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Everything posted by eightyonepointthree

  1. Seems to me that the Velvet Knights were as bad or WORSE than what you guys say the Cavaliers are now. Would this even be an issue if the Cavaliers weren't beating the crap out of everyone almost every night? Seems as though if they were a 12th place corps and you were beating THEM, then it might not be an issue.
  2. I didn't say I can't stand a mellophone when played like a trumpet. I said I can't stand the sound of a trumpet player on mellophone. I personally like the french horn sound on mellophone. It makes the mellos sound different than the trumpet (something most corps do not achieve). An entire line of french horn players on mellophone, approaching the mello LIKE a horn, is the ultimate sound for me.
  3. Good ear, Jayzer. I personally HATE the sound of a trumpet player on mellophone. They don't approach the instrument correctly. Sorta like trombone players on baritone. It takes them a LONG time to approach the instrument correctly. When I am judging marching bands, especially on the field level, they stick out like a sore thumb.
  4. Best advice I have seen on here in a long time. Good sounding mello players come from the french horn, NOT trumpet. I have heard that there is a corps that won't even allow trumpet players to audition for mello.
  5. So what exactly is your beef? Cavaliers DID NOT win Color Guard OR GE Visual at finals. When attempting to discredit The Cavaliers guard design, are you being this critical with the other corps? Like Cadets, who had a good 45 seconds with NO guard on the field at one point (listen to hopkins talk about it on the DVD), or PR, who has their "characters" taking center stage at some points? Just FYI, I went back and watched Cavaliers again....in my opinion, other than BD, they had the BEST guard design and execution. In fact, many times I felt it was MUCH more effective than BD. But, BD out executed them. Watch the DVD with Fiedlers commentary while watching the guard cam. Pretty intricate detail to what those guys are doing. This really just seems like another attempt to discredit the Cavaliers. Nice Try. When I was with a HS band who was being criticized, at one point I heard the head director say "doesn't matter what they are saying, as long as they are talking about you". I am sure the Cavaliers would want to thank you for adding to the press they are getting!
  6. That makes NO sense. The entire idea of GE is coordination between music and visual. Buzz words you hear on tapes are "I can see what I hear" and "I can hear what I see". To be blindfolded would be silly.
  7. That might be the silliest thing I have ever read. All arrangements ARE approved by DCI before they are allowed to perform. The CORPS make up DCI!!!!
  8. Funny that 87 Garfield and Sky Ryders are scoring higher on here than they did at finals. 87 Sky Ryders scored 81.9 at finals!
  9. The original recordings and pbs broadcast were correct. The problem was that when DCI remastered the tapes for the VHS version of the Historical Series, that 5 seconds somehow got skipped over. On the Legacy Collection DVDs, the problem was corrected. So, if you are using the VHS Copies as reference (the remakes), then that is where your problem is.
  10. Oh, I was merely making a point based off opinion, just like your opinion that Cavaliers show seemed easy. When I saw your show, both live and in theatre, I was bored to tears. Most shows with any real GE, to me, keep my interest. We all have opinions. Your opinion about the demand of Cavaliers show seemed baseless. Fact is, to me, they have major difficulty..they just make it look easy. I know lots of corps have rules about members posting their opinions on forums. You might consider changing your info and screenname if you are going to talk about other corps.
  11. That is funny to me, coming from a marching member of a corps that arguably has NO General Effect!
  12. 1. 2000 The Cavaliers 2. 1999 Blue Devils 3. 1987 Garfield Cadets 4. 1989 Santa Clara Vanguard 5. 1989 Star of Indiana 6. 1993 Phantom Regiment 7. 1992 Crossmen 8. 2006 Carolina Crown 9. 2003 Boston Crusaders 10. 2003 Madison Scouts 11. 1987 Sky Ryders 12. 1990 Dutch Boy Brass: Blue Devils Percusion: The Cavaliers GE: The Cavaliers Color Guard: Tie..The Cavaliers and Blue Devils Visual Performance: The Cavaliers
  13. The GE Rep subcaption has much more to do with the drill. It also involves color guard work, staging of color guard, and the entire visual package's relation to the music.
  14. I don't even know where to begin. You amaze me in your....I don't even know how to describe it. The 2007 show WILL be a modern Cavalier show. It will have highly effective drill, music with a catchy tune at some point (or many), with a highly integrated color guard. Anything less would be disappointing.
  15. I guess they need to add a "spine shivering" caption. I got major chills from watching 1986 Sky Ryders, but I don't think they should have won.
  16. Easy...they didnt score as high as The Cavaliers in Brass, Music Ensemble, Visual Performance, Visual Ensemble, Color Guard, or GE Music. Anyone who wants to argue that Phantom should have won GE Music also needs to realize that MANY feel that Cavaliers should have won GE Visual, so that is a wash.
  17. 1986 Sky Ryders. How could you NOT smile after watching that show (unless you marched phantom that year).
  18. 90 and 91 were great. So were the 2003 recordings. I hated 87, 95-98, and especially 89. The 89 CDs, to me, sounded too "directional" and it seemed like certain players would "hit" the mics and flare out. 2006 Disc 1 and the top 6 on the 2006 DVDs sound terrible. There is some filtering or SOMETHING that makes those corps lose their edge in the sound.
  19. Aww..too bad. Now, someone who appreciates what is on the field might get a better seat!
  20. Thats not what he is saying though...he is saying count each GE twice, and then every other judge once (except percussion...each judge would NOT get a vote..it would be cumulative of the two). Change the scores to ordinals and you still have Cavaliers with an overall 18, and Phantom with an overall 19...Cavaliers still win.
  21. BD just had a tighter show in Semis. PR had that awfully overblown/overhyped soprano solo that sounds like he blew his chops in finals....he took a trip to "double buzz city". No idea why Sky Ryders used Semis...both performances seem about the same to me.
  22. Of course the should! Get the best recording out there, not just the "last" one. This isn't a contest entry, its a recording of a show. My favorite recording of BD 1991 is the original CD recording, which is the Semis recording. Also, in 1991, PR and Sky Ryders used their semis recordings.
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