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Everything posted by Cache_Money

  1. OMG, imagine how powerful that lucky audio electronics company would become, if it had a lock on ALL OF THE HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF CORPS IN DCI. They would be more powerful than Apple or Microsoft. Really, who cares? Would it really inhibit the sensitive artist show designers that much to use the same speaker setup?? Golly.
  2. YES. BTW, I've never heard of any instance where a corps that had mixing/feedback/balance/goo-storm issues took a hit on the sheets? Or have it mentioned by judges to staff? You would think that GE music and ensemble music scores (at least) should be affected by that.
  3. Great point. Maybe it should be renamed Specific Effect? (Effect on the Pressbox).
  4. What?? That's a ridiculous statement. You use the data that's available to you. And yes, the plural of anecdotes IS most certainly data. You don't ignore available evidence just because it wasn't gathered in a statistically rigorous manner.
  5. I'm with madbass. You're talking in generalities. Could you put this in terms that us poor non-designers can understand? And maybe provide a specific example (either actual or hypothetical would be fine)? Not trying to be snarky, I really would like to understand what you're saying. Thanks.
  6. WOW! OMG! Really, why is this newsworthy? Cadets were already tops in GE. Perf. scores are now catching up. They are the ones to beat from here on in.
  7. Does this term grate on anyone else as much as it does me? "corps" calls to mind strength, precision, military bearing, marching "pageantry" calls to mind costumes, makeup, dancing, prancing and emoting I will admit that the latter may more accurately describe modern "drum corps" than the former, but it doesn't mean I have to like it.
  8. From the recaps I've seen, it looks like they're winning on performance but the judges don't seem to like the book. Front ensemble may also be a factor.
  9. Not only that, but then we could really teach the members to play CORRECTLY! (you know, indoors in a sound stage, where real musicians play)
  10. 1. Cadets (they're winning GE right now, exec. scores will improve) 2. Cavies 3. BD 4. Crown 5. Phantom 6. SCV 7. Bluecoats 8. Scouts 9. Boston 10. BK 11. Blue Stars 12. Spirit 13. Crossmen 14. Troopers 15. Glassmen 16. Colts 17. Academy 18. Pacific Crest
  11. Troublesome? Sheesh. Even if the performances were IDENTICAL each night, we are still talking about judging an artistic endeavor. Based on "sheer statistics," it would less likely for the judges each night to deliver the same scores and placements. This shows that the judges are actually calling it as they see it (as opposed to "slotting").
  12. Cadets 2000 Cavies 2001 (ok, maybe not so interesting, but I'm a sucker for clean rolls) Santa Clara 2004 Bluecoats 2008
  13. Can't wait to see this! I've wanted a corps to do a Bachrach show for a long time, but I didn't think it would happen. Good selections, but I would have liked to have seen: - Alfie - Promises, Promises - What's New Pussycat (which I think would be great on the field)
  14. Actually, I have it from a source very close to George Hopkins that he plans to deliver to each of the other G8 directors these beautiful rings of power that he has had made for them. What the other members don't know is that George has made one ring for himself that will control all of these lesser rings.
  15. For me it comes down to: Cavies 00 - amazing line and my favorite book of all these BUT...a little fuzzy at finals (still awesome enough to win though) SCV 04 - see other posts, they've already said it Cadets 05 - awesome BUT...can't vote for them cuz i don't like the drum speak So SCV 04 get my vote.
  16. How about VAX/VMS? I'm thinking Anaheim Kingsmen.
  17. I've seen you state this before and have been meaning to ask...WHY? It's just as easy to use the actual scores as it is to round to tenths (probably even easier). And if you are going to round, there is no reason to round down. You should use standard rounding conventions. But thanks for posting scores!
  18. YES - WELL SAID! It seems like the G7 apologists are arguing on behalf of the proposal as they imagine it should be, NOT the proposal AS ACTUALLY WRITTEN. Have they read the slides??? For example, on points 1-3 above, how do they interpret the statement in the slides that the non-G7 corps would be "free to do shows Monday-Thursday and Saturday"? (I.e., Friday and Sunday would be reserved exclusively for the G7 Cirque du Nascar exhibitions.)
  19. Yes, this year is looking a lot like last year. In fact, we can recycle posts about BD from last year, just replacing the words "chairs" with "mirrors."
  20. If that is the intention of the pre-show/rolling start, it fails its purpose (with a few exceptions such as Phantom 08, which was a set-up for the show, not the begining of the show itself).
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