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Everything posted by crazymello

  1. The main two problems I see with this- DCI can't go to labor day for school purposes DCA can't cut the season off early because it takes longer to get clean on the weekends.
  2. as much as I liked that show, I blew some milk out my nose.
  3. Yea, the rep had nothing to do with it. iirc, everyone was stoked for stan kenton, I know I was. then the arrangements ruined it. Who can say if they would have done that with asphalt cocktail or not?
  4. I suck for having an opinion. Whoops. Sorry. But seriously, I dont like the arrangement as much. For example, the big quarter note walk up to a high C in the horns is played in the pit, which I don't like... and it doesnt have much of it before the push... just little bits, and a way over tempo low brass thing... but yea, I just had to get that one out, my last opinion ever. I'm done.
  5. You know drum corps is dead when they use valves, And if you really want to know what gets my blood boiling, its those contrabasses.
  6. Crown 09. I really hope they keep going like this on pre shows. These past two pre shows have taken awesome pieces, and its been like transcriptions almost. I like Crown 09 because it is closest to the original, really. (except the fadeout into a drum solo thing)
  7. I was aware of the "Bando hating" elitism before I stepped into corps, so I decided to wear a saxophone neckstrap to my first camp. The strap didn't survive, and my neck barely made it.
  8. Sort of like Happy Happyism from Earthbound. Instead of "Blue Blue" its "Boo Boo" though... Now watch as no one gets the reference...
  9. I am fine with all this bashing. Crown's day is inevitably coming for the bash fest. It's a cycle. It used to be cadets, then it polarized to BD, I am sure crown will come next.
  10. Crown's preshow chord, no doubt. First time I heard that, I was sitting next to a crown alum, and he almost fainted on me.
  11. technical inconsistencies and they're on different parts of the roll down! zomg! KICK THEM OUT OF FINALS!
  12. I am the first to even know what drum corps is... I always tried to get my brother, who plays tuba, to march with me, but he never dug it.
  13. I loved that show, but it sounds WAY better on the studio recording...
  14. I mean, I am split on the BD organization. They clearly have not only great talent, but a great staff that knows how to make that talent show. Every BD show has moments that impress me, however, they also have long, very boring sections that don't engage me at all where it seems like not much is happening. I hope they keep the good stuff, but make it a little more engaging. and if they go off the deep end and BOA the place up (which I don't think they've done quite yet, but if they keep heading in the same direction, they might be there) I hope, HOPE the judges show them that's not the way to go.
  15. That's true, it should have one flat, but all the notes are right, if not which ones aren't?
  16. Someone said 2v G bugle? I was bored. The key signature/accidentals turn out a little bit weird, but that was also the cheap quick way to get finale to do it for me, and if you play it as written, you get the right pitches.
  17. I've never actually seen a video of 2002. I've heard all of these horror stories and never gotten a hold of the vid...
  18. there are copyright issues with the years contracted by ESPN, if I am remember correctly. 2010 was the first year that ended I think. I think they have to wait like a year to do it? Should be up soon I guess
  19. Heh, I didn't check the date, I just figured it was on top. =P My bad.
  20. wrong you are, OP, they are .025 from a FOUR peat. they won in 07. 08 would connect the dots.
  21. Plus, if its done right, then it means mason leaving madison, which would make me sad.
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