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  • Your Drum Corps Experience
    None (yet)
  • Your Favorite Corps
    SCV, Bluecoats, Genesis
  • Your Favorite All Time Corps Performance (Any)
    Babylon, Downside Up, Spartacus, Paradise Lost
  • Your Favorite Drum Corps Season
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  • Location
    Austin, TX
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  1. Bluecoats have? They've released a repertoire but I don't see an official show reveal.
  2. Is DCI Austin off the schedule too? I see DCI Central Texas, I hope it's just a placeholder 😭
  3. I mean why do people watch football? Cause it's entertainment I guess (not that I watch video games 😶)
  4. I've discussed this with my parents a little, basically they see DCI like joining the Circus, except it's ridiculously expensive and evidently sets you back in life. They are not willing to help pay for anything, if I want to march I have to pay for it myself. I just wanted to ask what financial assistance is available out there, like are there scholarships for DCI or something? How is a kid under 21 supposed to pay for Drum Corps without their parents helping?
  5. Why though? Whats the point? And why didn't they remove SCV from the world class scores?
  6. There isn't any video for the 2022 season, and even if they do have it I'm not paying $15 for one video.
  7. Do they still sell the Blu-Ray/DVD discs? I can't find anything after 2019... I'm guessing it's just from the pandemic recovery and what not, but if they stop selling the disks they are giving solely FloMarching the responsibility to record every show, and if the video and audio is bad then that's all we have on YouTube to watch besides people that record from the audience... I guess it works in DCI's favor though, cause now you have to buy tickets to see the show live... ☹️
  8. I was thinking about getting a subscription to FloMarching for the '23 DCI season, but after skimming through this thread I'm starting to think it's not such a good idea 🤣 Are there any other streaming services with DCI on them or is FloMarching the only option?
  9. http://reddit.com/r/drumlinesheets has a whole lot of community transcribed stuff, from licks to literal full battery scores for entire shows. That's where I look for sheet music when I get bored and want to learn something. There's also a website called LotHype where they post a lot of transcriptions of stuff, here's the link: https://lothype.com/transcriptions/
  10. Hello everyone! I am new on this website but I just wanted to make a post to ask for some advice. Over the past couple of months I've been hit with a wave of inspiration to march DCI when I get out of high school. I'm currently a quad player at my high school. I was just wondering if anyone has any advice for what I should be preparing for right now so I can be ready for auditions and what not. I also wanted to ask: is it possible to do DCI and High School at the same time? Or College and DCI? Thanks.
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