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Everything posted by waliman4444

  1. Are they fielding 80 horns?..because in an indoor stadium they should blow the roof off!!
  2. I still love the Cadets , BUT, I can no longer believe the pre season hype ...I guess less info is better than hyperbole
  3. Yes...my least favorite of the 'BIG THREE" is BD..not that it's a poor performance but moreover I feel it to be TOO SAFE AND FORMULAIC..GE aside, the music didn't move me and this observation about music can be made about most of the top tier corps..IMHO..peace
  4. One of the most musically satisfying moments for me last night was the theme from "Chinatown", done by ( I think) Pacific Crest..My favorite corps is going through growing pains so I need to find beauty wherever I can..thank you PC
  5. congrats drumline...keep kicking derrieres!
  6. I was reintroduced to drum corps in 1982 after watching the pbs broadcast (or tape delayed..I forget which)..the drill that the cadets displayed blew me away!!But the thing that really got me hyped was the MUSIC they played..when they make good, cohesive , musical choices I"m fine...it seems that the drill precedes the music (in importance) and because of that the now famous "chopping" of music and licensing issues have made the MUSIC compromised..I was raised on St.Kevins, Skyliners, Hawthorne, Royal Aires, BAC,Blessed Sac and yes the Garfield Cadets..So forgive me for waxing nostalgic, but the MUSIC will always be the reason I support drum corps....Blooooo gets it!!..Cadets can also..IMHO
  7. Ya did good..keep going..it"s getting better every time!
  8. Just saw the Sunday show performance....The best music in years..Keep getting better..peace
  9. Just saw your show...thank you..I loved it...BALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. thank you..the word RELATIVE helped slap me back into reality...Peace
  11. please educate..why, when the judges are all trained to use the scoring criteria from DCI sheets, should there be a disparity ? I've been in drum corps as mm and now, a fan, but the subjective difference between coasts has always puzzled me..or from another period in time,..does the east german judge's bias come into play?
  12. How do the west coast scores compare to those in the east and mid west in terms of real competition...I saw a Cavaliers score(recent) that suggests that the Cadets were close..is that real or just the difference in adjudication out west ?
  13. If this is a niche activity, as many have stated..with a select few who are revered as design GODS, then self indulgence seems inevitable...not that they are egocentric to a fault, but rather, when you're in charge it's nice to be the KING/QUEEN!!
  14. congrats on breaking 71...it appears that cadets are not that far behind Musically{particularly drums}..so, everybody knows what has to be improved or abandoned...can't wait to see them !
  15. After seeing the major corps this weekend, including the Cadets, I miss seeing real drill..now I expect to be excoriated by some ,but horns don't play as much and there's a lot of running around where drill used to be..maybe the demands of modern drum corps require more stand and play but the Theatre of drum corps, even with all the bells and whistles , I find uncomfortably predictable..but that's just me
  16. just read some of the comments on the BD page...seems like Cadet fans are not alone with their angst.
  17. just saw the detroit video...I think I'll reserve my opinion until Allentown..however, all of the opinions so far seem to suggest that work must be done {a lot} to salvage this season..BTW, when will drum corps stop trying to be so DEEP and just have fun again?..If I want to be enlightened I read a {wait for this} BOOK..lol
  18. Just listened to the BAC concert in the park..I'm not a hater so I'll just say that the Cadets have nothing to worry about MUSICALLY..IMHO
  19. As an aside: Jeff "Tain " Watts, Wynton's drummer{first quintet} ..told me at the Allentown show that he's a fan of drum corps...I think he'd be an excellent resource for this activity in his area of expertise..IMHO
  20. though the concept of improvisation during horn solos didn't sit well with some dcp folk ..I still believe that at the skill level of the top corps, their soloists can improvise during the 30 seconds or so they perform and not foul the passage so that the cues the other mm's might require become problematic..by Aug.. it would be nice to hear a solo played differently than in June, if it is tasteful and in context
  21. The soundtrack to the 1955 classic"Bad Day At Black Rock"..this has so many beautiful and challenging passages ..great movie also..Spencer Tracy as a handicapped WW2 Vet
  22. yo people..this is drum corps...all the historic VFW and American legion corps performed shows that almost had to include the patriotic presentation of colors ...We've come along way from starting and ending shows with gun shots to where mm's are expressing themselves in ways that continue to blow me away..Just entertain us.. if a few feathers are ruffled, so be it !!! you can't please everybody
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