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Everything posted by Sutasaurus

  1. I resemble that demographic and I can't wait to see how the corps does with this vehicle. I have every faith in the staff and members they will surprise and delight a lot of fans. SUTA.
  2. Methinks Chaos is picking off where he left off last year.....I thought you were going to go find another corps to be positive about?
  3. I'm so excited for the 2014 members. From what I can tell, these members look quite capable. Can't wait to see how this show unfolds. SUTA!!!
  4. 1000 Airplanes on the roof! 2007 Regiment
  5. Thanks. This kinda sums up what I'm trying to say. Give the idea a chance to take shape before you write it off.
  6. Well that's just a shame now isn't it??? Can't say I'm really surprised after reading all that came from you last season. Enjoy your new corps.
  7. Regiment's "Guardgirl fights evil Queen Joan and Suta-saurus," I'm too old to march......
  8. Normy, Haters gonna hate. I'm very excited for the Regiment. I think there is some potential here. Just let it develop without the negativity of certain contributors. People came down hard on Don Hill when he came in 2012 before he even put pen to paper!!!!!! Don helped the Turandot program rise to the top. Let's hope his reunion with Kuhn and others will bring further success to the Regiment organization.
  9. Well, you're certainly entitled to your opinion. And we all know what they say about opinions.....they're like noses. Everyone has one and they all smell.
  10. I am Dino hear me roar!,,,,,,, I'm kinda amazed at certain folks who start harping on stuff that happened almost a quarter of a century ago......like it has any bearing on what is relevant today! They bluster about it to an audience who is so young they have to take their opinion as fact. I stand by what I said about Mr. Wooten. He is a very talented man and Regiment is a better organization for the contributions he made to the corps. Mr. Gwaltney is also a fine musician. Was his style of writing complimentary to the horn book? I'm not sure the styles blended very well. That could be why this year's production had flow issues. I wish Mr. Gwaltney continued success in all his endeavors. He is part of a new generation of arrangers who will continue to evolve the activity. I wish him only the best. Looking to the future, I see lots of opportunity and talent Regiment can draw from. Let's hope the organization stays true to it's identity while designing fresh approaches to classical programming. Roar off
  11. He's an amazing musician and a great instructor. I think Bret would be a great choice.
  12. I have a friend of a friend who is a cousin of an ex DCI judge who said just the opposite. So my view is much more accurate than yours Mr Ream. Were you on the field that night in 1989? Maybe your perspective would be a little different had you been privy to some of the dynamics going on that time. Put simply, you weren't. I would be willing to trust the opinion of someone who was actually there much more than someone who is listening to a twenty four year old recording. I was there, I heard it with my own ears. There was no tanking.......
  13. Excuse me, but John has more class than to lock horns with someone who SHOULD have been an instructor. We have so many experts on this venue. Gosh, if only half of these folks put as much effort in instructing as they do in telling everyone else how to run their programs. Sure, I agree there needs to be some changes in programming/ staff but bit(hing about water under the bridge isn't helping the cause. I personally would love to have John back in the staff. What an incredible educator. Isn't that what drum corps is about? Learning?
  14. Great! You're the person I can complain to for the season not going according to plan?
  15. That was a meaningful contribution. Wow. Thanks
  16. You have a very similar brashness to someone you're itchin' to replace.
  17. I'm anxious to see what revisions have been made to the show since Dekalb......I hope the brass scores improve over what they were given in Buffalo.
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