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NeoCervantes II

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Everything posted by NeoCervantes II

  1. NOOOOOOOooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!111111111oneoneoneone
  2. Ned: Whatcha diddely-doin', neighbor? Homer: Puttin' speed holes in BK's drums. Makes 'em go faster.
  3. Not to mention the joke that it turned into in allowing everything but Kitchen Sink I&E into the mix... (says the proud woodwind player who would never, ever...ever have considered trying to get a DCI I&E title on a woodwind instrument if it had been around then...)
  4. Too ... many ... thoughts for one ... post ... -You call that SoundSport, just wait until you see the Ayala Winter Oboeline!! -Trombones!!! Now we just need unicycle! And a jetpack. -I remember a thread a couple years back that timed how long brasslines played vs length of show...
  5. You remember renting a pair of these as part of your "back stands" experience:
  6. Ok, then these are some of the numbers I think are really interesting. That makes a 13% increase in staff spending from 08 to 09, and a 32% increase over the two years! What is this, the housing bubble? This is what is driving th G7 proposal as far as I can see. An additional $167,000? That's like asking each member to pay another $1,000 to line your pockets! Of course we can't do that, so we have to take a bigger market share from other corps. Anyone wanna challenge me on this? Cause I would love to be wrong!
  7. Is this the instructional staff or am I off base here?
  8. I believe that Cadets 2000: "We are the Future", secretly subtitled 'A G1 Fantasia', was actually Hopkins first attempt at breaking away from the fold. The ballad you are referring to: "Money, Money, Money" was to have painted a beautiful and vivid picture of how this ridiculously outmoded youth activity could be replaced by staff buses with gold rims and million dollar whims. However, in late January of that year, he got a clandestine call from across the continent. No one knows exactly what was said during that conversation, but as urban legend has it, a young intern did overhear one short snippet before the door to Hopkins office was shut: "...Dude, ixnay on the oldgay imsray...". SLAM! How do I know?!?! I WAS THAT INTERN! ::Cue dramatic music:: End scene
  9. I just googled "gross receipts", not knowing what that meant, and was taken to an article that said that non-profits must include insurance payouts in gross receipts, which led me to a half-remembered story: Wasn't BDs corps hall broken into a couple years back? Tried to find the news article, but no luck. Time to go to bed. Anyone else remember this?
  10. I just thought of something: the way that they do not start the season with full panels. The ability to slide that earlier or later at least gives then some degree of control in this area.
  11. Yeah, but Ho...I mean Vader still destroyed Alderan with it....
  12. G7? Isn't it G6 now? I mean, Cavaliers were supposed to have been a hold out to the G7 proposal back in 2010, no? You think Hopkins and Gibbs would let them back at the table so easily after last year? They already ordered the heavy oak, gold scroll-work Hexagonal table for the new headquarters... (and the 6 high backed thrones, 6 sets of platinum tableware, 6 personal servants with tabards embroidered with very specific logos; not to mention the castle that is being built as their headquarters)
  13. I for one am very interested to see the comparison of the $ figures spent on staffing from corps to corps. I would think that the more money spent (as opposed to the percentage of total expenses) might yield a more competative edge? I have felt for a few years now that it is particularly this area is driving the G7 proposal more than anything. I don't know that I begrudge people trying to make a legitimate income for what is pretty hard work (touring that is, especially if you have a family), but I don't know that I feel it is right for people to be getting "rich" off it either. Would you mind including your analysis where you divided the total compensation by the total staff for each corps as well as you go along? Though I know it does not show the top and bottom salaries, it might yield some interesting data. Perhaps I am wrong about staffing costs. Thank you again!
  14. What kind of stick-your-head-in-the-sand idiots rated this topic anything less than 5 stars? I demand to know! Great job to the OP! Keep it coming! I can't wait until we get to the corps themselves!
  15. I think I must respectfully disagree. It seems to me that Michael Gaines was a magic staffer for the Cavaliers who was able to direct the process even in the absence of Saucedo. Without him there to direct the design process and fix the problems, it would seem to me that the rest of the very similar design staff was not able to hold up the same quality level this past year. Does that sound about right?
  16. I found the following statement from the following article to be really enlightening regarding some of the complaints of extreme front ensemble volumes from certiain corps. The answer is, of course, that they are not mixing for you, but rather, for the guys and gals in the box. Given that fact, does this not make the front seats down low (that used to be fantastic for those that loved in your face brass) relatively worthless? http://www.astralsound.com/vertical_pattern.htm "In free air, sound levels diminish at the rate of 6dB for every doubling of distance. If we take 1m in front of the speaker as our reference (0dB) point, we can see that direct sound from the speaker is 24dB lower at the back of the hall. If the speakers are producing a level of 110dB (SPL) at 1m, the direct level at the back is only 86dB. Most rock & roll audiences would not be impressed with dinner-dance volume. To get 110db at the back, you would - literally - deafen the audience at the front." I suppose that the brass sound would diminish as well, so perhaps I have answered my own question? But if you are sitting within the angle of dispersion of the speakers, between the speakers and the box,, you could be in for a rough ride that they guy ten yards down would not be experiencing. Anyone else have any thoughts on this?
  17. 2011 - Most interesting top 12 across the entire recap, and who could forget those amazingly diverse recaps!
  18. 80's gear by the barrel! - contact cavaliers@cavaliers.com Does your lover like Pajamas and Van Gogh? Skip Pajama-gram! - e-mail us @ starynight@SCV.org! Synthesizers, Synthesizers, Synthesizers! - contact 1-800-Blue-Knights (crosses fingers) Certain Japanese vending companies have already called Spirit...sorry boys Cojones! - contact Blue Devils @ 1-900-Blue-Devils Cojones...of STEEL! - call Carolina Crown @ 911
  19. Question: "When did music arrangements start getting so complex?" Answer: When it started being referred to as music DESIGN rather than composition or arrangement.
  20. Sure thing, I thought we were talking mostly about the BD negativity on DCP.
  21. Are you serious? I remember people RAILING against that show! (I loved it by the way). There were comments like: "Cavaliers Opener 'Melody' has a ridiculous lack of it" And "If they keep writing the drill before the music and winning, this is going to kill drum corps" Note: an interview with Michael Gaines later revealed that they never wrote the drill before the music. Some people definitely loved it at the time, but there were definitely some major haters as well.
  22. The possibility of what I am about to mention just occurred to me, but does anyone else think that it is possible that the Cadets change in course (which ultimately last year delivered the amazing and relatively traditional Angels and Demons) had anything to do with all the animosity toward them during their "progressive" years?
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