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Everything posted by ajwdad

  1. You said it!! I think that DCI should move the championships around the country and try to get a lot more fans. But, would I ever like to see shows on the west coast in August and late July!
  2. You certainly use a lot of words to describe the "nothing" that you got from this show...
  3. #1. they read the posts on DCP, switch uniforms with SCV and win with a perfect score to thunderous applause. But, on Sunday, mass suicide happens with DCP forum members figure out what happened and drink drug laced koolaide in a despondent group session coordinated by .....
  4. I was not there last year... So, I have no perspective based on prior years. But, based on shows in So. Cal, and No. Cal, I think that this was the least well attended. I also want to point out that several shows that I attended were basically Open Class, and All Age with almost no world class corps. What I will say on the positive side, is that the venues for practice and the local people are wonderful. I would love to see DCI move the championships around and try to get more widespread attendance. The current set of shows seem like they may be ok for WC, but not for open. And I would argue that even the west coast WC corps fans get the short end of the stick. IE, Vanguard's and BD's shows were not complete before they left CA, and even BDB has a lot of changes. Crusaders have improved wonderfully, and their home fans don't get to enjoy them live and loud later in the season.
  5. This was the poorest attended show that I have been to this year. Tiny venue, and still not full. At least in so Cal, without a major corp, the place was fairly full, and a much larger venue. Definitely one of the reasons that I am a fan of Drum Corp, but not DCI!
  6. Some people, maybe lots of people, will not like this show. They did not like the original music either. As for the visual, again, a matter of taste. But for me, the blend of the visual discontinuity matches the music well, and they perform it at an amazing level. My hint, take a look at how the city of glass (mirrors) imagery is reflected in the show, and in what each of the pods are performing. I really like this show, and it is my second favorite behind last years 1930. Way different, way advanced and impeccably performed. Oh yeah, also think of how you would teach such a show, or teach last year's show when you may have people out, that were supposed to move props etc... Unbelievable!
  7. You have got to me kidding. This has been discussed to death.
  8. Don't forget about Santa Clara Vanguard Cadet. 2 big fish. Great rivalry. but, BDB has come a very long ways in 5 years.
  9. Good points. Here are some more. There are a bunch of world class corps that just don't compete for titles. So, my question is why is that division so large? For instance, Teal was a very good OC Core. Jersey Surf, same comment. I could name a lot more, but, both Teal and Surf were OC very recently. And they are not going to compete with the top 5 in WC for titles anytime very soon. As for BDB, they just started competing in finals in the last 5 years. Certainly, they have done well, but they have won exactly 1 title, and look to win their second this year. SCVC has won 2 times... one as Div II and once as OC. So, while the comments articulated above are true, they also have only been true for the last 3 or so years. As for a solution, make the money as good for OC and WC. And don't let anyone bolt before they have at least won a title. But, DCI has other priorities.
  10. Kind of like this reply. But, BD 2010 will not easily be forgotten if only for the amazing amount of criticism generated. So, No, and no
  11. this is very well spoken. My kids in corp definitely are focused, get it, and deliver a work ethic that is impressive. Having said that, they definitely do things differently that BITD. But, to underestimate their intensity or dedication would be folly.
  12. Interesting. A show can be memorable for lots of reasons. But, to win, it should be "wicked clean" as that is the agreed upon judging criterion, or at least better than the field. To be memorable... Just has to have the connection with person watching or listening. Watching Phantom in 2008, clearly, was a visual treat. Not because it was clean, but because it was a great story line, acting, and even had a twist at the end. I have seen this show in person 4 times, and on VoD at least another 10 times. But, I don't remember any of the music, just the story, the goose-stepping, etc... Frankly, I would not listen to it ever. But watching it is a pure treat. From a visual perspective, I tend to like the new and the corps that push the boundaries. Phantom 2008 did that, as did BD in 09 and 10. But, that is highly subjective, and I think that the judges are to objectively apply the criterion as they score the competition. To do less would cheapen the activity. I disagree about the lack of emotion with the crowd, at least if this forum is any measurement. In this forum, I see a tremendous amount of emotion. Just not the happy, stand-up-and-cheer kind. But emotion just the same. Some stated that they were driven to wretch.
  13. Are you trying to be antagonistic? To take the other view, NO it is not bad for a front runner. Undefeated seasons are good for every other sport or activity. Team dominance, while short-lived, has been good for basketball, football, and baseball. There is a HS football team near here, name is De La Salle, went undefeated for 5 years or so. It was great for both them and their competition. When the Miami Dolphins went undefeated, it was good for football. There are too many games in most other sports for there to be undefeated seasons, but team dominance works very well for the NBA. But your entire question assumes either total dominance, or a fix. Since I don't really believe either is the case, and neither do the other competitors, we will just have to have the competition anyway. In spite of your attitude and feelings.
  14. First of all, we don't know who will win finals. That is why we have the competition. If the competition were fixed so that the winner was predetermined ( like wrestling ), then yes it would suck. It would also fail to be a competition. This year, lots of people on this thread have conceded finals to BD, but I guarantee that the other corps have not. We should not here either.
  15. yep, that happy days are here again (fill your beer mug up with gin again) just doesn't cut it.
  16. 1. Blue Devils 96.350 +0.900 8/04 2. Carolina Crown 93.350 +0.450 8/05 3. The Cadets 93.350 +0.900 8/05 4. Bluecoats 93.250 -0.500 8/05 5. Cavaliers 92.650 +0.250 8/05 6. Phantom 90.900 +1.050 8/05 This shows exactly what I have been excited about all season. IMO, things get really tight towards the end of year due to both improvements, and to a 100 pt limit. In fact, i think that score inflation actually makes things closer. But, take a look at this data. Crown, Cadets tied (head to head), Bluecoats back 0.1 (separate competition) and Cavies and Phantom above 90. What a season!! Anything can happen with scores this close and corps this competitive. While I still want BD to win, after all that is the nature of a fan, the race is very hot!
  17. I don't agree. Music is extremely important, so is marching, pageantry, and percussion. Ok, so percussion is also music. But, if all you want is music, go to a band concert or symphony. The music is far better at the symphony in terms of dynamics, sound etc... And no synths. Drum corp is all of it, put together in unique ways.... Sometimes, it is incredible, and sometimes it does not work that well... But it is far more than just music.
  18. I honestly think "who cares." I hate the sound in the dome. Way too live.
  19. I believe that they are gone, had some difficulties off the field. And Modesto has been hit very hard with this ongoing financial crisis.
  20. I think that Bartok is much more like wild boar. very strong indeed.
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