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Terri Schehr

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Everything posted by Terri Schehr

  1. Menards. You must certainly be a Midwesterner.
  2. I can go back farther than that....cough...Bridgemen Harlem Nocturne...cough...
  3. I hope this darn rain clears up for them. We’ve had persistent heavy rainstorms for two day here that have spread east.
  4. You are right. I haven’t checked in some time. How sad.
  5. Thanks to YouTube. I can still watch my finals performances.
  6. Capital Sound bought and wore the old cadet jackets freelancers unis in ‘99 when the semi caught on fire and burned up the unis.
  7. I remember when the Stardusters bought the Royal-Airs old Unis after they disbanded. That was a strange sight, I must say.
  8. I marched with all kinds of smokers in junior corps. In my first corps, they’d light up in the Horn arc.
  9. They all do. Imagine all the unleashed creativity we’ll get to see!
  10. I thought I’d bump this as we are now within the two week range. Where will you be watching? Regal Cantera, Warrenville, Illinois. Preshow at Rock Bottom.
  11. I rarely award three of these but you sir, deserve every one.
  12. My peanut butter toast I’m eating for lunch looks so sad after those photos @Liahona
  13. We (Guardsmen) didn’t make finals in ‘77. The offseason (78, when they went coed), quite a few of our guard left and went to Kilts. Which turned out to be pretty funny because we got better, beat them in finals by about 3 points. The Kilts never made finals again.
  14. I know! It’s like reading a Yelp review. Lol. Just kidding @Liahona The food looks great!
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