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Everything posted by Guardguy89

  1. Wow - I'm amazed that you were able to find it from the few words I was able to translate. I was close on some - but totally off on theo thers. Which goes to my point, that it's not so much what words are being said, but the effect it gives - I live that part of the show! Later, Mike
  2. OK... here's what he is saying at the start: (I can't make out the beginning).....the black dream the fire swims in the bells. Soft is the word of the morning (or the other - not sure what he is saying) etc...etc... It really seems to be a poem as it is kinda whimsical in nature. Later, Mike
  3. No - the man has more of an "International / European" French accent Mike
  4. Yeah you're right on that! am wondering though if Cavies guard isn,T being kept lower due to early season when they were just plain bad. I rather like what I see from them now! Later, Mike
  5. I am French, but to be honest, I haven't really paid attention to what he is saying. The beginning seems to be some sort of poem that is being read. I doubt that what he is actually saying will affect the show, I just like the effect that it adds. Later, Mike
  6. Could be more to do with Cavies guard...they've really been stepping it up and have a crazy difficult book that they're finally starting to control. Later, Mike
  7. Totally agree !!!! I love reading everyone's opinions - and alot of them are vastly different than my own - and that's part of the fun. Just state your case with some kind of explanation or reason why beyond "they suck" "no one likes them" "they're boring" - we all know that those statements aren't true as invariably someone will state the exact opposite! That said...I love BD and Crown this year. 2 totally different shows, and I appreciate each one for what it is. Phantoms guard is awesome, Blue Knights are starting to sell me on the concept, I dig Academy, appreciate Blue Star's very difficult drill and guard book, and Vanguards show (with a cleaner guard) will be insane by DCI !!!! Later, Mike
  8. Really? That old argument again. Guards today probably do more in a 16 count phrase than a "color guard" did in their entire show back in day. And if I stop any of my old '70's and '80's videos - I doubt that I'll see exact angles too. So tired of this guard argument. Later, Mike
  9. wow - no need to be so condescending. Yes I realize it's called "Bridgemania", but I also realize that they're taking the essence of what the Bridgemen were and adding their twist to it (the phone call, Imagination, LMFAO etc...) I was just adding my opinion - it's what the site is all about. Later, Mike
  10. I kinda hope they strat adding some "new" fun stuff that they can truly make their own! Later, Mike
  11. I remember how fun they were in Div II - but when they made the move to World Class, they started doing the typical serious minded shows and kind of lost their way (IMO). I'm happy to see where they are going with this year's show and hope that they keep this style in the coming years! Later, Mike
  12. Jersey Surf really figured it out this year - they have a fun show that people want to watch and are talking about! But here's my question...what happens next year? Is the "Bridgemen" type show a one year thing only? Will they continue along this path? I love what they are doing this year, and the hype around it, but I'm not sure I understand where they go after this??? Later, Mike
  13. Best SCV show in a couple of years. I love that show!!!!!!
  14. Once again - Phantom's color guard is truly incredible. Their staff has done a fantastic job with those ladies. And the girls are performing the heck out of the show. Later, Mike
  15. Phantom Regiment's guard is beyond incredible - holy crap are they clean!!!!!
  16. I'm kinda hoping Madison moves away from "revisiting" past shows and GE effects next year. I like their show - but I've seen it alot throughout the years.
  17. I absolutely love this years show. It really seems to recapture the essence of who SCV is. The drill is simply phenomenal, and Mars is a great, dark SCV closer - love the addition of Music of the Night (wish it was a bit slower though). The only strange thing is with the ending flags. I know that they all "add up" to create a design for the last block set - but one of the flags is soo yellowish compared to the others that I kept thinking that he had picked up the wrong flag until the very end - that one flag is all you end up watching. Not sure the effect at the end is worth it at that point. But - OMG what an awesome show!!!! Later, Mike
  18. I kind of find their show unremarkable and middle of the road. Which seems to be case with most lower placing World Class corps. You would think that the design teams would be trying to come up with ideas that would make people talk and notice them instead of producing these shows that get forgotten the minute they're over. Think Les Étoiles spinning drum racks and trash can drums. Dutch Boy were masters of this back in thee laste '80's early '90's with their Vegas shows! Jersey Surf certainly figured it out this year. I just don't get it - and PC isn't the only corps doing this! Later, Mike
  19. I'm surprised it isn't scoring higher, I could really see this show in top 12 (If it gets clean). Love the use of the pink in the guard (Pink contrasts so well on a green field) and the 12 bass drum section is really cool. I think it's one of Academy's best shows in a while ! Later, Mike
  20. I agree with the fact that the show this year just isn't connecting - and it does seem to be a recurring theme in alot of 13 to 20th place corps. It's like they purposely come up with esoteric themes, cool program names that just don't translate into a coherent show or cliched ideas (enough with the color shows!!!) But I have to say I absolutely loved Troopers show last year - it completely mesmerized me when I saw it live in Allentown. I really thought they should have been 12th! Later, Mike
  21. I was just thinking that the other day when I saw a picture of him. I marched Cavies in the '80's and he looks the same today!! Later, Mike
  22. A huge part of it is that most members and staff are also involved with WGI - so first rehearsals for guard typically happen in May. Learning the whole show (drill and work) in basically 6 weeks (weekend only rehearsals) is a little much to ask. But at this point - all the big impacts of the show should be learnt. Major kudos to Hurricanes for not only having all the work done - but it's already pretty clean and they're performing the heck out of it!!! Later, Mike
  23. To me, Crown's show is what a DCI Championship show should strive to be like. They were simply incredible - and the demand is insane!!!!! Later, Mike
  24. I think that the 1981 Blue Devils guard really helped change what the look of guards would become. They went from a very similar uniform to the corps (including the shako) to a very modern stylized jazz bodysuit - which was quite different back then and caused alot of reactions (I thought they were awesome and really freed up the guard to move and flow better). 1982 saw the Cadets change to a more sophisticated look and 1983 saw the Vanguard get rid of the "majorette" boots and also go for a very different look for the guard. But I still think the 1981 Blue Devils were the catalyst to this. Later, Mike
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