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Booing and not clapping

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I'm sure the weather was exhausting. We sat at the very top...However, I did the "Vanguard" yell (and scared the crap out of the guy in front of me)..he was cool about it though. :) I saw people going insane for SCV and especially Phantom. (I know we were).

Here's a thought, maybe people are just wanting to be entertained.

I did notice that Boston (for being the hometown crowd), didn't get as much as a standing o as I thought they would. I noticed a lot of shows on finals night were flat compared to semi finals.

Like Crown was awesome on semi finals, they were smoking. They were still great finals, but a little flat, and also Boston (apparently the reason for the drop). But I enjoyed all corps except for two. I stood for all of them though. The ones I didn't like I just stood up and stretched my legs and politely applauded.

But I did notice this crowd was a little...I don't know...ruder then usual. People talking, getting up and coming in during shows, stealing other people's seats. Kids in front of us making fun of certain corps.

When I was out in the club house hanging out with alumni after the show, I overheard a father telling his kids, that they aren't doing this next year, and the kid asks "Why daddy"? the man says, "Cause I'm just not enjoying this anymore."

I heard several people comment like that, I am not making that up.

The rude people are not the people to be mixed up with people who didn't like drum corps. Hope that makes sense.

Amps are a definite buzz kill, there was a guy sitting next to me who hadn't seen drum corps in 20 years and lived in Boston and saw it on the news and came, he was so excited. He was a big Blue Devils fan and was so disappointed in what he heard and saw. I felt bad for him. :( I tried to explain the changes, and the guy sitting on the other side of us was Boston Crusaders alumni and the looks on their faces when they saw some corps, was evident how they felt. I looked at peoples reactions after the shows.

Edited by Lancerlady
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Excuse me?

Tommy, I know you're full of youthful exuberance.. but the statement you just made is patently false.  The section of Cavalier fans is filled with FMMs and families of marching members and they are some of the most well informed and considerate fans I've ever met!

In fact, IN GENERAL, I think that particularly the HARDCORE fans of ANY CORPS are the ones you will see clapping and standing, even if it's not wildly appreciative.. they DO show their respect and know what's appropriate.  The section they sit in or the corps they are fans of has little to do with it.

I'm not trying to make a crack about how long you have or haven't been involved in the activity.. but I think when you've been around a little longer, you might realize that most "hardcore" fans pretty much like each other and behave with the same respect towards ALL the corps.  They aren't as divided as the debates on this (or other) forums might indicate.  We all share history and a love for the activity.. REGARDLESS of who is on top in any given year.


eh, i wasnt at finals so i cant coment on the crowd there, but from what i hear about the crowd at Indy, it was mostly cavlier fans, and they did boo the cadets quite a bit....

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My beliefs about responding to drum corps shows:

I believe that every corps should be applauded, regardless of whether I like the show. The members of that corps may not like that show, but they went out and performed it to the best of their ability. At the very least, their effort is worthy of applause. I won't stand up for every show; for me, a standing ovation is reserved for those shows which I feel deserve exceptional acknowledgment. But I'm definitely going to clap for everyone. And the last thing the corps need to hear is booing. Having marched in a corps (and especially having been on the receiving end of lukewarm crowd reaction), I can't even imagine booing any corps. I don't care how much I may dislike a show, the designers aren't the ones out on the field; it's the corps members bearing that burden.

If I don't like a particular aspect of how a show is designed, and I feel it's necessary to convey that to the corps' staff, then it's up to me to make a phone call or write a letter directly to the staff member(s) involved. That, IMO, is the only responsible way to make my opinion known. Anything else is self-centered venting, which accomplishes nothing except to make the performers out on the field feel bad. As someone who marched corps and loved the experience (but didn't love everything about it, including stuff like this), that's the last thing I want to do.

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I sat next to three Phantom age outs on finals night. When the Cadets won, they booed- I couldn't believe it. They then proceeded to yell profanities repeatedly when phantom won the brass trophy. They shut up quick though after that trophy was taken away. But of course they soon started to boo the cadets again. I'm sure every marching member has some kind of bias against another corps, but to boo any corps is just not right.

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There's another thread about people pretending to be former drum corps members. Many of the example cited involved people pretending to march Phantom.

I'm going to assume for my own sake the that "age-outs" you sat next to weren't FMMs, but rather posers. I like it better that way than to consider the possibility that someone went through a classy corps program and emerged without class.


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Actually the last corps to go on that night electrified the crowd the most... 27th Lancers Alumni.

Ain't that the truth. I recall that so clearly from the telecast. If I hadn't had the Two-Seven performance to compare it to, I might not have noticed. But as I was watching Two-Seven in exhibition, it struck me how much more enthusiastic and sustained the applause was for them, compared to the more polite, muted response I heard for the competing corps.

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