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Everything posted by cymbal_steve

  1. 15 pages at default settings or max post per page, cause I'm only on page 5.
  2. Yes, there was. I was a staff member for every year they were out. It will be a little weird to hear scores for another Riptide.
  3. Russian spy, Do you have any real info or just things that are rumor or that you have heard?
  4. My phone hasn't exactly been ringing off the hook with offers... But with a kid/wife/job now, I don't see myself going back on tour. Not to think that I would single handedly return anything to a former glory.
  5. You're too kind. And yes, different meanings for different techniques. And Texas, where's my cookie?
  6. Thread deja vu? I voted no minimum. I'm getting 9 cymbal players out there and we'll be a corps. The Steve-ettes. I actually wrote an piece for cymbals based off of old rap tunes. Ice Ice Baby was the opener...hmm....
  7. I can't believe this has stayed open this long.
  8. Yacco's Hot Dogs. The best. There is also a bar up a little hill behind Yacco's. Lot's of staff hang there. I can't remember the name of it.
  9. So, if JJ had them in line with all the other scores that were already given, people would be saying he's slotting. He makes a call as he heard it, and now he needs new ears. Darned if you do...
  10. Any of you X-men folks happen to know the corps schedule for Saturday? My mother in law is a stones throw from Twin Valley and I was hoping to stop by rehearsal.
  11. Drums or Guard? I've never heard of this.
  12. I'd love to see Coats take it home, but don't forget about Phantom...
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