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Everything posted by Bari-Player

  1. Quality of Hornlines are in the eye of the beholder, that's for sure. or ear, ... you know what I'm trying to say!
  2. Neither of those are exactly it. But the second link is close... Anyway, GH is a smart guy, and I do like a lot of his ideas. But there are also a few that I don't like (a lot).
  3. Tommy Allen has the best salute ever. That would be Cavaliers '06 for those of you who didn't know =P
  4. I believe that one of the reasons that people tend to focus the "blame" and whatever of amps on GH is beacuse (I think) he's the guy that has been bringing these new rule proposals up to the DCI board. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Also - Does anyone remember that extremely long (and very well written) document that GH put out a few years ago about the "Future of drum corps?" Lastly - I believe that the Cavaliers are the future of drum corps, or at least that style of show, meaning - Extremely well thought out themes that develop throughout the show. Hum, seems that I've contradicted myself a bit... Because obviously the Cadets show is thought out... Well I just hope that you understand where I'm coming from. Wow me with cool drill, and sweet music.
  5. I only think a review is good when the reviewer's opinions agree with mine. Errrr..... Good review.
  6. I agree with Mobrien - Similarities in composition, but not exact quotes. It just sounds similar, it's not the same thing. But I can understand where everyone is coming from.
  7. Don't worry, Cavaliers will put on their new ending, You will love it, and fandom will welcome you back with open arms. When I say fandom I mean Cavaliers Borgdom.
  8. I think the brassline has the emotion part of faust down... Lots of anger =P
  9. While PR Cleans everyone else will be too... Someone smart said this about this year. It's like the Cavaliers from 2016 versus everyone else from 1996 design-wise.
  10. I would like to entertain a motion to change the Op's post from "02 Cavaliers" to ---> "03 Cavaliers" . IMO there is no better visual program than Spin Cycle, this show is a visual Masterpiece. Plus, it's 230+ sets of goodness. With that said, 02 is a wonderful show because of the flawless mesh of visual and audio. But if we're talking straight up visual - 03 takes that cake with ease.
  11. What about Close drill? That can be very exciting. Something like Star 91 - They aren't moving SUPER fast but they're really close in a lot of sets which creates an illusion of moving very fast. Anyway... Go watch Cavaliers - they move.
  12. I served at Applebee's to pay for my first two years of corps. That included flights too!! Ended up being around 2 grand the second year and about a thousand for the first. It's possible to raise it on your own, but you have to work hard and prioritize everything. Note: After my second year my parents really got into the activity and offered to help pay for the rest of my years :) which is also why I marched all five of my possible years. Anyway ... talk to your corps about sponserships too! Usually they have contacts with loads of loyal Alumni that want to shell out the big bucks for kids to march in their corps.
  13. Call me negative... but was that interview worse than the one that they did last year with the guard girl in the cadets last year? I learned nothing about the show to help me understand it (read: not hate it as much).
  14. It could be that the grass at fairfield isn't cut over the summer (or at least it seems that way...) Oh wait... Push through the grass using good technique!!! err something like that.
  15. I do not like the Fairfield Venue... I've marched on that field too many times.. let's see.. my HS played them every year... so that's at least 2, then like 4 years of corps there... so 6 shows. And every time the field sucked. :( They need some turf, especially since they keep hosting drum corps shows.. IMO - this show was much better in the University of Cincinnati stadium.
  16. I will now assimilate Hrothgar15 into the Cavaliers-Borg. You are now number 57857891 of 578511871478 Congradulations. Welcome to the dark side. (Seriously though you know you want to be the borg). For other great chords check out Southwind 00 at the end of Legends of the Fall. Amazing. Great work by Nick Williams who is now at SCV...
  17. Someone said something about top 12 corps being more consistant... To demonstrate this check out Cavaliers 2003 - Spin Cycle. Listen to Semis and Finals on different devices and they almost line up the entire way through. Simply amazing show.
  18. Amps have done a few good things for drum corps, it's just hard to remember this with all the negatives.. Let me try to point out a few +'s: Allows front ensemble percussionists to use good technique, and continue learning about good technique over the summer. As opposed to the former "hit it hard" approach to get the sound out. The key point to the argument is that it allows each of the musicians to continue their learning over the summer with proper instruction. Another great aspect is the excellent new sounds that have been introduced to the vocab of the front ensemble. There are some fabulous sound out there now, but many times you have to listen carefully because they're very subtle. I encourage you to check them out :) Sadly, these are the only two positives I was able to think of in a short 5 minute period. Maybe percussionist could enlighten us on the subject? As for the negative... Amps have brought along with them much controversy and an added optional element to the drum corps show. I believe that the problem isn't amplifying the pit, but rather the voice that is the true problem with drum corps. I don't believe I have enjoyed a single amplified voice moment that drum corps has had yet (now that I think about it, I don't like many shows with voices in the BOA circuit either - humm). I feel that Amps have helped drum corps, but I feel that they are starting to drag us down a road that many people don't want to go down, or more importantly watch drum corps go down. As for me, I will give each show a first viewing to let it reach me, after this first viewing I will either watch the show at finals or go get a hot dog. =\ Instead of Booing I encourage people to do this instead as it is much more professional. Plus, if there is a mass exodus to get a hot dog during a certain corps performance then maybe a certain person might realize what drum corps fans want to see, or more importantly what they do not want to see.
  19. The two letters posted by the Cadets both said something to the effect of - "Blah blah blah I don't like your singing" That doesn't sound like fan mail to me. EDIT for proof - "The show honestly would be great on Broadway. But,to me, and apparently to the majority of the people in the stands, it has no place in competitive Drums Corps. I found myself suddenly pulling for Phantom Regiment, Boston Crusaders or even the Corps-Vets to win Friday night ( and they only had half a show ready to perform). Even the lesser Corps were, at least, all Drum Corps." Even thought that is VERY polite and nice, it's still staying "Blah blah blah I don't like your singing".
  20. I'll keep working on my Haiku - Also, I cannot believe they're asking people to send them hate mail over the show.
  21. You didn't know? That's how the Cadets show is SUPPOSED to sound this year. ... I hope they can figure it out. I already have a dislike of amp'ed voice and other things... If they have those same problems when I see them in a few weeks I will simply walk out. And at finals I will get a hot Dog during those 11 minutes.
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