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Everything posted by josephmb

  1. way better then the old RCA dome, not nearly as echoey
  2. stretching at night before sleep also helps with your knees no matter what technique. i found that out going from 06 to 07, big difference. also take supplements during the summer for your knees. i tore a ligiment before not in the summer so i'm taking MSM
  3. there is bad water in every state. midland is bad though, not so much in the big cities
  4. i sure do love seeing the same shows over and over...
  5. So what if Texans have pride for our state and don't shy away from it. Not my problem that you don't have the same pride for yours. Like brian said every state has some suckage and some good things so get over it
  6. picking one close to home is always a good choice
  7. yo masta P. i want a free copy of your book lol
  8. dude i would just email as many percussion caption heads as you're interested in and see if any of them have an opening
  9. they also had the school split due to overpopulation, which is partially a reason also. not just him leaving
  10. Who did you go to? i got a tattoo of Bones on me in san antonio. Guy i went to is one of the best in the area phantasy tattoos. and tattoos are about what they mean, something you'll carry with you forever. if it looks bad in 50 years who cares, mines on my back where people probably won't see it in 50 years anway but it'll still be there and mean something to me
  11. so if we missed it, anyone know if it's online anywhere we you can see colts and cadets?
  12. I marched an unlined soccer field once. that was crazy. sevierville is an intense field also
  13. yeah, there has definitly been some tension brewing
  14. Birdland by: Maynard I personally would plug in some SLIPKNOT for myself
  15. lol, that's where the party's at atleast go to a camp somewhere and test it out see if it's right for you, definitly doing will change your life, i like plan my life around the drum corps season, right now i'm sitting here suppose to be doing HW, but got distracted by thinking about drum corps and ended up on dcp. so atleast go to a camp try it out, i too did an open class corps before world class.
  16. basically he was just talking about the innovative ways that we could use electronics in show's nowadays. he used an example from one of the high school shows he wrote, playing the HS music with just instrumentation, then the synth stuff he wanted to add, then combined it. and basically said that electronics he believes will not ruin drum corps just enhance the quality and diversity of the shows
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