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Everything posted by Continental

  1. Vanguard selling pine cones they found in the forest during their film shoot. For an extra fee, they will paint the pine cones gold so you can hang them from your Christmas tree.
  2. Didn't Montreal in 1981 have around 35k in attendance?
  3. George, we all have the opportunity to make this forum better. Giving up doesn't bring that. It just lets negativity prevail. In every facet of life we face challenges. We face things we can't control. We face interactions with people that make us feel negative. We cannot stop this regular interaction. Even with the best friends we have, we have moments that we question because they make us feel negative. This.is.life. We can control that we can make people feel better. Not just via interpersonal relationships, but even via online banter. You see negative commentary you do not agree with, then post positive commentary. You see negative commentary, then the first reaction might not be to walk away for a while. Walking away is defeat. Walking away is saying you lost when it's not the case. You mentioned Cancer. I do not have the background on what you have posted, but I will tell you this. My personal experience, from a mother of 6 children who died from Cancer a long time ago, I sincerely hope that you do not face what I, as a child, had to face. I wish you good health. I wish you peace.
  4. Will it be "Madison Time" for BD? Who needs helmuts when your hair is a foot tall.
  5. Is it true that BD has hired John Waters to replace David Lynch for their 2022 video? "Why is the guard wearing Cha Cha heels?"
  6. "Presenting their program "One Day Shipping," Drum Corps International is proud to present "Amazon Prime."
  7. I don't know if this is true or not, but I heard a bear was watching Vanguard in the forest and has now joined their color-guard staff.
  8. Best video production where you are thankful no one was hurt by an approaching bear, mountain lion or blurry looking Bigfoot. Santa Clara Vanguard - Wait for Me
  9. The activity needs to evolve to sustain itself and allow growth. 2021 had examples of that where expenses were more in line with reality.
  10. I watched Mulholland Drive. I follow along and suddenly in the middle of the movie everything changes and I have no idea what I am watching.
  11. I think I saw the Eraserhead baby in the background of the video.
  12. Best Video in the style of David Lynch. Blue Devils 2021.
  13. I think if Bluecoats did an H.R PufnStuf show next year it would somehow be appropriate.
  14. You just need to get one of those bendable straws and insert in through the side of your mask to enjoy your drink and keep your shirt dry.
  15. There are different ways they can accomplish that. One way would be to sneak up behind Phantom's Drum Majors as they receive the award, grab the trophy, set-off a smoke screen and make a run for it.
  16. Blue Devils made a video that was intended for America's Funniest Home Videos but accidentally sent it to DCI where it was put ahead of other corps.
  17. IMO 1. Traditional uniforms are welcome 2. Helmuts/Shakos are welcome 3. Strips on pants are fine 4. Please continue your thoughts....
  18. Cadets should make a t-shirt that says "Do not fear the stripe! I love that they brought it back.
  19. I have been busy with work and haven't been keeping up with videos that are available. I just saw The Cadets performance. Wow, what a wonderful surprise. Like seeing an old friend where you don't talk for a long time yet when you meet once again it's like nothing has changed. To be honest, I got emotional watching it. Well done, so well done.
  20. Phantom 1996. If we wait long enough, quite often people post a gem. This is a gem.
  21. I think you might have misspelled Blue Devils. The proper spelling is P.H.A.N.T.O.M..R.E.G.I.M.E.N.T.
  22. I'm glad I was able to appreciate these vegetables as a child. I also love Brussels Sprouts.
  23. Maybe it will be another season where Phantom pulls up from behind and slips by BD....
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