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Hypothetical Cadets Uniform Question

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And from George regarding the change in color scheme

"NEON is indeed the 10th Element, and as The Cadets begin to travel East, some facets of the program re-design are beginning to take shape as the last three weekends of the season come into focus.

In March, the design team of the corps, laid out a strategy that would allow the Cadets to create a totally different show within the show. Something never done …
something we thought would elevate the show to a higher level though the end of July and August.

Neon was the key …. but there was much to consider as the different facets of the presentation were set not to one color palette but two very different combinations, one for the first part of the season and one for the “rush to the finish line”. From Backdrops, to Flags, to field covers to uniforms … all will be reshaped as the POWER OF 10 takes on a new look …. a very new look in the days and weeks to come.

Here, thanks to the kind people at Dance Sophisticates, are the COLOR GUARD UNIFORMS, ready for fitting as the corps spends three days in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.

So yes, you saw us in San Antonio, but come Allentown, or come Indy, what you see will be something completely different, and yet, very much the same. Great kids, great performance, a ridiculous challenge …. and now, that very same Shostakovich masterpiece will be draped in a new look; one we believe best brings to life the intensity, and magnificence of this symphonic celebration.

Follow the Cadets at www.cadets.org for up to date notices on what is sure the be a summer to remember for fans alumni and corps members"

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To Stu (previous post):

Thank you for the cogent explanation of the thinking of a Cadets' Alumnus on the topic being discussed. You were right on target with every point you made.

Yes, the uniform is a very important to The Cadets' mystique. Eighty years of unifying thousands of different Cadets, make all who have worn the maroon and gold very sensitive to what it represents. One single season, one great show, one great corps will be honored and remembered until a new season begins; but The Cadets' unique identity, tied very closely to their uniform, will endure, as it has over eight decades. The corps-members' relationship to their history and singular character should not and cannot be altered for any reason whatsoever. The corps and the uniform endure, but competitive accomplishments in any single season fade into history. As the final verse of The Cadets' Hymn, The Holy Name Song, promises: "For Holy Name Shall Always Be --- Amen."

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Awesome response, StuStu. Thanks!

One question, though. At this stage of the game, having seem them in the maroon and gold performing this show, and knowing that the performance is only going to get better from here on out, would that soften the blow a bit if they changed the uniform with a week or so to go? After all, this magnificent show is still a magnificent show, and we all know it's the Cadets who are performing it.

Follow up question, if they don't "look like" the Cadets, does that make this version of the corps "less than" in your eyes?

(PS - I'm loving the conversation so far!)

Having regrettably never worn the uniform, I can only speculate.... But there is a certain aura or mystique the Cadets' uniform has that other corps' uniforms don't even come close to matching. The argument for or against essentially comes down to this:

Does the Cadet make the uniform? Or does the uniform make the Cadet?

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Having regrettably never worn the uniform, I can only speculate.... But there is a certain aura or mystique the Cadets' uniform has that other corps' uniforms don't even come close to matching. The argument for or against essentially comes down to this:

Does the Cadet make the uniform? Or does the uniform make the Cadet?

And there it is. GREAT question!

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Having regrettably never worn the uniform, I can only speculate.... But there is a certain aura or mystique the Cadets' uniform has that other corps' uniforms don't even come close to matching. The argument for or against essentially comes down to this:

Does the Cadet make the uniform? Or does the uniform make the Cadet?

Does the man make the times, or do the times make the man?

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Does the man make the times, or do the times make the man?

::: steps down off stage to get huge tarp :::

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As part of the progressive alumni group, I understand the activity is changing and after the changes starting in 2005, I'm not shocked any longer. If the design team feels the color palate will lift the intensity of the show, then why not. I do love the cream pants on such an amazing marching corps but that's me.

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If the Cadets were to change to an all-black corps proper uniform (to go along with all these other cosmetic changes of different colored guard uniforms, front and back panels, show silks, and field tarps), would you be agreeable to that or not, and why?

I was in the corps for six years.

I say full speed ahead, please.

The Cadets could wear athletic shorts and visors and they'd still be The Cadets.

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