, I feel.... Not placement wise, but energy-wise
  12. This Bluecoats show is losing steam, I feel.... Not placement wise, but energy-wise
  13. I really liked Cadets tonight. Don't understand the show one bit, but they were great.
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