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Everything posted by Penguin

  1. The core for most WC corps is 2 semis, 4 buses, an RV, a passenger van, and a box truck. There might also be another small vehicle or two.
  2. I believe the 4th tenor player was George Hopkins in disguise. Notice how you never saw both of them at the same time.
  3. Most (if not all corps) offer their vets a spot unless either they were a serious problem the previous summer or they've shown serious regression as a player/marcher (i.e. from not practicing). Although most corps say that "all 150 spots are available to all auditionees, new and returning", it's really just a way to encourage kids to show up because they feel they'll have better chances.
  4. I'm looking on the DCI.org schedule, and for most of the dates I click on, the venue is TBA. Does anyone know when they start releasing this information? Thanks.
  5. What happens on the bus, stays on the bus. I uphold this rule for no sake but my own.
  6. I used to be a NASCAR fan. I've heard of Dick Trickle... he was/is a pretty big name. I wonder how this never came up in the innumerable "celebrities in drum corps" threads.
  7. I like the mall. It represents a slice of the culture from which you've been removed for the summer. Cities can be fun too. The best is San Antonio... sweet mall in the middle of a nice city.
  8. Hasn't the vote on electronics in recent history been split down the middle? I think it would be close.
  9. If you're currently on schedule to age out this summer, you're going to, no matter what. The rule won't take effect until 2009.
  10. OT, but... Bach gets a bad rap and is often labeled "boring" because his work is the most universally and commonly used example of the fundamental principles of voice leading, harmony, and counterpoint. However, these examples never encompass the full spectrum of his output, but rather focus on his more basic music. This focused exposure causes his more complex works (and in my opinion, the more interesting ones) to become esoteric. Although, "boring" is a subjective term. He could just be boring to most people.
  11. I don't know if their score was too low... but they certainly deserve a great deal of respect for being able to start from almost nothing and be as entertaining and competitive as they were. Very promising for years to come.
  12. I don't know... everyone loves performances. Everyone hates rehearsal days. There seems to be a clear answer...
  13. (To the tune of 1812 Overture) I march in Phantom and I like 4th place...
  14. Crucial in the art of subtly admiring good looking women along a parade is the clock game. Simply yell out a number (for example, 3 if the subject is directly to the right), and nobody ever catches on.
  15. I don't know... if you look at audition numbers vs. placement history and/or placement of the previous year, it doesn't always coincide. There's more to it... it's about philosophy. For example, people go to Blue Devils because they like their style and approach to the activity, which is (from what I hear), intense but generally relaxed - laid back, even. People, simply by what they hear or secondhandedly observe, develop certain concepts, images, or impressions of different corps' philosophies (which are not always completely accurate, mind you), and choose to audition for a corps based on how their own personality fits in (or doesn't) with that corps' philosophy. edit: This opinion, in retrospect, probably applies to kids who are already very familiar with drum corps or are already marching, perhaps in a lower echelon corps. The drum corps "noobs" probably make their audition decision more based on which corps' shows they like from previous years.
  16. Finals 2001. Came out of it saying, "I wanna march." :-)
  17. I think I just vomited a little in my mouth. But, honestly, I hope it works out. I haven't tried the new Quantum line so I suppose I should hold my tongue...
  18. Not too specific, but my mom always marveled about how much I changed after my first season of drum corps. I changed on many levels. I think I also changed a good deal after my first season with a World Class corps. It improves maturity, attitude, responsibility, physical and mental resolve, confidence, pride, interpersonal skills... just about everything.
  19. Not that it makes a huge difference, but this years season is a week shorter.
  20. Even if it passes it won't go into effect until 2009, so... happy age-out year!
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