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Everything posted by SPINCYCLE

  1. OH Man ! sorry for spelling...lol But No winning is not eveything and probably more life lessons i n losing , just not fun after a while
  2. Sorry if it came off that way, Didn't mean it to BUT probably I have lost more than one and I do get what you are saying
  3. I actually do know some members of Teal as well as staff BUT..you could be right. I would most certainly agree with you there.
  4. Many aspects I agree , as far as the kids ...no sorry......but i do appreciate YOUR opinion
  5. I think a few of us here are merely stating that although DCI will deam a WC corps based on finance ect ect and a corps which may be teal or any other may fit the criteria for WC this does not necessarily make it world class corps . Now depending on what side of this discussion you are standing on , both have merit. The finance part of this is where so many fail and we've all seen those corps and their vision of grandeur and how this put them right out of exsistance. Some of us closer to that situation than others! So a corps that can be solvent in these days needs to be commended for sure. NOW the other side of this We also have seen the corps that have those rose colored glasses and just to say they are world class take a beating every week. No matter how many say it's about this or that and not the competition I can buy that to some degree. Winning isn't everything thats for sure but taking a beating because you don't belong in a certain class is no fun either. Maybe I was just lucky enough not to have to experience that side BUT I do have friends that have and They worked just as hard as I may have in WC top 5 and they just got beat down every week.......JMO
  6. Excuce me MR MAGIC>>>UGHHHHHHH you are the one missing the point
  7. My two cents!OK, back to work! JVN Exactly...so why jump to fast int WC and be that perverbial bottom corps every week....how bad is that for the kids
  8. HMMMMMMM.........could it have been Suburbanettes
  9. Exactly...and you dont see them in finals or semi finals either BUT thats not really the point. Teal barely had a corps until a few years ago..like 2.. well maybe a corps but tiny ....whats the rush ? Maybe staff ego? HMMMMMMM And I still think visually they need other people in there.
  10. Just my opinion BUT I didnt think Surf belonged in WC at all , Not even a full tour!! Crusaders finally realised this and eventually did what they had to to compete in WC , I think ( Again JMO ) Teal needs a new design and visual staff . Whats the rush ?
  11. Other awards other places like WGI could..or could not mean a thing Look at Spirit North East Independent's designers did them the past I believe 2 or 3 years and they have had the worst guard ever..( Sorry ) but true. Nothing against the kids but I think because they were successful in WGI doesnt mean they know how to design for Outdoor or a biggger picture. Anyway good Luck to Madison I would love to see them back in again.
  12. Very true about Sal..mainly because he hates being the bad guy and will yes people . Great person BUT> Judges the same way too. JMO
  13. Dont have to Pay? WOW good for you. Thats such a burden for many independent guards. Good Luck....Someone needs to thank that Board of Ed for such great support to the activity. Maybe other boards will follow .
  14. Now there is a dollar discount IF you are a subscriber...( Which Costs )..UGHHH I really believe WGI thinks the public is stupid and can't figure this out..This is like. I think it was last years announcement. BECAUSE OF THE ECONOMY WGI IS LOWERING THE COST OF A REGIONAL...LMAO....OK SO MAKE MOST THE REGIONALS POWER REGIONALS AND CHARGE MORE...KINDA LIKE A STORE RAISING PRICES BEFORE A SALE.....UGHHHHHHHH
  15. Well I can tell you probably alot would be over 21 I know I taught a world guard that had an average age of I think 26....and I have a friend who also teaches a world guard with someone 40
  16. What will the all you can eat buffets in Orlando do now? All the preparation ! WOWWWWWWWWWWWW..Oh wait the WGI Board and Officials will be there, not to worry. WHEW!!!! Another question, will WGI ( Which used Mia to market Spinfest ) be giving it's attendees any money back or maybe vouchers to the buffet now? Sebastian, I know you will kick it at the "FEST "
  17. Yeah,,,,,,, I actually would like to offer support and insight ( If accepted ) but I will do it by e mail...good luck
  18. I'm agreeing with you BECAUSE of " show dynamics "
  19. wow i posted that 2 fast...lol....sounded like red neck english and bad spelling....sorry for that..lol
  20. GEZZZZ youre sying the same theing here YEAH ok corps are worth a 99 when they are better than a coprs that just had a 98.9...DUHHHH Its like I said hi on the bottom gotta raise the top...a real 99...yeah ok..Dream on
  21. NY Royal Guardsmen.....and they did them well.........
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