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Is DCA dead?

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No one believes that DCA was out to screw anyone (at least on this issue) What is undisputable is that DCA could have done a better job or as many have said postponed prelims until after the Alumni Spectacular. Anything I think was better than performing in conditions that were the worst ever in my memory. Conditions Mike you didnt march in. This is one of those march a mile in my soggy Dinkles situations. Sorry you just cant relate.

Au Contrair Dan.

June, 2003. Waterbury show. The show lived up to its name.

As we marched on (not in uniform, as the actual competetion was cancelled, but corps were asked to do exhibitions), the rain was harder and harder, to the point of a monsoon. Jim Russo was in the stands in a white jacket, and you couldn't see him because of the rain. I couldn't see 5 feet in front of me as my glasses were fogged and steamed. So I *CAN* relate to horrible conditions, and have marched in them.

Should DCA have cancelled the show entirely? Possibly. But, if you propose prelims on Sun after the alumni, when do you hold finals? Monday?

Its lose-lose for everyone involved.

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Hey Mike...

Everyone should have marched without any pants on!!!

It worked for us at the Dream Contest in 1979!!!!!! :-)

See ya soon, bro!


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i keep trying to get him to stop by <_<

really i do Jim. :)

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What is this "sun" you speak of? there was no sun in our performance.......there may have been SLIGHTLY less rain, but there was definately no sun......I know...I was on the field performing at the time!

:rolleyes: The only sun that came out the entire weekend was during the Yankee Rebels performance at the Alumni Classic. How did we get so lucky?? :laugh:

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:rolleyes: The only sun that came out the entire weekend was during the Yankee Rebels performance at the Alumni Classic. How did we get so lucky?? :laugh:


I think that we also had a slight bit of sunshine during our Bridgemen performance.

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Should DCA have cancelled the show entirely? Possibly. But, if you propose prelims on Sun after the alumni, when do you hold finals? Monday?

in that case, make teh comp a one-shot...no prelims, everyone's in for finals. KINDA similar to 87 when finals was cancelled and the prelims scores stood as the final results.

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I don't see why people think Prelims 2006 should have been cancelled.

It was the worst weather ever, but the field was not dangerous.

Unpleasant, yes. Dangerous, no.

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...What I have a problem with is that there were very few people that saw the best show of the season. And there weren't any pictures taken, and the video makes the art of forms and shapes almost pointless as the distortions in what did get recorded have their own interpretations. And all this during the pinacle of the season, the DCA championship weekend. If this is the best that DCA has to offer, then the title is of this thread is very appropriate.


For some people the nearest corps is 500 miles, if not more, away. It would be nice to know with some degree of certainty that if they choose to go the distance(literally) to perform with a corps, or start their own corps, and compete at the DCA championship. That they will at least get a single on field photo of the corps they chose to march out of the deal. Regardless of the weather, or other performance conditions. There's no do over for 2006. But maybe someone at DCA could stand up and say it will NEVER happen like that again. But so far no one has. It's okay, understandible, acceptable given the conditions. Let it happen again and again and again, it's okay. No one buys the pictures or watch the videos anyway, it's okay.

I don't know if you know anything about media, but let's take sound recording for an example. When you take a sound and pass it through a microphone, the sound is converted into electric energy and sent to the next part of the process, usually the mixer. Mixer's often supply certain microphones with an additional 48 volts known as Phantom Power. This is done for a variety of reasons. Next stop, for DCA purposes would be 2 places...one signal be sent to a Digital recorder like a DVD-R, DAT machine, or maybe even just a redbook CD. The other signal would be sent to the video camera (which has many small parts like sound equipment that all would be ruined if water got in there.)

So you see, rain and recording equipment don't mix well, since it is essentially water vs. electricity. Water usually wins that fight. As for photos, do me a favor, next time it is pouring rain and heavy wind, stand outside for 15 minutes at a time with your digital camera, if you have one, and take numerous pictures of anything, traffic, people running, whatever. When you do that, post the pictures on a thread at DCP. If you don't, me and the rest of the people sick of hearing you complain about what no one could have changed will know that you get our point.

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and with few exceptions, prelim performances were apparently better than the finals show, according to the scores.

Just because a score is higher, doesn't mean the show was better. Just means another group of people felt that is what the scores should be. For instance, I would say (and I'm speaking on behalf of me only, and not the rest of my corps) that even though we were only 1 of 2 corps that scores went up between the 2 performances, that our better show was Prelims.

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