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Everything posted by PR ROCKS

  1. My guess: Cadets 75.70 Crown 74.25 Boston 71.60 Spirit 66.30
  2. Thanks for your response....message sent to your email.
  3. I have a platinum membership, but when I go to the Encorps Video page, all I get it a blank page with a header that says "2007 Encorps Video Performances." Where are they?
  4. I wouldn't rule that out completely, but I feel like I could recoup my money better if I was selling them as a complete set. If you don't mind I'll get back to you on that.
  5. I purchased two super premium tickets for quarterfinals. semifinals and finals.....great seats...section 18, row 35, sets 106 and 107 - just to the left of the 50 yard line and right around halfway up best I can tell.. I would love to be there myself but I am in the long process of moving and the timing is such that I will not be able to attend. Face value is $250.00 per set for a total of $500.00 I need to sell these tickets and would really love for a fan of drum corps to get this opportunity to see Drum Corps in California. Anyone that is interested leave a message here and we'll work out the details. It sounds like it is going to be a great season.
  6. Cavaliers 73.75 Cadets 72.90 Bluecoats 72.65 Carolina Crown 68.45 Spirit 64.60 Glassmen 64.10
  7. So I bought a membership.....and I'm looking through the available shows to stream and listen to. One of the first that came to mind that I wanted to hear was Phantom Regiment's 1982 Spartacus show. Guess what? It's not there. They skip from the 3rd place corps to the 5th place corps. I thought it was a glitch, so I decided to settle for the 1981 show which was also Spartacus with some minor differences in musical selections and arrangements. It's not there either. Is there some rights issue or some other issue? I know that the Mandarins played a selection from Spartacus I think in 2005 and that show is available.
  8. I don't care where they place, as long as the 'Coats continue to put out such a high "top 3" caliber product on the field. As long as they are good enough to be in the top three, I don't care what placement they get - because that just means there are some darn good corps out there,
  9. So many great ones. PR 89 Next in line - 27th Lancers 1980, BD 1984, SCV 1998
  10. My view, simply put, whether right or wrong, is I can go to a BOA or WGI show if that's what I want. Personally, and I don't claim to speak for the majority, I like drum corps, no, I love drum corps, because I am into the sound of the brass and drums.....I can handle the live viewing of shows with pit amplification because it does enhance the pit when done properly, but I also know that this leads to headaches and balancing issues with the recordings, so that can be a problem. Like I said, not saying I'm right, but drum corps as it is and as it has been is what I enjoy, but I would have no second thoughts about having two different marching music categories - one for those that want to change and evolve beyond the current rules (electronics, woodwinds, whatever) and one that stays with the "traditional" drum corps instrumentation. The only problem with that idea is with the marching groups split up will either category be strong enough to stand on its own?
  11. You also have to remember that PR came out with their show in layers - i don't just mean making minor changes and adjustments - I mean they added layer upon layer of new effects and new guard work and uniform variations and changes to drill and music to positively move the storyline together. Sure the other corps do this as well, but PR did much more of this than most other corps the last two years and they did the right things and added the right layers and reaped the rewards as the season went on. It's a bit of a risk, but one that has worked well for them recently. I don't think there is a bias, at least not to the extent that they are unfairly scored. I just think this is their approach. If you are implying that the early season scores created a bias that kept them from winning, then if that were true that would be the negative to "layering" the show in over the season.
  12. I agree with what Matt said on one of these polls.....they really aren't even entertaining because they have become just a way for people to show their petty dislike of a rival corps. Outside of that fact, how can you explain Cavaliers being the first to go? Very slick, highly entertaining and well performed show that was received with much love at every live show I went to, and it goes out first? No harm in having the poll I guess, but seems that people are not casting votes for best or even favorite shows, but trying to eliminate corps out of spite.
  13. I think it wold be different if these were opinions rather than conjecture. Everyone has an opinion - and a right to their opinion - but, there's nothing there to base an opinion on quite yet. There's no evidence that Phantom's visual program will be a hindrance or that their guard will be of less quality. 2nd and 3rd place visual finishes and a 3rd place guard finish behind the likes of Cavaliers and Blue Devils is not a sign of weakness. Actually with the staff locking into place for a 3rd year in a row I would be more likely to think that they would close the gap on the front runners in those areas. After the program is set and the rehearsals start that might change - there might be something to base an "un-positive" thought. My observations vhave been that there are other corps "fans" out there much more defensive than PR fans when it comes to "un-positive" comments. Still, there's no need to be defensive... this is all either pure conjecture or personal preference... and intended as fun. What else is there for the drum corps junkie to do in this time of year.
  14. Lots of potential, and I hope they play it and play it well. I just hope everyone doesn't take it and hype them so much that they struggle to live up to it. Here's to hoping for a great year for the corps. The copying a band comments are ludicrous. Musical selections get used by multiple groups in mutliple arenas all of the time. Drum Corps at the upper levels is on such a different level that there's no way to compare.
  15. Yep, we the fans are the ones that really won. Two great shows, two different approaches. While I certainly would have loved a Phantom victory, there's no point in debating the results or the brass lines. Cavaliers won brass. They have a different approach - not better or worse - just different than Phantom's and they executed theirs just a little better. I don't think you can make a blanket statement about difficulty. Difficulty is not always quantified by velocity or notes.
  16. The vocals in Cadets' ballad were almost inaudible live at Finals.
  17. Yes the singer's mic cut out on finals night during the ballad, and also during the drum feature during the "It's a great pleasure" stuff.
  18. Mark, I'm in Tennessee. I got mine today and I also got an email from DCI with a UPS tracking #. Maybe you should check with them.
  19. I had mine delivered to my office and put them in with earpiece headphones and missed the first 15 seconds of Cavaliers before I cranked it up much higher than I normally would. At first I thought it wasn't playing. I took them out to the car later and they sounded ok. I'll listen on the way home.
  20. Matt, I ordered mine on the 9th also and just got my email confirmation this morning. Did you ever get yours? Mine will arrive the 24th...I want them NOW.
  21. I just don't think that it will have much effect. I respect the work of the 13-23 corps and I know they were escpecially good this year. But APDs are very easy to download and they are instant...you don't have to wait for them to arrive via UPS. I hate to admit it but I really haven't listened that much to those under the top 12 the past few years anyway. This way if there's any shows that I really liked in the 13-23 range I can go get the APD easily. That being said, I can understand the feeling of being left out by the other corps, but I just don't think it will hurt sales much.
  22. Really really looking forward to the CDs this year. There were some killer shows. Can't wait!
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