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DCI "Places ESPN2 Broadcoast on Hiatus"

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Buy the dvd's. ESPN2 costs DCI a lot of money, and apparently, it's not paying off. ESPN2 shows spelling bee's and women's ping-pong. DCI is not going to attract enough viewers to warrant the expense.

p.s. I'm tired of looking at Lisa Loeb, Bawker! No offense, just tired!

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This is EXTREMELY DISSAPOINTING to say the least..actually it SUCKS!! <**> <**> <**>

Lets hope that some possible alternate solution occurs. Will this pretty much put and end to the Cinecast than??

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I've heard many people use the term "closed market" when talking about DCI. The TV broadcasts never struck me as something that would rope in random viewers.
Back when, I was randomly roped in when I was in high school. It was on PBS, but nonetheless, it did. I saw the 89 finals on Thanksgiving day. Who knew? Fortunately we didn't have cable yet...
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This totally, utterly sucks. I hated the ESPN infomercial, but it was something.

Bet the Star haters wish they were still around the activity now.

No, not even a little.

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I'd like to offer a couple of comments and observations.

first, if i recollect the ESPN2 viewership numbers, the DCI program draw a substantially larger audience than the ESPN2 average -- out drawing NHL hockey and even the WNBA. so i think its reasonable to presume that this was DCI's call.

second, having some unique insights into this, i'd opin that whether ESPN2 was raising or lowering the carriage fees was not likely part of the decision process. the overall cost, given DCI's financial position, made taking a hiatus a tough, but reasonable call.

this all plays against a backdrop of accellerating expenses taken on by the corps -- top end corps routinely spend in excess of $1,000,000 per year to operate their drum corps. and while fuel and insurance costs have certainly increased, those increases are minor when compared to the creative and instructional arms race that the top end corps appear to be engaged in.

of that $1,ooo,ooo -- about 25% ultimately comes from DCI performance fees, allowances and distributions. for the sake of discussion, let's presume that another 25% comes from student fee/tutition. that leaves top tier corps with the need to figure out how to raise that $500,000 -- camps, merchandise, and fundraisers - ala bingo, band shows, etc.

so one way to view the decision to take a hiatus from ESPN2 is through the prism of using those resources for initiatives that can help increase the revenue generation capability of DCI and the corps.

but the whole DCI drum coprs scneario is stuck between a rock and a hard place -- corps spend that $1,000,000 to produce something that has limited sheld live and limited outlets. so at some point, someone is going to have to say "Hey, how to we leverage what we do more efficiently?"

the interent and paid distribution is one obvious anwer, but in which DCI and the corps have to battle the army of davids that grab video and audio and post it. and the very nature of the internet - with time shifting and a high level of NOW- NOW - NOW -- is likely culturally at odds with the heritage of DCI and drum corps. Today, NOW is not soon enough to get value from AV product on line. Wednesday after the show is clearly not going to cut it.

on another topic -- regarding not for profits

I'm not sure you understand the difference between entities that are "for profit" and "not for profit". The only important difference between the two is that a not for profit entity must put the monies they earn back into the organization itself. They have some other rules, of course. Taxation, missions, that sort of stuff. But that's really the only difference.

The common misconception is that not for profits have to not make money. Not so. There are a ton of NFP hospitals out there, and they certainly don't operate at a loss. They just put anything they make beyond their operating costs into better facilities, newer equipment, that sort of thing.

So no, to answer your question. I don't see myself wanting DCI to ever become a for profit entity.

this is a better statement of the not for profit difference than is usually seen at DCP. but there are a couple of more things to consider -- the reasons NPO get NPO status (which is really a tax status) is that the government deems what they do as something that fills a societal need that would not otherwise be filled. in exchange for filling this need, the govt gives an NPO the right to sell tax deducations on a dollar-for-dollar basis. However, the NPO does not exist for shareholders - ala most for profits -- so this makes increasing shareholder value a non-issue. however - again - NPOs can make a profit --- it's just not called a profit -- it's call a surplus. and NPOs can accumulate surpluses - and unless they get very large relative to the overall budget -- there is generally no legal issue. An NPO doesn't have to spend all the money it makes -- although many of our corps think NPO means "Spend 10% more money than we raise" :)

what really seperates the NPO from the for profit is that NPOs are "mission driven" - and that mission is what got them that preferred tax status to begin with. i think in a real way, when operating as an NPO, the mission is the tie breaker in decision making. so with respect to ESPN2 -- the equation evaluated was likely along the lines of --- relative to other things we do, where does being on ESPN2 rank relative to fulfilling our core mission? i suspect a call was made that said that the social return on investment (SROI) from ESPN2 was less than the potential SROI of other projects.

sorry to be so long on this post.

Edited by stevedci
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Interesting...they put Quarters on in the theaters, webcast semis...what about an HD PPV event. I mean the cameras are there anyway, it would be like buying a seat at Indy only moving it to my living room. It could work. I don't know what it costs to get a PPV Channel access though.

I have made posts on this option before. I would be more that welcome to the idea of paying the price of a "Super Premium" ticket to see DCI on HD PPV or regular PPV. DCI could show Quarters for for the Quarters SP Ticket Price ($55?), Semi's for the Semi's SP Ticket Price ($75?), and Finals for the Finals SP Ticket Price ($125-150?). Or Package them together for 1 big price or do the whole "Fantastic 5" type package(s) with Open/World Class broadcasts for the SP Price. Why the SP Price? you can't get any better camera angles than what Tom Blair can provide. That coupled with digital sound on a 50" Plasma TV...ohhhh baby! that is an option for those that cannot make it for what ever reason. It is a viable option...one that DCI ought to pursue.

