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Everything posted by ThePlanets

  1. Blue Devils win visuals all the time. They have never marched crazy drill
  2. If the top 11 are locked up- who are 10/11. BK hasn't debuted yet- and while it's an assumption they will be consistent we just don't know. Who do you have locked at 11?
  3. I have definitely been thinking this as I watched a few videos of performances. My semis seats were already taken by the time I had the day off approved from work so I am roughly at the right 40. But hey- looks like 40 is the new 50 anyway.
  4. 2 of the last 3 times we had a ton of great shows at the top BD still won. The exception is Spartacus. Field was really thick in 07 and the top 6 were fantastic in 2015 with potential for any of the top 4 to win.
  5. This might just be the tour t-shirt I get this year. Love the logo and the release video is beautiful!
  6. Very nice. Some great front ensemble work and good brass licks too! Can't wait to see it cleaned up later this season!
  7. Okay so it looks like either 2-6 or 1-5 are going to be tight. Won't know until they all meet up if SCV has the edge or Cavies are a tick behind. Also going to be interesting to see the Mandarins vs Cadets head to head for the first time (wow who would have thought any of us would ever say that). The Mandarins sound REALLY GOOD. The Cadets show got taken down before I had a chance to see it.
  8. Watched cell phone video from last. Night- so poor quality but they sound good! I love the music! In the minority but, with the exception of my body is a cage, I think it's much more accessible than last year music wise. I didn't follow the visuals or the theme at all- but you know- cell phone video. Was that a Harmon mute I heard (stem out)? 😁 That scores points for me! In other news I saw their uniform reveal on Reddit and thought the OP was kidding. I don't think rebels dressed that way in the 90s.
  9. Underrated? WHO? PHANTOM REGIMENT? No. That's never happened in the history of DCI
  10. I don't disagree with you. The only corps with 0 total misses for me since and including 2001.
  11. Let's look at some positive facts. The Cadets have almost 2 points on the Blue Stars, who have been a surging corps the past few years and scored one place below the Cadets last year. The Cavaliers haven't taken the field yet. I expect them to be above the Cadets- but we just don't know yet. Therefore their most serious threats for dropping down are the Mandarins and BK...both unlikely candidates to beat the Cadets. I know... everyone wants the championship quality Cadets back...but it will take a few years.
  12. My mom is extremely excited about this show. Much more than I am. It's definitely her kind of drum corps show. I was hoping for Woodstock haha. I watched parts of a horrible recording from last night this morning while GMA was on in the background. I definitely need a second read on the whole thing. There are certainly some nice brass licks and an awesome Jazzy section- which is my thing. Can't wait to see how this show develops over the season! Go Bloo!
  13. Top 3 were a pretty tight group score wise. It will be interesting to see where BD, SCV, and the Cavaliers fall into the competition. Hopefully they are right there in the mix and not with BD and SCV 1-2 pts above. In other news I don't see how the Bluecoats got 3rd in brass content. Hopefully that won't be a problem down the stretch.
  14. Thanks to everyone that has participated! It's interesting to see what shows on these threads that A LOT of us really like. In some cases my tastes we're unique but it most cases not at all! Enjoy the season everyone!
  15. This is exactly my concern for the Bluecoats as soon as I found out they were doing the Beatles. Terrible parallel here but I played a lot of Rock Band in college and played the Beatles edition on expert drums in one pass. I guess my point is- it's hard to both stay true to Beatles music and have difficult content musically.
  16. That looks scary. I think I'd rather climb a real mountain
  17. Nah it doesn't look like it. Come Together will be great though
  18. Let's not forget this 90s alt rock is my favorite genre...but never liked this song... really at all. BUT this arrangement is amazing! Way better than actually listening to the song. I actually love it. Hymn of Acxiom is way better the Bloo way too. My favorite Beatles song is Here Comes the Sun
  19. Probably won't be making it to the theater as they shut down the showing closest to me. It also doesn't help that 2 of the 3 closest theater locations also have at least one live show in that town I'll dig out my Session 44 shirt tonight though. BLOOOOOO
  20. Oh boy. Now I am expecting a lot. Like hymn of Acxiom quality ballad, with gut wrenching emotions like 2014 BK, but with the fun and power of the old school Madison Scouts. Is that expecting too much? Hopefully the percussion writing won't hold them back score wise! 2015/2016 Bluecoats were phenomenal with percussion writing but the last 2 years it was overshadowed by everything else going on.
  21. 2001 is an underrated Cavaliers Championship. It's one of the few years I feel there was a clear winning show that I could connect with that blew the competition away.
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