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Everything posted by jaylogan

  1. I haven't been able to get the Marsalis piece out of my head since the season started. The show music is in turns aggressive, comedic, atmospheric and foreboding when it needs to be. Tons of melody. It suits the drill and it stands on its own quite well. Well done!
  2. I don't know about that. The Georgia Dome had a beautiful waterfall. Talk about luxury!
  3. Is this a joke? I can never tell with these things... If not, please be advised that this is not an issue with the WMA file. The Cavaliers are actually doing this themselves. The machine is stuck in that section, and a member of the colorguard hits it to start it up again. Pretty funny idea!
  4. Judging from the San Antonio show, there are no pitch problems on any sustained chords, especially the last big belt. You must be listening to some other performance.
  5. I like the singer. I don't think she has pitch problems, and I feel that the phrase "incredibly out of pitch" is quite an exaggeration. In fact, I think she contributes quite significantly to the ballad. Now, I don't know how the judges view her contribution in terms of GE Music, but I don't think she affects the score negatively.
  6. I guess it could be looked at that way, as stopping from the original fast theme to play a slow theme. In my opinion it belongs because the first part is rather dark and ominous, then the second part is kind of light-hearted and whimsical--comical even. It makes sense to me that the third piece would move back into the dark for contrast again. It maintains the character of the show, and draws it into an even darker place once the ballad stops and the hissing and steam sounds begin. To me it's wanting to be hopeful of the future, but then realizing how grim the future is...and then it goes back to reality. Another thing I like about the Cadets, is how the "Alone in the Crowd" piece is played. I think I like everything except the transition with the benches.
  7. This is a weird post. I don't know who exactly it was referring to. I hope it wasn't referring to me, because my reply was not angry at all. I'll refrain from any more comments to this post, just in case it wasn't referring to me. If that's the case, I apologize for the reply.
  8. Pinwiz, that's where you and I disagree, I guess. I don't find the current ending of the Cavaliers' show incomplete, just slightly anti-climactic. I do think it could be better, but also I think it ties the show together quite nicely. All themes are presented, and it flows. Not that I would mind a different ending, but I'm satisfied with the current ending. I like the part of the drill where the creature is traveling across the field with its legs wailing everywhere. That is pretty cool! The Cadets: Just from viewing the Season Pass (I haven't yet seen it live...I will in Atlanta), I actually like the Cadets' show, but I don't yet find the ending any better than the one they had before. They still have the same music at the very end, they just added a different theme to tie the ending together; and it's the same ending as the beginning of the show (and as the ending last year). That's done purposely, but I don't buy it as well the 3rd time around. Now what is awesome is the Cadets' ballad! What the horns and the guard are doing there is just good stuff all around. I like how the drums drift away as the ballad comes into existence. And I like what the singer has to contribute to the music, just like the original Sanvean. That's a refreshing and satisfying portion of their show. I don't like the way the horn members carry the pink benches onto the field, then stop and dance around them, and then start carrying them around again. I want to focus on what's going on on the left side of the field...but the sea of pink drifting onto the right irks me (and pink is NOT my favorite color). Now when they're used in the ballad, it's fantastic. I just wish they could find a more pleasant way to bring them onto the field. Blue Devils' show is thick and massive. Very powerful. I really like that show. I love how the cross turns into the dagger.
  9. There is no reason slow music does not belong in the Cavaliers' show. The theme for that piece is "Premonition". It sounds dark and distressing to me...just like the music. Would you rather have super fast "Everything's coming up roses" music for Premonition? I liked the Cadets show better before the last ending was put on it. Perhaps that'll change as I get used to it. I also liked the talking between the mini-drum breaks, but they took some of that out. The opening music (the part where the corps actually plays) has been snipped too much in my opinion. I liked the White Rabbit, and they've cut phrases from it left and right. Phantom Regiment was amazing, and so was the Bluecoats. I liked PR better, though.
  10. I've sent them an message on the Customer Support page. Hopefully they'll make the APD available soon. In the meantime, Season Pass customers can see the show in its entirety under San Antonio's Season Coverage. Don't know how long that will last, though.
  11. That portion of the show might be the best moment in this year's series of APDs. It's like you're whisked away to another world for a few minutes when the ballad emerges from the drums. And the ballad is so beautiful! Much better than last year's ballad for me!
  12. If anybody has Season Pass, look at the Cavaliers at 43 seconds in. A front left guard member goes out of phase for a split second. The reason why probably doesn't have anything to do with their drum score, but you never know! b**bs
  13. Well, just the other day I forgot about....uh, um... it was just...well....uh... hmmm....I see your point.
  14. By the way, I just realized that the opening minutes of the Cadets, Crossmen, and Carolina Crown (July 1st) are available on video in the Season Pass site. If you go to DCI Video Drive-in, and then click on "Video Side Orders", you will find them. I don't keep going back to that part of the site as much; guess I'll start having more side orders now! :)
  15. The new APDs from Blue Devils and Santa Clara are just amazing! Between them, the Cavies, Phantom, and Bluecoats, this may be my favorite season ever!
  16. The Cavaliers ballad alone told a congruent story of what happened during the great fire. In fact, I believe it was a better example of storytelling than what the Cadets presented last year, which was a bunch of unrelated themes drawn together by a common element (that of a girl walking in and out of a door). That show was more of an abstract bunches of dreams, whereas a complete story was told in the Cavaliers' show. I don't even have to mention the Bond show.
  17. This is patently false. Just take last year, for example. There was plenty of story in last year's production for the Cavaliers. Especially in the ballad. Why would you say something like that?
  18. http://www.timetemperature.com/tzin/michigancity.shtml
  19. It was in the original production of Phantom.
  20. The last one (at least from reading the notes in my head) is the melody from Frameworks. I think he doesn't consider that as well thought out or complete as the other ones. I tend to disagree.
  21. Why are there so many Cadets-related polls around here? Isn't one enough?
  22. But it looks like there was no visual performance judge, so they just copied the visual ensemble scores.
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