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Personal note of advice for any interested: Don't start typing a reply then take a nap and try to post your reply. Don't work so hot, like!

Here's the jist of it: DCI needs to come into the 21st Century, both 6-shooters blazing!

1970's = PBS + VHS + PB&J

21st Century = google + Apple + IBM + Internet + prime rib

OK, that last one was over the top. Point is, put EVERYTHING online, and outsource your Internet to IBM so when I try to access dci.org on finals night at 10pm there's no delay from the other 1 million insane fans trying the same thing. It would be VERY interesting to see the number of people online checking out DCI finals night.

Internet Advertising makes the world go round. Anybody notice that the Hollywood writers are on strike?? Anybody see Chris Crocker on youtube?? Get my point?

I've said it before, DCI needs to put EVERYTHING online. How about this:


Now, I know that stuff just gives those of you of the left-leaning political viewpoint the willies. But how about if we put Jessica-what's-her-name on staff at DCI full-time? Have her visit audition camps and take video of the whole thing. Interviews. Special reports. Maybe even a Sunday send-off concert? I mean, Texas shuts down and shows up at the Alamodome for Cowboys training camp and DCI doesn't tell us what is going on at audition camps??? I mean, tell us what is going on!

Cowboys move to the 4-3 defense, Tony Romo goes out with Carrie Underwood one week and Britney Spears the next, and it's emblazoned across all of the news media. The least DCI can do is recognize that it has a RAVENOUS, DEDICATED fan base that takes drum corps every bit as seriously as my crazy roommate does Dallas Cowboys Football! FEED OUR OBSESSION!!

Corps can schedule rehearsal camps from December through May such that DCI can send Jessica out to camps and keep feeding this frenzy. Maybe even a guest appearance by... :angel: (angel music)...Rondo!! Video it and stick it online!

Call youtube..who is, incidentally, owned by google...and get an entire Drum Corps channel put online! Partner up with DCA, WGI, PASIC and do an all-in-one channel. What's it called? Pageantry arts? Right. Whatever. But just do it despite my hang-up with the somewhat contrived name.

NOW we start getting into the fun stuff! Cuz now we start getting INTERNET ADVERTISING coming in!

I mean, put 1/4's, semi's, and Finals ALL online, ALL free for download, stream, etc. Charge nothing! Free downloads and streaming stuff. How much Internet traffic will THAT generate? And how much advertising revenue will THAT bring in??

I'd bet a Dublin Dr Pepper it would be more than DCI currently brings in. Here's how I figure. DCI's revenues are, what? $9 million??? Not bad! But not great.

DCI is a bunch of youth, basically, doing AMAZING stuff on the field...with a bunch of "Old Guys" in the back office doing a ####-poor job of marketing it. Time to change game plan, folks!

Internet + Advertising + Expanded Program Offering = Big increase in revenues.

Here's why...we're not talking about De Moulin and Bach/Selmer any more. We're talking about de Boers and Budweiser. OK, maybe not beer since only age-out's can drink...but how about...Dr. Pepper!! Coca-Cola.

Or maybe even...

"Hi, I'm a mac (nifty 21st Century BD uniform). And I'm a PC (1970's Band-O uni with Q-tip hat)." Stranger things have happened.

Nike. Apple iPods. Heck, contract with iTunes for exclusive audio downloads! Open up the audio vaults, DCI! Dell laptops. Nokia cell phones. Funny phone commercial I mentioned a while back: 1990's--buses pull up, everybody unloads and lines up around phone booth to call home, b/f-g/f, etc. 21st Century--buses pull up, everybody rushes into gym to get spot beside nearest wall outlet to recharge cell phones. Great, right?? My idea. I copyright it. Pay me royalties if you make the commercial.

REAL advertisers paying REAL advertising dollars for REALLY insane drum corps fans tuning in for all kinds of dumb content. We get bored from Sept to May, after all.

What do you think??? I mean, if DCI steps it up a notch and does this type of stuff instead of the (admittedly) lame ESPN stuff, then GREAT!! If it steps back into its shell, not so good.

Movie theatre finals would be cool, btw. I'd pay $30-40 to see finals live. Wouldn't you guys? I mean, how much money do they get for showing movies 3 months old to half-empty auditoriums on Saturday night? Yeah. $8 times two showings time 100 patrons each showing vs. 400 screaming idiots paying $40 PLUS buying their insanely priced goodies at the counter b/c you can't leave or you'll miss something between corps. Do the math.

Lots of better arrangements can be come up with. Sorry this ended up not being so brief after all.

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....Lets hope that some possible alternate solution occurs. Will this pretty much put and end to the Cinecast than??

No - this decision is for the ESPN2 broadcast only.

The quarterfinals in the cinemas is one of the solutions. If you can't make it to Indy next August, check out the local movie theatres. So far, with each year of that program, more locations have been added.

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This is about DCI maximizing their profit. Finals will be available live via the web or by some other means that will make them money. I have no problem with that. The broadcast was only serving us junkies anyway. I don't think they found too many new fans showing finals on TV, espn2 or PBS. Witness what is happening tonight on DCI.org. Band championships live on their site. That is the future, in more ways than one.

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