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Everything posted by afd

  1. Let it all out. That's what this forum is for. It's great when your favorite wins and not so great while having a great show they might have won 10 yrs ago now it's fighting for a top three. They are getting shafted. It's too crowded at the top.
  2. How does it make it an advantage? In fact it might be used against them. Thoughts?
  3. That stadium looks like a perfect place to see a drumcorp show.
  4. So their failure is not having 20 DCI titles because they got caught? Hey...love that way of thinking.
  5. Report it all to Drumpf. You sound frustrated. I get it. It's rigged. Let's get an investigation going. Because this is a crime.
  6. I hope so. You know I was so excited to see them live performing at DVC stadium in 2001. They were amazing. I took a friend who was at his first drumcorp show. He was blown away by the Cadets. I kid you not. I was too,
  7. I'm betting some sort of agreement with Fathom Events that they are the ones and only ones showing that event. I understand some can't go to the theater either by means or distance but the theater experience is the next best thing other than being there live.
  8. While not a disaster but the standard is high. One of only two corps that have double digit Dci titles.
  9. Remember the days we had to buy the paper Drumcorp World to see the scores on each coast and Midwest. Then the hotline phones came in. Oh how times have changed.
  10. I know but it works. It's better than nothing. I downloaded BDs show from the Denver show that someone posted on YouTube. It actually sounds pretty good.
  11. You can't breath anything other than what is it. People who live in Indy know that town. They must like ti since it a pretty big city population wise. I think it probably equals SF in population. Other than that yes it's very BORING. Sorry to say it's like Sacramento with twice the number of people but still BORING.
  12. What they do during flight of the bumble bee section is amazing. The rifle line with the flags on the stands? What do you focus on. I've never seen anything like it.
  13. I forgot that they hosted DCI Championships at Legion Field.
  14. So what's your point? This argument has been going on for over 20 years.
  15. Hmm. Maybe but Boston is still ahead score wise. In fact Phantom is closer scoring to Cadets then Cadets to Cavies. Just saying.
  16. Totally agree. That balled is just incredible. I don't know if it's really a balled. Soloists are just perfect.
  17. I know that people are tired of BD winning all the time but this year is special. Combine that with the resurgent of SCV and the anazing Mandarins and the west coast is dominant. Oh.,...BDB and Vanguard Cadets are neck and neck in Open.
  18. Yeah. Manhatten Beach or Marina Del Rey or Venice is the closest to Lax. Maybe Santa Monica and the pier but that might be a bit far for only 5hrs. Use Uber or Lyft is my suggestion. Anything inland is probably not ideal.
  19. I guess the "we need 100,000 in 24 hrs" plea just seems out there. That is quite of bit of money needed within a very short period. And what is it needed for? Staff payments? Food costs? Money for fuel? All of the above? Do they owe money to lenders or vendors that need to be paid right now?
  20. Yes. I totally agree. 100,000 goal in 24hrs is just not attainable.
  21. I went on their website and while I do see a donation pledge link...what I don't see is any indication of financial collapse of this season if we can't raise funds in 24 hrs. One would think this would be posted on their website. http://www.legendspaa.org/
  22. 100,000 $ needed in 24hrs? Really.... And what would that cover? I'm very skeptical to say the least. We can all donate a large amount of $$ but who knows what and were it goes. This should not happen right in the middle of a touring season.
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