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The 2006 Cavaliers.

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Maybe that's because the "high brass" isn't awarded to the book's arranger. It's awarded to the best brass line. The brass line has control over one thing and one thing only -- how well they perform what is written for them.

That's why it's called "High Brass" not "High Horn Book."


lets remember that next year when it comes to Cavies GE numbers...

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In a lot of aspects I agree with you, when adding this years PR and Cavies to my all time lists, both shows are in high amongst my top twenty all time....Phantom Regiments show was nothing short of incredible and in some ares did come close or surpass Cavies. As a whole, in my opinion, is where I feel the Cavaliers are/were untouchable. Phantom Would come on , perform, you would drop your jaw, get goosebums and wonder what on earth is going to beat that, and then Cavaliers would come out and do their their thing and you would say "oh" ...and that would be it.

When Im making these statements, I am takng nothgin away from the epic spectacle that is/was the 2006 Phantom Regiment, technically, I like them better than Cavaliers. I just cant deny the complete package that 2006 Cavaliers are.


We're pretty much on the same page. Phantom was my favorite show and the show I was pulling for to win. It was incredible and, IMO, the total package. However, you are right, I'd feel that way and then see Cavies and, well, end up feeling that I could understand it if Cavies beat Phantom (although I continued to pull for the upset). I just differ slightly because I think Phantom (and BD in some respects, but this show for me was a more distant 3rd) gave Cavies a run for its money and by splitting captions I don't see the domination you see in the show. However, once again, Cavies show was great.

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I personally think gold clashes with their uniforms. But what can ya do.

I guess you could graciously accept your second place and congratulate the Cavaliers on their win.

OR--you could post how "easy" and "unemotional" their show was and only fit for high-school age girls. :unsure:

I'm hoping you take the high road.

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oh... well now that we're all friends again...

I thought Phantom was AWESOME, too. It was an especially great contest between the top two this year...

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It isn't too far off to say that this year the Cavaliers were approachable caption-wise, though...relative to some other seasons corps have had (Blue Devils 1994, anyone? :P).

I really do think that given another few days, it could have went any which way between Cavaliers, BD and Phantom.

In the long run, as a fan of the activity, does it really matter who wins?

Most of us have DVD's and CD's to remember the season by...I usually pick my "winner" by the number of times I listen to their show.

So far, it's Crown. :)

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What impressed me and satisfied me completely is the fact that the top two corps this year told a story completely through the use of their music and visual capabilities and needed no words or microphones to do it.

In the age of amplification/micc'd singing...Cavaliers and Phantom Regiment (among others) reached, touched, and communicated with the audience and not one word was needed, thats what drum and bugle corps is all about.

Bravo to them both.


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Jumps on the phantoms brass was/is better bandwagon

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I guess you could graciously accept your second place and congratulate the Cavaliers on their win.

OR--you could post how "easy" and "unemotional" their show was and only fit for high-school age girls. :unsure:

I'm hoping you take the high road.

I was being facetious. I guess I need to use b**bs :P b**bs :P faces like that to clarify. I havent said anything cross about them anywyas.

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Watching the show on ESPN made me appreciate all the more what The Cavaliers did this season. Definitely the best brass out there.

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