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Everything posted by DCI-86

  1. WowBlue Stars guard is ON tonight - with one of the hardest books on the field
  2. I hate the protest chanting they do at the start. Sounds so cheesy!
  3. Troopers were a big step up from the previous corps. Clean all around. Crossmen and Blue Stars better bring it!
  4. Colts seemed much stronger today than last night. Their guard was a lot better
  5. When do they announce scores? I thought. It was as they weren't along but none so far?
  6. I dont agree with this statement at all. You don't see any of the top groups in WGI doing what BD, they spin rifles, sabre, flag and dance. If anything, its BD's influence that is enabling them to win guard, and perhaps the fear of not putting them first because of their staff (who basically wrote the judging system for WGI and DCI guard). What I don't understand is their excellence scores compared to Crown and SCV who have both been considerably cleaner and less breaks/drops (yes I know excellence is based on content but I would argue that both Crown and SCV have more content than BD). At the end of the day i don't think any judges have the courage to NOT put BD's guard first.
  7. Colts guardis killing them. Can't believe they are still so dirty!
  8. Cascades were a lot cleaner than Pioneer. I see them ahead and maybe 1or.2 open corps between them
  9. Who does the semi finals panel favour (or not) for the 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th spots?
  10. Do you think SCV has any new surprises for finals? Def seems the kind of show that a big effect could easily be added?
  11. I noticed that on the Fannetwork VOD schedule it shows finals. Does that mean that finals shows will be on FNa few days after finals?
  12. SCVC hadn't beaten BDB until Semi finals.......... it's not over til the fat judge sings!
  13. I replied to the generic response and just received this "I can ensure you that we desire to put out the best quality broadcasts for you as well as all the supporters of The Fan Network and DCI. However, we are offering a $10 refund for all the problems that occurred with the Buffalo broadcast; I can apply that refund if you could please send me the email address that is associated with your Fan Network account. Sincerely, Trina "
  14. I asked for a refund and just got the same generic response. No offer of compensation.
  15. Is quarter finals being shown on FN up to the top 15?
  16. Just watched SCV from Allentown (VOD) and I have to wonder why they are not winning GE visual (I know they did that night against Cadets). Their show is so well placed and everything is in the right place at the right time. Their guard adds sooo much to the show, they seem so integral to the show whereas Cadet's guard seems to just be 'there' and really doesn't add that much. For me that is a significant difference between the 2. I hope that wasn't Vanguard peeking on Friday (I saw a video of them from Sunday and they didn't seem as good/clean).
  17. Ah yes I forget its 25. I should reword the question to ask if any Open corps will make top 17?
  18. With so many strong World class groups, will any Open class corps make semis? It's looking kind of doubtful.
  19. It's interesting how we can watch the same shows but see/feel such different things. I think BK's show is a really interesting direction for them, and one I hope they continue to explore with their new staff. I also think BS are much improved on last year and a few tweaks here and there will secure them back in finals and make their VooDoo theme even more clear
  20. I think Cavies guard could make the difference in the end. I think the guard is still very strong and not far off the classic Cavies guard. I feel the corps has pulled their score down somewhat but now they are starting to get the credit they deserve and are consistently above Scouts (whose guard is better than it has been, but still not that strong).
  21. Cavies getting their swagger back. Outstanding guard - not sure why they have not been scoring higher in guard??
  22. There is symbolism in their drill, all flag designs relate to the theme. you could say exactly the same thing about Boston
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