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Everything posted by UWGKKpsi

  1. CorpsVets has had people come and go from DCI quite often. We currently have CV alum marching at Teal Sound, Spirit, Pioneer, Phantom, Scouts, Memphis, and probably a few other places. Not to mention the people who have come to CV from places like Teal, Spirit, Southwind, etc. DCA is a good place to start. Just make sure you go somewhere with good teachers and it never hurts to have a close relationship with a DCI corps like CV does with Spirit and Teal!
  2. One of the best things I've heard in a while. I don't see why people argue whether DCI or DCA is better, they both have an equally important role in the marching arts. If you're a fan of drum corps it should be simple... support drum corps. The music doesn't stop when you're 21. DCA may not be able to put as complicated of a show on the field but the product has the same amount of emotion and feeling poured into it by the performers regardless of level. I honestly hope the videos shown in the DCA Finals thread have at least caused people to give all-age corps a second thought.
  3. CV... will answer what I can remember (should be close enough for Govt work) 16 Sops 8 Mello 8 Contra 10 Bari/Yoof 42 Brass 5 Snare 2 Tenor 5 Bass 6 Front Ensemble 18 Percussion 28 Guard Total of 88 if I remember correctly.
  4. Does anyone know what the penalties are that SS has gotten consistently at every show?
  5. Really depends on how you look at it... Troy to Douglasville is 188 miles and 3:15. (CV) Troy to Alpharetta is 221 miles and 3:36. (Alliance) It is all interstate to Alpharetta so time-wise it is about the same because to get to CV you have to exit the interstate in Newnan.
  6. Go Blazers? I hope you don't mean VSU Blazers.... seriously, wtf!
  7. I think Americanos would be in my top 10 missing corps.
  8. According to roommate on the CV drumline, CV's old snares were sent to a school in the midwest and the tenors and bass drums still sit in our storage facility. I remember seeing the old carriers in the trailer at our practice site.
  9. I know its DCA, but it was still really good. Music City Legend 2007: Joe Murphy played notes I did not know a Contra could play...
  10. Nowhere did it say you can't try again. He's saying that there is no harm in marching in a "back-up" drum corps and then trying for your "dream corps" the next year. I really don't see why people are so cynical on here. It should be understood that the answer is not the same for others. Get off the guys back, he's stating his heart-felt opinion on the subject. No reason to jump down his throat and be a jerk about it.
  11. Not a big fan of the 07 Blue Stars. Too easy to ruin a visual with the half white/half blue. One person angled wrong in a company front or in a form and the desired effect is ruined.
  12. I'm surprised most people have CV slipping a spot. You'd think we'd at least maintain position! I thought we had a 5 year contract on 9th place :-p
  13. I know some of you guys learned that, but it just looks so weird and different to me. Mainly on the mark time going into a forward move. I'd so screw that up somehow...
  14. Tom, I found this and felt it might be a good representation of what a DCA corps can do. It is Westshoremen from 1996, and was their DCI Championship performance. It should be pretty close to their final product since it was just a few weeks before their DCA Finals performance. Westshoreman 1996
  15. Hello, I'm mainly a lurker but felt obligated to post about this topic. I strongly feel that DCA can provide an alternative for people who cannot afford the time or the money for a summer tour. This would also be good for any DCI corps that have trouble funding a full tour. However, it has to be a choice of the DCI corps in question to take this step. I know that the Corpsvets have a budget of less than $100,000 and are able to put a pretty good product on the field year after year. I can also see where a DCI corps may not want to take this as an option. Unfortunately DCA is sometimes seen as a lesser product, which I feel is mainly because it is less widely known. It may be viewed as a status thing where DCI is the end-all be-all to a lot of high school band members. I know people at my university who can spout off the score to any DCI final but have no bloody clue what DCA is. In response to somebody asking how many people in DCA mystery corps X has people of DCI age, the response was about 5% I believe. In the Atlanta Corpsvets, we have about 30 people who are under 22 (about 30% of the corps population). We also have around 35-40 people with previous DCI experience (about 40%). The remainder are people like me who have no prior drum corps experience of who have decided only to march DCA.
  16. Give the Univ. of West Ga a glance before your final decision!
  17. It really depends I think on the airline. I've flown my instrument on AirTran a few times and I've never had a problem. Seems to be plenty of room in their overhead bin for a trombone and they let you bring a personal item and a carryon. Check with the airline itself to see if they have any rules regarding instruments.
  18. AirTran Airways services Rochester directly from Atlanta and Baltimore, and it's usually fairly inexpensive. They also connect through Atlanta and Baltimore from many other cities.
  19. Was curious why Shenandoah Sound wasn't included on here. I know they haven't announced their show yet, but last I checked they're a DCA corps! (Forgive me if I overlooked the answer, there is a lot to read through.)
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