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Cadets/Coats drumspeak/chant

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I'm confused.  Are you calling for an end to the criticism of The Cadets.  Or are you asking people to start criticising another corps?  Most of the comments I've read have been pretty consistent and clear.  Most people find that the drumspeak portion of the Cadets show is out of place.  Most find that the Bluecoats drumspeak fits the show better, with a fair number of people criticizing the "solo" vocal, with preference for the portion when the whole corps joins in with the "terraced" section.

Bayonne would have just played it. The snare line left handed ONLY, and the tenors faster then anyone ever did before!!!

How's that!!!!!!


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ok, so from what I have gathered here (and I say that becuase I ahven't seen either corps), Cadets are doing the drum speak with mics, and Bluecoats are not amped because the whole corps is doing it, yes?????

SO, assuming that's right ( and I know I'll be corrected, chastised and likely flamed if it's not) then how is what the bluecoats are doing differen than what Blue Devils guard did at the start of the closer last year????????

zacka wacka pooka pokka ziff a pow..........shhhhh shhhh shhh shhh


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Bluecoats start with a single amped voice just like the Cadets. The only difference (when I saw them) was that The Cadets were overamped to the point of distortion.

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My crticism comes from the June 25 APD; that's all I've heard or seen...yet. In that recording the balance of both the female speaker and the guys doing the beatbox was waaay too loud in comparison to the rest of the show. It was the most annoying thing I've heard - but mostly because it was so out of balance with everything else. That, and, based on the recording alone, it seems, well, pointless. It will be nice to see how it's changed since then; I won't get to until quarters.

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My biggest question about both:

What does it really ADD to the show?

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at wichita it seemed like cadets drumspeak section was longer than earlier in the year. not 100% sure, anyone help me out here?

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Personally it's not just the fact that both corps do drum speak, I don't like the "narration gaga" that the young lady is performing after the drum speak. I don't like any drum speak. I think that is where more of the criticism lies with the Cadets "narration gaga" ( I call it), over the Bluecoats, which is not as "offensive" (to me). It's all just plain annoying and there is no need for it.

$1 to Freddie Mercury (Radio Gaga). :)

Edited by Lancerlady
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My biggest question about both:

What does it really ADD to the show?

it adds to the sales of pain relievers


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I have not heard the Cadets drumspeak (they didn't do it when I caught a rehearsal run-through back in June) but the drumspeak the 'coats show sucks. Sorry to be so inarticulate. Everyone around me just kept looking at each other and there were giggles....I felt embarrassed for them, because this is the best version of the Bluecoats ever. The drumspeak is just not needed, and afterwards I kept thinking about how annoying it was and not remembering parts of their show I should have remembered.

I just finally heard the Coats drumspeak/ethnic chant (whatever you wanna call it).  Anyway, it did not sound too much different from what The Cadets are doing with their drumspeak during their revolution portion of the show.

I personally have not read the same criticism of Coats that I have of The Cadets when it comes to this drumspeak stuff, yet it sounds fairly the same.  Have I missed it or are The Cadets being bagged on more for something another corps is doing?

By the way, I like the drumspeak/chants, in both shows.

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Once again, it appears the DCP folk are missing the boat. By sifting through some of the responses, it appears some like what Cadets/Blooo are doing and some don't. That's fine, but don't confuse what is going on in the show with what exactly you have issues with (it's the A/E that you seem to dislike).

Funny thing about the people that don't like the Bluecoats vocalization, is that most have no idea what it is. "I hate broccoli! I've never tried it, but I know I hate it!" Kudos to whoever went down and actually talked to the guys in the pit to get the full skinny on tabla drumming.

Anyone remember the flap over the Garfield Cadets vocal AMEN back in the 70s (or was that early 80s)? They put the sign up on the podium stating they wouldn't do it because of the penalty....yadda yadda yadda. But that vocal AMEN made so much sense in that show. Penalty for vocalization soon was eliminated.

We've heard many corps since using it effectively. And that seems to be the key, it's effective use.

So when you comment on Cadets/Bloo or even BD or Cavies make sure you are not confusing your feelings on A/E with the effectiveness of the program (do you like or dislike, based upon the MUSICAL MERIT). There's nothing wrong with stating your opinion, just make sure you know what you're complaining about!

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