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Nation of Bass

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Everything posted by Nation of Bass

  1. You are really misinterpreting the word seeding. Seeding is just placing a group in a spot due to previous performance. Like say HNC got an average of 94 for the three regionals, BD got and average of 94.5, and CC got an average of 93. BD would get the most favorable performance time (last), followed by HNC, then CC. Seeding is nothing like slotting. Think NCAA tournaments.
  2. Thanks for the info, that is interesting. I'm not being to hard on them. I just want them to score better than 11th. I'm a die hard BK fan so I'm silly and get invested in them. Wish I could march BK, but I don't have the money or the skills. I would call it a slapdown because I don't like 11th. Positive vibes are coming back though. I hope you are right about them cleaning it up right at the end; we shall see. I'm definitely anticipating Quarters. Don't worry Wes, I'm on their side.
  3. Another slapdown for BK tonight. They really need to get their act together if they don't want to get 11th this year. There isn't much time before Allentown and they need to come out doing well so they can have a better seeding for Quarters. Come on BK, pick up the pace.
  4. There a possibly more synth threads than BD hatefests.
  5. Seriously though. I'll say it: BD's show is okay to me. Love the music, not so much the drill. BD performs it extremely well with extreme prejudice. I admire that. See, did I have to tear down the show and spit on it just because it isn't my favorite?
  6. There are so many problems with this thread it is just insane. First of all, a lot of people that don't enjoy BD's show have to completely tear it down and spit on it to make themselves feel better. Second, people that do like the show, honks, and Alumni/Dads & Moms have to act incredibly arrogant and sanctimonious about the show. God forbid somebody doesn't like the same show that you do. Why is everybody so unreasonable?
  7. Saw it live at DATR and wasn't overly impressed. The music was pretty dang awesome, but the drill and visuals didn't do much for me. The only visuals I really liked were the dollar sign and the 1930 part.
  8. You may be on to something Lance. I hear a lot of bad mouthing of their show this year, but I see tons of potential in the show. I am actually really enjoying their show this year and would love to see them make a run at the end of the season.
  9. Well good luck to that member if that is the case. Try being a BK fan no matter what. It can be difficult to deal with the lower scoring years, but I love them.
  10. Decent night for BK, they stopped the bleeding and are barely ahead of the Glassmen at the moment. Here's to hoping that they start to get their act together.
  11. I thought of another interesting combination of two corps: Phantom Regiment and the Cavaliers. I would take Phantom for their terrific music, and the Cavaliers for their terrific drill.
  12. Trying being a Blue Knights fan. They've went down the crapper recently (since SA). At one point BK looked like they could challenge for PR's 7th spot and now they can't even get the 10th spot. Don't get so worked up though. Wait until after Atlanta where all corps are in direct competition. That is much more telling than different shows on the same night.
  13. Wondering that myself Wes. In the last couple of days they have really suffered huge beatdowns from the judges. I think they are in 11th place now. Here's to hoping they pull off some crazy stuff at Atlanta and get back on track.
  14. What can I say, I have an irrational love for my hometown corps.
  15. Minor correction: Blue Knights broke into the top six, but not the top five.
  16. 1. They need to keep their most of their staff and members and design a dynamite show like '89 or '99. 2. I think they will make top 12 this year. 3. IMO, they don't seem to be executing the show that well this year musically or visually in regards to marching. 4. Most likely CC because they are the closest and seem to have the best staff and members. 5. No, open class seems to be mostly ignored in general. 6. Pretty much is already happening.
  17. Please don't say that. I want CC to do well, but as for the Chargers...
  18. I would say either Madison or Phantom is more like the Broncos than the Troopers. First of all, the Troop don't have any DCI titles. Both Madison and Phantom both have a couple of titles. Phantom has been all over the place in their history but have tons of dedicated Phans anyways. Madison had the glory days in the past but has fallen on hard times recently.
  19. QFT. When I was in high school marching band (yes marching band), we were told that we played and marched our butts off to bad drill. We got third that year, but we couldn't overcome the unfavorable drill and push into first or second.
  20. Why even have marching bass drums if they sound just like a pit bass then?
  21. I would choose Star of Indiana and the Blue Knights. The execution of Star combined with BK's creativity would definitely result in some interesting shows.
  22. Some shows that come to mind: Santa Clara Vanguard 1989: Love the Phantom music and would love to disappear at Finals. Star of Indiana 1991: The drill for that show is still some of my favorite. Star of Indiana 1993: Final year for Star and one of the most original and intriguing shows ever to me. Blue Knights 2000: Best placement ever for my "hometown" corps. Phantom Regiment 2008: Thrilling come from behind victory and one of the most satisfying defeats in DCI history.
  23. Another beatdown via score for BK. Just waiting for Atlanta I suppose, so I can see how they actually stack up against everyone else.
  24. I know what you mean by dirty, I was at Drums Along the Rockies. They have a lot to clean up and I think they have a good chance at scoring in the 7th of 8th spot. I just hope they are scoring well when it counts: quarterfinals.
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