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Everything posted by Donimator002

  1. Wore New Balance cross trainers "Prescribed" for my fee and Nike running shoes my first year. The Nikes were actually more comfortable to me. My second year I wore Nike Free 7.0 and they were very comfortable. During finals week they were starting to rip by the pinky toe but I have a wider foot so that is wear I always wear through shoes. Good news is I sent them back to Nike and they gave me an $85 credit. I used that credit to buy a new pair of Nike Free Run for tour this year :) I still have an old pair of Free 3.0 that I use for my backup pair.
  2. @ niniron if you want to be fit and strong and well rounded then Crossfit is the way to go. If you want to build a little more muscle in addition to those other attributes then checkout www.crossfitfootball.com @hiyaboy I have an olympic barbell, set of plates and pair of rings at home and I can acomplish 90% of the Crossfit workouts Hearing all the support for both program Crossfit and P90X is a great thing. They both believe in intensity, muscle confusion and a good deal of body weight movements so I think they have hit on a winning formula. After this season I will pick up P90X to make a direct comparison for myself. Now I can't wait for drum corps to be over so I can dive into it :)
  3. I second the www.crossfit.com notion. I have followed the Workout Of the Day with certain scaling for about 2 years now and it is by far the best workout program and philosophy I have ever encountered. Plus, the people who really follow this are pretty crazy: the same crazy it takes to practice 12 hours a day every day during the summer. P90X seems like a legit program to me but I would rather go with all the info on the Crossfit page to learn more in depth why and how you do what you do, the virtually unlimited workouts between all the affiliates , and oh yeah, did I mention it is free. Sorry if I seem to be plugging Crossfit but I truly believe in it and also believe everyone would benefit tremendously by following it to any degree. Feel free to pm or ask me any questions
  4. I would say Colt's Leadership knew fully about this man before they made the decision to hire him. Additionally, I would put faith in Mike Grimes to keep everyone in line be it member or staff or anyone who would possibly negatively impact the organization. For anyone who has been around him, you know that he does not fool around and will put people in there place or get rid of them.
  5. Yeah it is really nice when people spell with an S but I don't mind too much without. What really annoys me is when "core" is used instead. I think god kills a kitten whenever that happens
  6. I like the Pacific Crest uniform. The actual will be interesting but the concept shows a lot of promise. For Madison, I would love to see the old school uni's again but since that will never happen I would stick with their current. I like it a lot better then the past couple of iterations. I am excited to see the changes Crown makes. They have been definitely heading in the right direction the last couple of years in terms of uni design
  7. Overall, I like them... especially glad they went with white. I agree they appear slimmer, more consistent, better from up top bla bla bla. Cesario seems to be going away from shoulder flaps and instead doing more blocky shoulder pads. I like them both for different reasons but the only way to pull off the shoulder pad in my eyes is to have an abrupt change between the shoulder and arm. This uni seems to almost accomplish that but I want to see it in person before deciding. I too would like to see a little color but more along the lines of the gold last year. That accent characterized the unis a bit but didn't change the overall look dramatically. I second the thought of this being designed as a "blank canvas" but I think it looks great by itself. The DM is going to look sick :) I disagree with those crying bando. I don't know where that idea comes from, maybe that there are so many uniforms out there that some have elements of others? Regardless, it isn't a bando uniform. If I marched in that uniform back in high school, it would be the craziest thing ever.
  8. wow! I can't wait to see all these shows! Crown, Devils, Cavaliers, Cadets, Academy, Phantom, BK, Troopers all caught my eye and I am sure others will be awesome as well!
  9. I predict CCrown will be the next new champion and will accomplish this task in the next 4 years. Bluecoats are awesome but I just can't see them winning anytime soon for whatever reason
  10. not entire show, but every note of the music was present and the guard had show work in to opener. This is the fastest Colts have ever accomplished this feat! Should be an awesome year...
  11. If an HD-DVD only holds 20 minutes-ish of footage, then how do commercial Blu-Ray discs have full length (2 hr+) movies on them? Upscaling DVD players make everything look slightly better, but my 2008 finals DVD looks like S**T compared to anything blu-ray I own. In fact, my upscaled finals DVD looks worse then a normal DVD on a different player. I would LOVE to see High-Definition footage of some type but don't think DCI will do it until it makes them more money. Unfortunately, this probably will not happen in the next couple of years. I am at least praying for better quality then last year. It is kinda embarrassing the lack of features and quality from last year. My high-end consumer camera picked up as good if not better video. (Don't flame me, I was the official videographer of several shows for a corps when the main guy wasn't available) Um, I was thinking about another point too but I forgot what I was gonna write...
  12. I love how the guy is bent over too haha
  13. I also ask anyway who is from Rockford if they know about Phantom... sadly the response is usually no :( @ J.C. WOW! that is impressive to someone with a year and change of experience (me lol)
  14. Sounds great, I can't wait to hear the Colts Hornline!
  15. I can't really comment on age-out year cuz I still have a lot of time left but I do want to offer my 0.02 I marched my first time in '07 and it was one of the biggest life changing experiences for me. I grew up so much that summer and absolutely had a blast. Then in '08 due to a bunch of other circumstances I could not commit to the corps 100% and felt I would cheat myself and them. This fact made it easier to not march, but I did watch several competitions with envy and felt right at home in the bus parking lot. So I guess what I am trying to say (and failing at) if you want to march, there is DEFINITELY a place for you to march. The only reason why you would not spend your age out year with a corps is because there truly is a reason NOT to march. If this is the case, then it will be easier to swallow it anyway.
  16. I second the thought on not closing a brand new stadium. That statement was merely raised to stir support for more awareness and money. It simply wouldn't make sense financially to close it down.
  17. I wish I could have been there to see all of the groups!
  18. I heard Colts using some sort of wave sounds for their "Fathoms" show using a synth...
  19. On that topic, the guard not part of winter groups have been showing up at the camps to improve on their skills. The productions they have been putting together are incredible even without taking into consideration the number of quality members missing!
  20. I am digging those New Balance 1003's for the aforementioned reasons... I realize Nike Free's are for training, I just wanted to try them. They actually arrived today and I LOVE them. Not for marching by any means but highly recommend to build strength in the feet. I immediately noticed things about my stride I never knew before. I have located a New Balance store near my house so I think I am going there so they can fit me. That sounds like the best way to do it.
  21. No, not the most innovative thing in the world but how much can be brand new every year? Yes, it will probably be awesome to watch! I am definietly thinking some jazzy swing type stuff will be in the show...
  22. wow, I am surprised to see so much consensus on New Balance! I have always heard good things about Asics as well so I will try them. Thanks for the info
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