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Everything posted by JayM

  1. ... double post. time to get a new mouse. this one likes to click twice for some reason.
  2. Eh, I thought Phantom was way boring, save for the very end of the show. BD captivated me most of the way through. Perspectives are funny...
  3. Upload the photos to a site like imgur.com. Then, place the image links in tags like this: [img=http://i.imgur.com/YDfCq.jpg] [img=http://i.imgur.com/MXfqR2.jpg] etc.
  4. Cavaliers did the encore (this is one of their home shows). They played Bully and Rainbow. Good drum corps show. Everyone is getting really good. I think BD's got a lock on the title.
  5. I know how Hoppy feels. Sometimes, whether it's a bad field, or a show after a stretch of strenuous rehearsals, or a show 8 hours after a 12-hour bus ride, the legs just don't work like they're supposed to, and performing is HARD.
  6. A corps' score moving downward doesn't necessarily imply that they are getting worse. It could imply that they are stagnating relative to corps around them or that other corps are getting better.
  7. What engages a person is entirely subjective. I haven't liked BD since the early 2000s but of all the shows performed in Minneapolis this past weekend, BD's show was the only one that really engaged me. So how do we reconcile that with your viewpoint?
  8. Congrats, Boston! I look forward to watching the rest of the summer unfold. It should be some good competition.
  9. I don't understand this mentality that is prevalent on DCP that somehow rehearsal hours and/or changes HAVE to absolutely be noticed and indicated in the scores.
  10. Haha, oops! Yeah, you're right. Although not to the thousandth, just to the hundredth (a quarter step being .25).
  11. I assume you mean quarter sets. We were expected to have midsets and quarter sets for just about every dot. It gets tedious but becomes natural after a while. Like, if you're moving from splitting yardlines to a yardline twelve 8 to 5 steps over, the midset is two off the yardline six 8 to 5 steps from where you are currently, and the quarter sets are one off the yardline and then three off the yardline as you approach the yardline. It sounds complicated when typed out, but like I said before, becomes fairly natural since you're thinking about it so much of the time. In addition, and I don't know if this differs in corps who don't use the dot system, we checked our dot books after pretty much every rep, even in ensemble rehearsal, when it was physically possible to do so.
  12. Not sure why I'm double posting so much these days.
  13. No, I don't think his statement had much to do with this thread at all. Rather it was a thinly-veiled criticism of those would seek to keep prayer out of public spaces. But of course, drum corps events aren't a public space (that is, they aren't government-sanctioned, as are high school athletics). It would have just been commentary if not for the sarcastic remarks. I am not religious but have no problem with a drum corps show holding a prayer before the show. But if I were in a corps and the corps administration/staff were taking potential rehearsal/meal/travel/sleep time out of the day to hold religious services, then I might reconsider my participation in that corps.
  14. Heck what about Muslims, who are required to pray 5 times a day?
  15. Hard to tell until a regional. The Cavaliers (at least for now) seem solidly ahead of the Blue Stars, and that would be enough to keep them in finals. I'm not sure where BAC and the Crossmen fit in with the Cavaliers just yet.
  16. Here's the link from last night: http://zippychat.com/room/yyrdv I'm the only one there now.
  17. March. DCP couldn't be more disconnected from what actually goes on while you're on tour.
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