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Everything posted by KeithHall

  1. My time in DCA saw our corps (Rochester Crusaders) feeding our corps VERY well. There may or not had a nurse present but illnesses were taken seriously. Now if I go back to my marching days in the 1970's...we visited fast food daily. I do remember that the corps did start to feed us in 1975 and 1976 so that we weren't eating fast food all the time.
  2. It's the 21st Century! They got a participation certificate and it doesn't matter that they beat 5 corps in all of DCI. They get an experience. It's okay people it's not about the competition. Competition is BAD!!!! Well, until the real world kicks in and you have to compete for a job!
  3. I didn't watch it, didn't hear it HOWEVER......... Today it is best to not say a darn thing about anything! People find something wrong in everything we say! Can't talk about politics, education and not even drum corps without being attacked, called names or being labeled! God bless us all!
  4. I believe it was Fran! I saw Charioteers at US Open 1972 and was so impressed with them, sound and marching. Years after I wanted to see them grow and be a powerhouse but alas it did not happen. Robert W. Smith was with them back then.
  5. Was just reading a post about KTTSea in Toledo and a poster talked about the Charioteers giving a clinic on how to program and design a show for a small corps. Charioteers, BITD, did just that. Any thoughts?
  6. If one wanted to get recordings from the 1970's and 1980's, who can we contact? I know there are some available through DCW but I also know of some out there that Ken Kobold recorded. I had some years ago but the tapes are no good any more. Help?
  7. I only went to Toledo for Key To The Sea in 1982 when I was on staff with Renegades (NY). Brady Rouse, Bruce McCready and I met George Zingali and chatted with him. Nice show too!
  8. So here's a thought.....are all corps in DCI AND DCA taking a look at their staff and management team? If I were a parent I would be calling for that! You can't tell me there are only 2 issues in drum corps! We all know things like this have been happening for years/decades!
  9. Wisdom teeth.....had mine removed when I was in the Army 1980. Didn't use gas just novocaine. Took the tooth out, gave me some Tylenol with Codeine and then, since I was captain of our volleyball team, I went to practice. Practiced hard and then dove for a ball, slid, bumped it and a bloody gauze flies out! LT asked if I got wisdom teeth out and I said yes. He just shook his head and we went back to practice. Tough it out!
  10. Don't you love starting a post and by the 3rd or 4th post they've changed the OP around to talk about something different? LOL SQUIRREL!
  11. As I said somewhere else.....This has just begun! Wait till summer hits.
  12. Thinking back....1976 was really a fun year! Lots of celebrations happening all over the country and being out of the Vietnam fiasco was helpful too. The summer for drum corps was just fun and if you don't agree (that's okay) something was wrong! We started competitions in May in Canton, OH the weekend before Memorial Day and then off to Michigan for 2 shows before heading home to 3 parades. We actually went to competitions in early June. I believe we did one or two shows after DCI finals in Philly.
  13. These were the days......weekend camp, getting the drill (almost done), bonding, meeting more new friends! Preparing to do a few Memorial Day Parades on that Sunday and Monday. In high school, I had to march with the high school then change and run to the end of parade to get in line with the corps. Then came June and Saturday shows, traveling on a school bus. Ahhh the kids today don't know how to rough it in drum corps! Sleep on the gym floor (WITH NO AIR MATTRESS!!!!) only way to call Mommy was to find a pay phone and reverse the charges. What to do on a school bus? No cell phones , tablets or laptops so we READ BOOKS< MAGAZINES, played cards (a real deck). Ahhhh those were the days!!!!
  14. Maybe bringing back War and Peace from the 70's! Since we have such tumultuous times now...what the heck!
  15. Funny the word "Blasting" came up! I was just talking to a student about my junior high teacher yelling at me for marching drum corps. "It's just blasting!" and "It will ruin your lip!" When I hear old recordings of corps I think he was right about the first statement! Compare to the past 40 years, drum corps has really brought out the musicianship in the brass players
  16. ...since anyone has posted anything about drum corps! Guess we are just "drum corped out!"
  17. So there is no doubt that Florida has a ton of talent for drum corps BUT not for a corps in Florida! In the past 15 to 20 years the state wouldn't support 2 DCA corps and they already have an Open Class DCI corps. The past saw Suncoast Sound, Magic, Teal Sound, Florida Waves/Vanguards, Floridians, Devil Dogs but that was so long ago.
  18. Still waiting on an answer about Teal Sound! I live here in Jacksonville, teach High School music and I haven't heard a word about this!
  19. Teal Sound? I live here and haven't heard a word about them. Who is taking this on?
  20. This may only be the beginning! I hope there is no more accusations in this activity BUT I believe it's been going on and, unfortunately, the climate in our country is such that more people will stand up and tell their story. If so it could be the downfall of drum corps. I hope that this was the only blemish and we can move on and let the law deal with GH. Pray that there are no more!
  21. As much as GH changed modern day drum corps he may be the one to have it die a quicker death! Parents and young people alike will see or hear about this and think twice about sending their kids to a drum corps. We MAY see an end to the activity we all love! There may be more stories out there with other corps and soon they will come out. Remember the "wild ramblings" of a female on RAMD? Maybe, just maybe, she wasn't that crazy after all!
  22. September 5, 1970 Penn-York Circuit Championships Prelims Corning NY 1 Scarborough Firefighters 69.400 2 Marching Saints 67.750 3 Lakeview Shoreliners 61.650 4 Utica Royaleers 59.650 5 Mello-Dears 55.700 6 Royal Coachmen 55.050 7 Grenadiers 54.100 7 Tri-Town Cadets 54.100 8 Mark Twain Cadets 53.650 9 Castlemen 45.050 10 Squires 44.250 11 Barons of Steuben 43.250 12 Cadets of Greece 39.000 13 Lakeland Blue Devils 33.510 14 Montrose Ascots 29.800 September 5, 1970 Penn York Championship Corning NY 1 Scarborough Firefighters 72.200 2 Marching Saints 66.000 3 Belvederes 61.500 4 Tri-Town Cadets 61.100 5 Lakeview Shoreliners 60.300 6 Utica Royaleers 59.950 7 Mark Twain Cadets 57.850 8 Mello-Dears 56.500 9 Royal Coachmen 55.200 10 Grenadiers 55.100 11 Castlemen 50.900 12 Squires 45.450 13 Barons of Steuben 45.200
  23. Piggy back on a post I started elsewhere... 1971 RCA participants were Pittsburgh Rockets Burlington Commanders Guelph Royalaires RI Matadors Emmaus Sentinels Erie Thunderbirds Altoona Gardners (Really) Freestatesmen Hamburg Kingsmen Suburban Knights Hanover Lancers Sudbury Imperial Knights ANY others that came later
  24. RCA had (I believe).....Hamburg Kingsmen, Dunkirk Patriots, Suburban Knights, and others. Was Hanover Lancers in there too?
  25. I think I saw them at a show in Johnsonburg, PA in 1973. Place was smelly too but remember seeing, I think, Royaleer Mounties (All Girl), Purple Lancers, Vestal Grenadiers at that show. Cambria had a real cool street beat to get on the field too!
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