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Texas shows

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Texans are a naturally proud people, and it tends to permeate everything we do well. I'm not sure how much Texas history is taught in other states, outside of maybe the Alamo, but Texas has a lot to be proud of. And at least while I was attending school, we were sort of indoctrinated into that proud Texan mentality.

As a product of the public education system in Texas, I can attest to this.

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Quite a Texas thing to say.

I'm just saying: People make such a big deal out of Texas. How hot it is. How good the bands are. Etc...

So what if Texans have pride for our state and don't shy away from it. Not my problem that you don't have the same pride for yours. Like brian said every state has some suckage and some good things so get over it

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Quite a Texas thing to say.

I'm just saying: People make such a big deal out of Texas. How hot it is. How good the bands are. Etc...

It's way hotter in Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Oklahoma. Hell, in 2002, it was hotter in Michigan.

The Alamo Dome blows.

Every school I stayed in was a dump.

I just didn't get what all the fuss was.

Quite honestly, I don't think that EVERY school in Texas is what its made out to be. So many people make out every single high school band from Texas as one of the best programs in the nation. Period. The thing is, there are SOOOO many schools in Texas, that the really good ones get all the attention, and it blows everything out of proportion. You have gotta admit that there are fewer good/great programs then there are bad/mediocre in ANY state. Its just that there are so many in Texas because its such a big state with such a large population, that the schools get so much more attention. There are other states that are probably on average comparatively similar to Texas, just they don't get all the attention that Texas gets because they are so much smaller so there are a fewer actual number of stand-out programs.
Well, you're being a little mis-leading, aren't you? While TX may be a big state, CA by far has the largest population so I think they are very comparable... and TX gets gets the win. As a transplanted Californian (born and raised outside of Fresno, so I think I know what hot is) and back in TX for the 2nd time (Plano and now the Houston area), this sums it up for me...

TX vs. CA

  1. Having lived in both north and now southeastern TX, I don't complain about the weather anywhere else anymore.
  2. Having gone through both, I'll take an earthquake over a hurricane any day!
  3. You can still say "Christmas", "Halloween", "St. Patrick's Day", "Valentine's Day", "Easter", or "God Bless America" in the schools here.
  4. There are businesses that still close on Sundays here
  5. They are still teaching music in middle schools and on up here in TX and I can state for a fact that none of the schools my kids are going to are "dumps"
    (and I am very happy to have my kids going through the TX school system)

The cons? Being away from family and friends, not singing with Los Hooligans, living in a semi-dry county and looking at that stupid Cowboys logo all over the place. Even more than the Texans logo.

Edited by skajerk
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Oklahoma sucks harder than Texas... And not because of this "weather" crap. It just plain sucks.

Reminds me of a joke....

Why doesn't Texas float into the Gulf of Mexico?

...cuz Oklahoma sucks....

I hated the Oklahoma swing of tour... rain one day, nice the next... then hide from the tornado warnings.... ugh

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Is it just me, or did Texas get screwed with only 3-4 show this year?

Two days of Dallas and Houston each... then San Antonio, then Denton.

Thats it?

I'm going to not conform and not make fun of you for being an overprivileged jerk.

Oh wait. No I'm not.

(Missouri has zero still. >:O)

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So what if Texans have pride for our state and don't shy away from it. Not my problem that you don't have the same pride for yours. Like brian said every state has some suckage and some good things so get over it


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