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I can't say how many nicknames came from MBI over the years, but most of them amongst our alums came from the old St. Paul Scouts. It seems that almost everyone that marched with them had some sort of nickname that was given to them by the older members when they were rookies.

Since I never marched with the Scouts, I can't put up a complete list, but most of my old drum corps cronies had them.

Among them:





Creek (Water's brother)



Jeep (as in Eugene from Popeye - his name was Gene)

Bimbo (aka, Simba, Bombo or other variations - He was Water's other brother)




Ignorant/Iggy Bob

Little Ghetto (Ghetto's brother)

Tuna (which eveolved into three-na or quad-na)

and some of the newer/non Scout ones -

Frank The Beard

Sipper (and believe me - he wasn't one)

Porkchop (my nephew)

Bufu (one of Ghetto's brothers)

Diarreah - don't ask, but you can guess

Anoka Flash ( I wonder who that one is?)

The Whippet

The Penguin / El Primo Penguino (former Director Mike Palmquist)

Tennessee Tuxedo - me- the year I marched mellophone with Palmquist..

Beasley - one of our guard ladies, who looked like the doll in Family Affair

Truck (guess what his job was)

Billy G

Johnny A


Jack Daniels (right from the bottle, baby)

Pete the Plug (a former drummer who marched a horn spot)

Doug the Plug (ex Govie lead sop who marched a year with us..it just rhymed)

Double High C Katie ( a guard instructor who marched a sop spot at DeKalb. This was coined by Jim Elvord who was judging )

Daisy Delirious

117 ( 2nd bari - that was his weight)

Big Tate

Ricky Barebutt (a former baritone player from the UP - gone too soon)

There's more, but some aren't suitable for putting here...


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I can't say how many nicknames came from MBI over the years, but most of them amongst our alums came from the old St. Paul Scouts. It seems that almost everyone that marched with them had some sort of nickname that was given to them by the older members when they were rookies.

Since I never marched with the Scouts, I can't put up a complete list, but most of my old drum corps cronies had them.

Among them:





Creek (Water's brother)



Jeep (as in Eugene from Popeye - his name was Gene)

Bimbo (aka, Simba, Bombo or other variations - He was Water's other brother)




Ignorant/Iggy Bob

Little Ghetto (Ghetto's brother)

Tuna (which eveolved into three-na or quad-na)

and some of the newer/non Scout ones -

Frank The Beard

Sipper (and believe me - he wasn't one)

Porkchop (my nephew)

Bufu (one of Ghetto's brothers)

Diarreah - don't ask, but you can guess

Anoka Flash ( I wonder who that one is?)

The Whippet

The Penguin / El Primo Penguino (former Director Mike Palmquist)

Tennessee Tuxedo - me- the year I marched mellophone with Palmquist..

Beasley - one of our guard ladies, who looked like the doll in Family Affair

Truck (guess what his job was)

Billy G

Johnny A


Jack Daniels (right from the bottle, baby)

Pete the Plug (a former drummer who marched a horn spot)

Doug the Plug (ex Govie lead sop who marched a year with us..it just rhymed)

Double High C Katie ( a guard instructor who marched a sop spot at DeKalb. This was coined by Jim Elvord who was judging )

Daisy Delirious

117 ( 2nd bari - that was his weight)

Big Tate

Ricky Barebutt (a former baritone player from the UP - gone too soon)

There's more, but some aren't suitable for putting here...


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I can't say how many nicknames came from MBI over the years, but most of them amongst our alums came from the old St. Paul Scouts. It seems that almost everyone that marched with them had some sort of nickname that was given to them by the older members when they were rookies.

Since I never marched with the Scouts, I can't put up a complete list, but most of my old drum corps cronies had them.

Among them:





Creek (Water's brother)



Jeep (as in Eugene from Popeye - his name was Gene)

Bimbo (aka, Simba, Bombo or other variations - He was Water's other brother)




Ignorant/Iggy Bob

Little Ghetto (Ghetto's brother)

Tuna (which eveolved into three-na or quad-na)

and some of the newer/non Scout ones -

Frank The Beard

Sipper (and believe me - he wasn't one)

Porkchop (my nephew)

Bufu (one of Ghetto's brothers)

Diarreah - don't ask, but you can guess

Anoka Flash ( I wonder who that one is?)

The Whippet

The Penguin / El Primo Penguino (former Director Mike Palmquist)

Tennessee Tuxedo - me- the year I marched mellophone with Palmquist..

Beasley - one of our guard ladies, who looked like the doll in Family Affair

Truck (guess what his job was)

Billy G

Johnny A


Jack Daniels (right from the bottle, baby)

Pete the Plug (a former drummer who marched a horn spot)

Doug the Plug (ex Govie lead sop who marched a year with us..it just rhymed)

Double High C Katie ( a guard instructor who marched a sop spot at DeKalb. This was coined by Jim Elvord who was judging )

Daisy Delirious

117 ( 2nd bari - that was his weight)

Big Tate

Ricky Barebutt (a former baritone player from the UP - gone too soon)

There's more, but some aren't suitable for putting here...


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I messed up. When my sister and I marched, MBI had a derogatory name of "Brass Intoxicated" because some of the members were "looped" when they marched a show. My sister's nickname was "Shorty" because she was tall for her age. Mine was "Ziggy Stardust". Don't know why I got that name but my horn instructor said it fit me.

Nuff said.

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A few that come to mind:

"Oral B". To the possible disappointment of some, she supposedly earned the nickname by brushing her teeth a lot.

"Chee-to" Our #3 bass who halfway through the first tour didn't know a lot of his parts and just "cheesed" through them. Not that I condone violence, but one night he got the living snot beat out of him as he stepped off the bus and he miraculously learned his parts. (The chaperones thought he was getting hit with pillows, but there were no pillows in those pillowcases!)

"T-Rex". The guy's name was Todd Rex, so it was a no-brainer.

"B-B-B-Brotha Rich". A 6'5" black guy in the bass line who spoke softly and had a little bit of a stutter.

"Big Bird". Really tall, skinny, kid with a big nose (beak).

"Droopy". Bass drummer who had big jowls and perpetually had a confused "huh?" kind of expression on his face.

"Fuzzy". Because of his hair.

"Stamina". Some things are better left unsaid.

...and of course, a few that would probably be censored.

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some Blue Star Nick names


Big Country


butt-cop ---> me



dr. funkenstin


KP --- transformend by age out year to --- AP

russ the love muscle



swade shorts

big lips



capt ring worm




donkey kong




uncle sam


tar baby... he came from NC




johnny cage



mom girl



ohh there is so many more but my brain is blanking out right now

Let me fill in some you left out.

Jabba.... how could you forget her?

Schlotsky/Mr Mackey.... Ummm, YOU FORGOT ME!

I called Rich C.... PAT, well you remember Greenville, Michigan. Yeah, Rich likes to "pat".

Remember Moter... He would always say "bro". Well Miller had enough of it on the bus and started to call him Manzier. (Classic Sienfield) Miller's second best nickname ever. With Kiddie Porn being the first. ( That would be KP for those not in the know).

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