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Everything posted by Poppycock

  1. They were bragging about saving money by not losing 3k by doing band exhibitions in Wisconsin for free. I pointed out that doing anything for free is poor judgment on behalf of the administration. Nonprofits should raise money to further support their mission not lose money. Reducing fees never guarantees more members and usually creates an additional need for the organization to supplement the loss of revenue. Reduce tuition - increase supplemental revenue - more performance revenue, donors and sponsors are needed. Especially on a 40-50k operating budget. However this is a community outreach program first and foremost. Just saying!
  2. Such great heights! I’m sure you know nonprofits purpose is to raise money which is used to grow the organization and further support its mission. In other words, any profit a nonprofit makes can't be returned to investors in the form of profits or dividends. The business of nonprofits is to make money, structured as a for profit business under nonprofit status. But if your nonprofit makes money in ways that are unrelated to its mission, the income from those activities will be taxable. Successful nonprofits know how to diversify helping to raise or make more money related to its mission. With performance arts. Members pay for the experience that is being offered and the members will determine the value of that experience, don’t over promise and under deliver. Students will see right through that and they know ten people who know ten people etc. Profit is not a dirty word!
  3. Makes sense especially if driving to little league town.
  4. Oh my no! But there is a lot of do it up Devils. Love those naughty little Devils.
  5. I can attest to the living room audience! We love ❤️ Flo
  6. The sidewalks get cleaned every morning by the wonderful sanitation department. Trash cans emptied, new disposable syringes, fresh bottle water and ready made meals delivered. Even new North Face 2-Meter Geodesic Domes were being delivered for homeless families. No plague here.
  7. The show must go on! Our 11 minutes of goosebumps can't be denied because of COVID-19. Cases have been confirmed in Solano and Santa Clara counties. Even though the CDC just sent teams to Nor Cal with intensions of quarantines, I will assure you that BD still wins even if they need to phone it in. 🤧
  8. Believe the sales is a result of how DCA is perceived. Little league town and Labor Day weekend probably doesn’t help much either. Might be a lot of let’s wait and see type of buyers too. It all comes down to perceived value.
  9. Finally someone figured it out! A transfer of a 501c3 is a fairly simple procedure.
  10. Must be expecting lots of Walker and Rascal traffic.
  11. Absolutely! A non addictive formula intended to help calm and reduce the effects of being annoying and irritating 😠
  12. In the words of Stephan; Cadets, Cadets, Cadets! Then he said Home, Home, Home! We laughed 🤭
  13. Agree! Trying to mimic the success that GH had is clearly a we only know what we know type of management.
  14. Why do I have a feeling there will be more questions then answers!
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