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Everything posted by mwpercussion14

  1. I have a 1976 Legacy Collection DVD I'm willing to trade with somebody.
  2. Star '93 Phantom '03 Phantom '96 SCV '89 Madison '97
  3. I am going to sell my Dynasty DFXT soon. I was wondering if it would be safe to paint the hardware black to cover up the chips. If it is ok, how will it look. Btw, my uncles a professional painter so it wouldn't be me painting it.
  4. 22 Sopranos 14 Mellophones 20 Euphoniums 15 Contras 9 Snares 5 Tenors 6 Basses 5 Cymbals 10 Front Ensemble 26 Guard 3 Drum Majors 72 Horns+35 Percussion+26 Guard+3 DM=135
  5. The poll is pretty self explainitory. I've narrowed it down to these 4 and I don't know which to get.
  6. 1. Phantom Regiment 2003 2. Star of Indiana 1993 3. Santa Clara Vanguard 1989 4. Phantom Regiment 1996 5. Madison Scouts 1995 6. Madison Scouts 1996
  7. Has anyone seen Magics '96 guard uni's. All i could say was wtf?
  8. I voted for Phantom. It was an amazing show. Just so dark and lush. Madison also put out a great show which is also on my list of favorite shows. Why do so many people not like BD's show? I thought it was great. I've heard this many times before and I just don't get why.
  9. I'm in between Canandaigua and Geneva in a little town called Gorham. I march with the White Sabers.
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