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Everything posted by acecannon

  1. awesome DCI. hack or an inside joke, either way it's still up. this is exactly what the members and staffs of these corps need to see after long days working in the sun. just great...
  2. I think you can. Vanguard's show doesn't hold up at all to Cadets 87. Not even close.
  3. Ok. Yeah, a clarinet in an encore is an issue for some, however, it won't keep you out of the top twelve. The following on the other hand... Left hand posture in the trumpets! Kid to the left of the first tuba on the left! Check that wrist! Forearm angles all over the place! Hip posture in the baritone, red shorts! Come on! And the pit doesn't look engaged. Even if tacit, their body language isn't shouting focus. And as for the clarinet - isn't lifted at all.
  4. psh, this thread. blah blah blah... your old summer camp has a new instrument. deal. yeah, i'm grumpy. what?
  5. wait... one more... i'll fix my post... they resigned from the activity. they lost. ...shall always be.
  6. you make great points. i think the major point of agreement is design team. i know people had some issues last season, but Jaime Holly did some great work for them. I know Jett, and I know this is essentially a first time effort on his part. i think academy's learning the hard way that it won't be the cakewalk they've had for years coming up. As an example, the Troop hasn't seen semi's in 13 years! pimpin' ain't easy.
  7. 3 thoughts. they lost. they quit. ...shall always be
  8. i'm wrong? really? but wait... you're from Arizona. And you marched Vanguard. And CR. Why not AA? Moreover, the point is that Arizona isn't a hotbed for the marching activity, so relying on local membership to vault a corps into the top twelve is a long-shot. you're going to need the flyins to make it happen. and you'll need some big design guns.
  9. ok. here's a semi-dire prediction about Academy. Unless they bring in top level design staff asap - they're going to stay in this bottom tier for many, many years. firstly, they'll lose current, talented members to other successful, finalist corps. then, of course, their ability to draw members will diminish with negative word of mouth and lack of success. this scenario is particularly dangerous in an ensemble that has seen nothing but years of success in the lower levels of the activity and an attitude/ego build rivaling the Devils. (no hate, just sayin'). the situation isn't terminal, just bring in the guys that always build championship shows and crack the 12. best of luck Academy.
  10. Saw Incognito, Impulse, Mystikal, Gold, and Velvet Knights. VK rocked it. With about 6 minutes of show up, it was beyond where they were at FINALS last season. As for the others...
  11. That's not true. It says nothing of the kind through that link. You've just linked to a random recording by someone who calls it that. And it's from the late 50s. The history is that "When The Saints Go Marching In" is a very old African-American spiritual that Louis Armstrong popularized on Decca Records in the 1930s.
  12. not to be that guy, but... "When the Saints Go Marching In"
  13. Wow! VK is here ladies and gentlemen. Design and theme, execution and fun! Did I say wow?
  14. it is that simple. across all arts and industries, if you are using an outdated process while others have found a process that works better, you will soon be at the bottom. it also works for pickup lines in clubs. you don't have to believe me, but you also are free to continue making square wheels. the new round ones are the *****!
  15. great opening that year with the rotating dock
  16. Yes, you'd think that, however... Because there are so many really good and very many really great high school programs in socal, most with drum corps instructors, the kids already get an awesome, highly competitive marching experience in the fall. Then there are so many winter lines - both guard and battery, by summer the attitude is often march world class or just go on vacation with the 'rents and start back up again at band camp in August. And then again, it's Southern California... There's more for kids to do here in 4 square blocks than in 400 square miles in the rest of the country.
  17. if you find something that works, use it, until you find something that works better. how lucky for your band that you have a teacher willing to be a student.
  18. Spirit of Atlanta for 4th. They were in 5th and a tenth behind Cadets at Semis. Oh yeah... BD's hornline was unholy that season. unholy...
  19. it's going to be a great stadium. very vertical rake. clean those horizontals, y'all.
  20. There is also instructor CI. Spirit 86, 87 guard caption wins were with S. Chandler, who took his CI to BD.
  21. you're right SCVC was small last season. i counted at finals and believe they were just below 79, but they chose not to go Div iii. and i agree - corps size doesn't especially matter when you have good design and solid execution. it does however require an experienced adjudicator to look past small numbers and give a balanced comparison to a larger corps. unfortunately, that doesn't always happen...
  22. no. the intended effect is to increase interest, awareness, membership. as an activity, BOA dwarfs DCI. If you broaden the appeal of DCI you garner a larger audience, which equals more revenue and continued growth.
  23. DCI is a tiny blip on the radar compared to BOA. What reason would a top band have to join the circuit? Here is a chart from google trends showing search volume for both. Both spike during their seasons. The numbers tell all.
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