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What Corps Sparked Your Interest

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Centerville, OH... 1983. The only corps that I remember seeing were The Cavaliers, and Madison Scouts. It was the first time I had ever seen drum corps. It was an experience that changed my life forever. When the show was over, my brothers and I were hanging out the windows of our school bus screaming to the corps members as we pulled away, like they were friggin rock stars or something. I knew that I had to do that someday.

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The junior corps that impressed me most first was early 70's or so Troopers(when they won DCI-I just can't remember year)

The Troopers have never won DCI. Maybe VFW Nats, but not DCI. Not yet anyway.

b**bs This is what happens after too many years over the "Rolling Rocks". What impressed me was the corps, not what show they won. Also, I was only 15 at the time. :P

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Growing up in La Crosse, WI, 5 blocks from Memorial Stadium, several drum corps shows a year, VFW State Championships, American Legion State Championships, 4th of July parade and drum corps shows. I got to see lot's of drum corps as a kid. Of course being able to walk (or ride my bike) over to the rehearsal fields and watch the Blue Stars practice in the evenings was great. Where else would kid march when he turned 14 growing up in that environment. No sense in looking elsewhere - and I find myself still heavily involved in the activity today! :worthy:

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I would say a combination of two....when I was in 10th grade I saw a video of Santa Clara from 1974 ( we were playing Young Person's Guide for Marching Band), and about the same time I saw the Philadelphia Police Cadets Drum Corps perform live at a marching band competition...so the next summer I marched with PAL on contra...and I've been hooked ever since...marched Reading Buccaneers in 1983 and 1984 and hopefully 2005...and this is my daughter's 3rd season with Lehigh Valley Knights Guard...and I haven't missed an Allentown show since it started in 1977...so yea...I'm hooked....

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Guess I'm one of the few who joined a corps before he ever saw one.  :worthy: First time I ever saw corps do their thing was Hershey '74 which was about 7 months after I first joined. It was also about 4 months after the first corps I joined folded.  :wub:  :wub:

To add to the weirdness, the concert side of Hershey stadium was sold out so I watched my first show from the back side with my family. Really a strange place to see your first show but pretty neat because you got to see some different things. Lets see, what made 16 year old drop his jaw and say "WOW, this is goning to be fun!!!".

Skyliners going back field on "Elks Parade" while playing FULL VOLUME. Think they were going for the echo effect off the back (concrete) stands.

Yankee-Rebels concert of "The Minstrel Show". Before each act of the Show a guy would run in front on the crowd with a card announcing each act. Last time thru, his pants would drop and show polka dot boxer shorts. (Hey the Rebs were a GE corps  :) ).  Funny thing was being able to watch a M&M judge check the guy while he hooked his pants back up. (What the #### is that judge looking for.) Also got to hear people in the crowd yell "JUDGE IT!" when two guys danced a soft shoe number (and another judge watching closely).

Hearing the crowd roar many times. Being on the other side really helped.

And of course the corps coming out with their "Take No Prisoners" style and sound of the street beats. Really thinking Cabs, Sky and Yankee-Rebels here. Soon as you heard that sound blasting thru you knew it was going to be an exciting night.

Jim I also was one of those who never saw a corps until I went to a rehersal. My band director received a flyer from the Bluewater Buccaneers and said they were having a rehearsal in Port Huron, I was curious and went. They rest, they say, is history.

What I loved about drum corps was it was different than marching band. That was the hook for me. In fact, I found marching band boring in comparison.

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Jim I also was one of those who never saw a corps until I went to a rehersal.  My band director received a flyer from the Bluewater Buccaneers and said they were having a rehearsal in Port Huron, I was curious and went.  They rest, they say, is history.

What I loved about drum corps was it was different than marching band.  That was the hook for me.  In fact, I found marching band boring in comparison.

Hey I'm not alone then :P

I was a Junior in HS and knew I was going to Community College so bye bye to playing the horn anymore. Had no idea about this "Drum Corps" that was looking for warm bodies (ANY warm bodies) but it beat putting the horn away forever.

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