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letter from board of directors from scouts site

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I hope your faith in the remaining Board members that they would't make the same mistake twice is justified. I guess we'll all see shortly.

Yea, kind of sticking my neck out on this one! Here's for "faith" and hoping they get it right! If not, I for one to say the least will be very disappointed.



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Wasn't Fiedler assistant director or corps manager under Adolph DeGrauwe for about 10 years before he took over as corps director?

Well, I know he was on visual staff.. I'm not sure there was a position of asst. director.. but either way, that wasn't the question. The question was "had he run anything substantial?".. and being an assistant director is certainly helping, but not "running" in the context of the question to which my question was a response.


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Announcement pending.

For a nationwide search.. they didn't go far.

Congrats, JS. You're a good man and I wish you well.

No offense Scribetoo, but for you to come in and sitr things up, and drop initials, and say announcement pending, is low class. If you aren't affiliated with the Scouts, leave the announcements to them. I don't know why this topic isn't closed due to your unconfirmed rumor/speculation.

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No offense Scribetoo, but for you to come in and sitr things up, and drop initials, and say announcement pending, is low class. If you aren't affiliated with the Scouts, leave the announcements to them. I don't know why this topic isn't closed due to your unconfirmed rumor/speculation.

None taken.. and I appreciate your opinion -- even if I disagree with it. :)

I made no announcement.. only that an announcement is pending (and it is). I also made no reference to anyone's name.. so I'm really not posting any rumor or speculation.. just a note of congratulations.

But again, I appreciate your opinion -- even if I disagree with it.

And you can call me by my name. I am not afraid to post it: It's Stef. Nice to meet you!

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Stef - if it's not rumor or speculation, who are you congratulating? How can you congratulate if an announcement hasn't been made? Or are you privy to inside info, and this is the feather in your cap? Come and congratulate even though you don't have the guts to post a real name. I guess I disagree with your tactics - Andy

P.S. - I'm not afraid to use my real name either. :poke:

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I guess I disagree with your tactics


Disagreement noted. :)


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Maybe it isn't Jeff Spanos - Maybe it is former Patriot and Packer Great - J.S. - John Stephens

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Stef - if it's not rumor or speculation, who are you congratulating? How can you congratulate if an announcement hasn't been made? Or are you privy to inside info, and this is the feather in your cap? Come and congratulate even though you don't have the guts to post a real name. I guess I disagree with your tactics - Andy

P.S. - I'm not afraid to use my real name either. :poke:

I too am not afraid to use my real name - I am acn's twin brother Matt

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Maybe it isn't Jeff Spanos - Maybe it is former Patriot and Packer Great - J.S. - John Stephens

Maybe it's Captain Jack Sparrow ... heck, one guess is as good as the next, right?


Besides, he's got good business savy as well:

"The only rules that really matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can't do. For instance, you can accept that your father was a pirate and a good man or you can't. But pirate is in your blood, boy, so you'll have to square with that some day. And me, for example, I can let you drown, but I can't bring this ship into Tortuga all by me onesies, savvy? So, can you sail under the command of a pirate, or can you not?"

So I say he's hired.

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