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Everything posted by quijeros

  1. SCV Cadets Music City Troopers Phantom Regiment Pacific Crest
  2. That unused snippet is really cool. Do you know what that was from?
  3. You know all those Football Manager PC games? We need a Drum Corps Manager game.
  4. Favorite shows: a lot of them. It'd be easier to name the shows I didn't find memorable, but that goes against the spirit of this topic. I guess some real standouts for me are SCV, Cadets, Troopers, Music City, and Southwind. Uniforms: I still love the traditional uniform. Colts, Troopers and Cavies before the changes, Jersey Surf, Pacific Crest, and all those in the open class make me happy. Bloo looked pretty darn snazzy for nontraditional uniforms. Ballad: Ára bátur. Hands down. I've known this song for a long time, and it's one of the most gorgeous songs I've ever heard. The tenor soloist did a great job of emulating Jónsi's voice. The steady buildup to the full-ensemble chorus is amazing, but then they went one step further and let all emotions pour out. The whole piece left no doubts in anyone's mind. The Cadets will stand united. Percussion feature: Aside from a tasty Cadets bass split that I always liked, the Konnakal tenor feature and the snare feature with the trumpet solo afterward was one of the highlights of the Blue Devils show for me. Whatever I like: There's so much to love outside the top 12, including open class. I still love the Madison Scouts and Phantom Regiment. Madison didn't blow me away this year, but I want to see them come back and blow the house down again. Like it or not, Phantom had one of my favorite musical programs of the summer. FREE Players are incredible. Big love to everyone involved with that organization, especially the Mandarins who volunteered their evening to help them set up and be their cheer section. Speaking of Mandarins, welcome to the top 12!! My earliest recollection of you folks was as a small div 2 corps back in 2002. Seeing what this program has become leaves me in awe. I hope to see you continue to grow. Having lived in "the South" for all my life, it's really cool to see all these active groups down here now. That's about it. This has been one of my favorite seasons to spectate since I started following the activity. Last year, I wasn't sure I could stomach all the changes, but now I embrace them. Lots of cool stuff happening on the field these days. See you all again next June!
  5. If not for Dance Derby, it would’ve been an even more impressive streak. However, the trade off was Phantom receiving their first medal in almost a decade.
  6. Do Crossmen not do the Spirit delta for retreat anymore? Anyway, great season Crossmen! I personally loved the show.
  7. Phantom and Legends can hook them up. Tell them not to worry about the wobbliness of the monkey bars. They're perfectly safe. Held up to a bunch of bigger kids climbing on them all summer.
  8. I never noticed the cool stuff the cymbal line did during the drum break before!
  9. Not sure what it sounds like up there, but that's an awesome angle for these stills.
  10. Does BD still wear their championship rings for finals performances?
  11. Why? Why would you remind me of this??? You monsters! For me: All of SCV's show Bluecoats' "Pretty Saro" ballad, including that fantastic trumpet solo Blue Devils' drum break to the end of the show, the "Konnakol" tenor feature and the "Playing Love" reprise from 2009 being the highlights Crown's "Blow It Up, Start Again" Cavaliers' "Oh What a World" Cadets' "Ára Bátur", including during the ending Blue Stars' "We've Only Just Begun" intro. So groovy and feel-good. Blue Knights' ending after the "praise the sun" dance All of Mandarins' show Crossmen's Tchaikovsky 6th All of Spirit's show Academy's Steve Reich section of the drum break Troopers' "Welcome to the Black Parade"... hell, their entire show as well All of Pacific Crest's show All of Music City's show All of Jersey Surf's show Lots of really good stuff to listen to in the off-season.
  12. I like this year's trombone soloist a lot better than last year. The solos aren't nearly as technical, but he's got such a velvety tone. Some really tasteful playing from him all season.
  13. It's definitely not out of the question yet. Vanguard's only beaten them by the slightest of margins both of the previous nights.
  14. Crown's now harnessing the power of mother nature to maximize GE scores! What's next?
  15. Tom Blair & co. really knocking it out of the park with these camera shots.
  16. I don't know why I just now thought about this. Does any corps still use Dinkles marching shoes? I hear ads for just about anything else, but are Dinkles still around?
  17. I guarantee you the company that makes those machines are gonna make a killing off of marching bands this fall.
  18. Unfortunately, there wasn't much he could do to anticipate it. The tarp was already crumpled over by the rest of the bass line crossing it.
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