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Why is it such a big deal?

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As far as we know, the Cadets will be the only ones using them (why else would Hoppy push that rule through?).

Then why would the others that voted in agreement with the proposal have done so?

As for the corps that do use electronics, we don't know how. it's not like corps are going to be forced to replace all their marimbas with synths. just like they weren't forced to use Bb horns and they're not forced to use amps

Not forced to use Bbs or amps? How many Div 1 corps can you name that doesn't use Bb horns or amps?

Sure, it wasn't mandatory, but...

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Every once in a while, though, there are some topics that sneak through that make this place pretty cool, though.


Actually, I find myself watching your replies just so I can see what new pics you have of Lisa Loeb. :tongue:

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Where did I say people had to agree with me. There are plenty of positive people around here that I disagree with on many issues.

But if they say they don't like the way DCI is going (and possible will stay home), they are not being positive? Or from your post on this thread "griping".

Honest question does the topic being disagreed with, determine if a person is positive or is it the way they disagree. Noticed soon as "I'm staying home" is posted it's attacked as hating the memebrs, DCI, etc, etc by some DCP members, instead of realizing someone is posting their personal preferrence.

Edited by JimF-3rdBari
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But if they say they don't like the way DCI is going (and possible will stay home), they are not being positive?

Honest question does the topic being disagreed with, determine if a person is positive or is it the way they disagree. Noticed soon as some people read "I'm staying home" all Hades breaks loose and respecting differeing opinions goes out da window..

Right. Why can't be assumed that it might be more positive for the person to stay home and do something more productive, like spending time with their family or friends, go see a good movie (if any exist anymore), go out to dinner, see a baseball game. There are things just as positive as not going to see a product one doesn't believe is good anymore.

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Right. Why can't be assumed that it might be more positive for the person to stay home and do something more productive, like spending time with their family or friends, go see a good movie (if any exist anymore), go out to dinner, see a baseball game. There are things just as positive as not going to see a product one doesn't believe is good anymore.

How about figuring out how much was saved by not going to a DCI show and sending it to a group that helps kids that are less fortunate. (Live 5 minutes from really crappy areas of Harrisburg so think about " real need" a lot.)

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Noone else's griping does stop me.

OK, so point me to the thread you recently started that had some positive discussion of DCI.

Find me in this thread where you plaintively exhorted everyone to get onto some positive discussion.

Find me anywhere that you set a positive example of sticking merely to positive issues, and avoiding all that you are decrying.

Now find me the post(s) where you complain about complaining. Oh, yeah, the very same post I'm commenting on:

My point remains, DCP exists for some for the sole purpose of griping about drum corps.

Well, if you're so set on being positive (ie, not griping), and you strongly believe in the above line, then the only logical outcome is to .... quit DCP! (And, yes, we know that you've cornered the market in logic.) Obviously, DCP's purpose no longer suits your style.

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How about figuring out how much was saved by not going to a DCI show and sending it to a group that helps kids that are less fortunate. (Live 5 minutes from really crappy areas of Harrisburg so think about " real need" a lot.)

I have yet to see a corps do anything like other non-profits do (like Habitat for Humanity, or mission trips even to New Orleans, just to name a few things).

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Where did I say people had to agree with me. There are plenty of positive people around here that I disagree with on many issues.

But where you disagree with some people is over "griping". You don't allow for a difference of opinion there.

So, it's all in how you define "positive", because you think it's "not positive", ie "griping". And, that's bad, to you.

But then, by being negative about it (after all, how have you positively helped anyone stop griping?) you're engaging in griping yourself, ie that which you decry.

Of course people have to agree with you: you insist they should stop griping because they disagree with you.

Ahhhh, such a model of consistency.

Edited by Dale Bari
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The reason this stuff is such a big deal is because it is the exact opposite to what "we*" want the activity to be. We're voicing our complaints for the same reason that people vote for the presidential elections.

I would say its 50/50, when you get right down two it. Alot of people read here and do not post. Alot of people that think they know it all, are always the same people flamming others about, how good they post, the spelling, if you used correct grammer, not everyone takes things with a grain of salt like me. And believe me Ive been blasted here on DCP. More than once. I see were this is going, with all the crap on the field,water,amps(fake sounding pits), LET THEM, If it brings one extra kid into the activity ITS GOOD for the activity. Drum Corps is really about the kids, always has been, always will be. Here in MADISON, lets just say were going to look at every option that this may give us. Were going to stay true to Drum Corps, if I have anything to say about it. AND I DO! If you people need a Corps that is going to do as the masses want, make your voice heard. Support the Corps that stay somewhat true, Blast the Corps that DONT. MADISON SCOUTS. org. is a great place to start. Were not going anywhere, and were not going to change into a BAND.


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