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Everything posted by Boof96

  1. ummmmm........military drill takes about 0.000097% of concentration. I spent four years in a marine band and was bored out of my mind every time we marched drill. Your argument is silly. All modern drill has a set number of "paces" or steps to each set or were you under the impression that corps nowdays just meander around the field in a paticular direction until they feel it is time to try doing a new form.
  2. Unless I am missing something the Dow is at an all time high and the economy seems to be doing fine.
  3. geeze.......tough crowd. The guy is wearing a freaking bass drum....give him a break.
  4. You only live once. Audition for your favorite corps. You will find a way to pay dues if you want it bad enough
  5. Tim Jackson would kill you if he heard you say that.
  6. can we do this poll again with 1st place as an option?
  7. I thought it was the bluecoats that "unhorsed" the cadets???????
  8. I thought Vanguard should have had the 5th spot pushing the cadets down to 6th.
  9. Polls pretty simple. Should they have been fighting it out for the title with the top 3 or placed in the middle of the pack or lower?
  10. Excellent post!!!!!! This is excactly the way he and many cadets members feel. I was talking this morning with a 2005 cadets member(promise I am not making this up) and he told me that the reason that I didn't get the cadets show this year was because I had never marched there. He then went on to tell me that if I had marched with the cadets that I would have understood the subtleties of this years cadets show referencing last years. Then he went on to complain about how we need better "educated" judges. So apparently noone can understand the cadets shows except for the cadets. It is in fact the ignorance of everyone else and not the flawed show design. Accusing judges for being incompetant is a slap in the face to the 4 corps that scored higher than them. Because what he was basically saying is that the corps that beat the Cadets did so not because they earned it, but rather because it was given to them.
  11. Exactly!!!!!! The cadets aren't winning this year so there must be a problem with the judging community. We need to fix the problems with the judges so that the cadets can start recieving thier high marks again.
  12. Is the brass trophy still an average of three nights?
  13. - training - enough is emough. If we want effect judges we need to spend money. We need to have people who can react and respond to music, visual, guard, theme Yeah, we need to train more judges to give The Cadets higher marks. I don't remember him complaining about the effect judges last year.
  14. I would shell out a hundred bucks to have finals in my living room. Could invite some people over and split up the cost.
  15. 5 out of 5 doctors recommend not pissing off Tim Jackson Tim Jackson coined the phrase, "I see dead people," after the waiting staff at Denny's forgot his birthday. Tim Jackson uses a live rattlesnake for a condom. When the boogey man goes to sleep at night he checks his closet for Tim Jackson.
  16. When Tim Jackson has sex with a man, it is not because he is gay, but because he has run out of women. Tim Jackson isn't hung like a horse, the horse is hung like Tim Jackson.
  17. There is no such thing as global warming. Tim Jackson was cold, so he turned the sun up.
  18. I wasn't aware drum corps was dead. I am always the last person to find these things out.
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