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The 2006 Cavaliers.

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...oh, wait.

Oops. This goes in the "Domino Nation" thread.


ba-dop... crash!

good one... :worthy: :mmm:

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No one is arguing whether or not Cavaliers won, or deserved to. The word "dominating" is the issue. IMO, they were not dominating.

Here are examples of dominating:

2002 Cavaliers

2005 Cadets

1994 Blue Devils

1972 Miami Dolphins

1985 Chicago Bears

1998 Chicago Bulls

Kobe Bryant scoring 81 points and sitting out 6 minutes

Wilt Chamberlain, on 2 March 1962, scoring 100 points

Dennis Eckersley in 1990 with the Oakland A's

Eric Gagne and 84 consecutive saves

These are examples of domination.


One entry found for dominate.

Main Entry: dom·i·nate

Pronunciation: 'dä-m&-"nAt

Function: verb

Inflected Form(s): -nat·ed; -nat·ing

Etymology: Latin dominatus, past participle of dominari, from dominus master; akin to Latin domus house -- more at DOME

transitive verb

1 : RULE, CONTROL <an empire that dominated the world>

2 : to exert the supreme determining or guiding influence on <the ambition that has dominated his life>

3 : to overlook from a superior elevation or command because of superior height or position <a hill that dominates the town>

4 a : to be predominant in <sugar maples dominate the forest> b : to have a commanding or preeminent place or position in <name brands dominate the market>

intransitive verb

1 : to have or exert mastery, control, or preeminence

2 : to occupy a more elevated or superior position

- dom·i·na·tive /-"nA-tiv/ adjective

- dom·i·na·tor /-"nA-t&r/ noun


Cavaliers waltzed into Madison and Dominated the competition, battling their closest competitors three nights in a row and staying in control and in charge all three nights. They did their thing and were rewarded superiority all three nights,. They dominated the competition finals week.


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Cavaliers did not have "a superior elevation or command", and did not "have a commanding or preeminent place or position" in quite a few subcaptions, which make up the overall score.

GE Music, GE Visual, Brass, Percussion, etc, were all up in the air. Cavies may have had first all three nights, but they were not dominant. Please choose another word to support your argument. Yes Cavaliers won, no one is arguing that. Give the word "domination" a rest because no one was dominant this year.

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GE Music, GE Visual, Brass, Percussion, etc, were all up in the air. Cavies may have had first all three nights, but they were not dominant. Please choose another word to support your argument. Yes Cavaliers won, no one is arguing that. Give the word "domination" a rest because no one was dominant this year.


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Cavaliers won 90% of their shows this year.

If any team in professional or collegiate sports won 90% of their games (equivalent to a 146-16 record in baseball, for ex), sports writers would probably use the "D" word to describe it. Seems to me that there are two tracks on this, and they're running parallel without realizing they're not the SAME track. From a competitive standpoint, it's hard to argue that anyone who can win 27 of 30 isn't 'dominating' their sport. If you're going to captions, and saying "yeah, but they lost a few captions here and there, and were close on others", to my mind it's like trying to say (in the baseball analogy) "yeah, but the losing team still had a few innings in which they outscored the winners."

What counts in the end if the final tally, and on that front, Rosemont had a pretty dominating year, competition-wise.

Edited by mobrien
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What counts in the end if the final tally, and on that front, Rosemont had a pretty dominating year, competition-wise.

...and so, we can argue now that every corps has a "dominating" season, since most of the time Cavaliers, Cadets or Blue Devils will lose during a championship season two or three times, and most likely, every DCI winning corps in the past few years has went 26-4, 27-3 or some minor variation thereof.

I really think the only way true "dominance" can be measure is an undefeated season. Those are hard to come by in our little world. :)

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Every corps spends the year in different stages of developement, overcoming various hurdles, rewrites, hosing of sections, and constantly trying to adapt to judges feedback. Usually all focused on Finals, where the road comes to an end. Being in front all year is one kind of domination. Winning by a substantial margin in Finals could be considered another. Winning every caption in finals could be another. Within the overall scores, there can be caption domination. For example, BD guard was undefeated all year, certainly a type of domination.

Usually the corps that wins quarters, or prelims back in the day, goes on to the championship. That happens more times than not, but winning all three nights can be seen by some as another form of domination.

What it comes down to after 30+ pages, is a debate over what domination is to you, and that is still opinion.

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GE Music, GE Visual, Brass, Percussion, etc, were all up in the air.

Percussion was hardly up in the air.

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There was no way anybody was going to come close to this corps...

(and this is NOTHING against Phantom and Blue Devils)

Seeing this show live was just unbelieveable, being in Madison to witness the final three performances of this breathtaking show was remarkable, but......to revisit this show weeks later and on TV no less, this show was just downright phenomenal. In a league of their own. No matter how unbelievable Phantom and BD were, there was just no touching the Cavaliers this year. Nevermind "weaknesses", when you look at the entire corps , the entie show, the entire performance..the 2006 Cavaliers stand alone as the best corps. I never have seen a drill so musical (except maybe 2000 Cavaliers) They did it again, the perfect marriage of music and movement with sharp execution and outstanding performance level.

This show was outstanding in its storytelling and setting the mood. The end of the show is kind of a homage to those suspense/thriller movies as the humans are turned into robots and that music fits perfect. Nevermind the nonsense that this corps doesnt play music. This musical bnook is accesible, hummable and full of emotion and dynamics.

The drill is loaded with special effects, wow moments and breathtaking maneuvers. Unexpected sets, suprise transitions, what staging and guard integration..nobody, does it better.

Outstanding in all areas of performance and showmanship....this corps has it all, what a treat to have been able to see it and then get to experience it again tonight.

To the 2006 Cavaliers, corps, staff, members...thank you, this is drum corps, this is exciting, this is entertainment, dominance, innovation, and I hope it just keeps coming !!!!


Cavaliers-wow! I saw the show live together with my wife, who is not a drum corps fan :( but after watching the Cavs show, she wants to watch again next year :)

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The point I was trying to make about the visual GE judge is that it was the same person, both times The Cavaliers lost visual G.E. It's not as if I'm the only person shaking my head at that.

I will freely admit that it would make MUCH more sense for Phantom to have won Music GE and Cavaliers Vis Ge.

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