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Jeff Ream

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Everything posted by Jeff Ream

  1. honestly, the bass would have been just as bad live. has been all year. but most theaters dont remember from year to year. we sell out every year in Harrisburg...so what do they do this year...put us in a smaller theater, then scramble to open up a second when more people come rolling in. ever year we tell them to crank it. and finally by the 4th corps, it happens. once i even called the office from my phone in the theater
  2. sure if the fans get in to see them. I still say DCI and especially the Open Class corps could so a lot more to help themselves, but they won't
  3. it wont be a fling. Look at Boa and other band circuits. Sadly it will be here to stay
  4. funny I used to hear cavies just fine at the top of Rich Stadium with nice quality heights of a low nature. and I saw more than Crown beat the #### out of them. BD at Allentown was almost painful and with Bluecoats I thought I could see rosewood splintering
  5. the Open Class winners have usually performed before the finalist corps on Saturday night
  6. in no order, but 10 2004 1991 1987 1975 1998 2003 1984 1983 1979 1993
  7. uh sound panels? maybe curtains around the entire stands where people are not sitting? there, 2 probable solutions that have nothing to do with the roof. but you'll ignore that as it doesn't fit your rant
  8. pot kettle black sir, and if you hate DCp so much, we're not forcing you to post and/or read here
  9. honestly...continuing the regular season after finals makes no sense given how the activity is driven now. Ok...you're the World Champion. now go do 3 weeks of shows that mean nothing. yeah i see members saying "see ya". and half the stadiums may be empty. 2/3 of them are natural grass and have owners who wont rent out unless they make a small fortune. DCA does not have the crowd support to fill those stadiums up and not lose their shirts. Remember the corps make money on Finals weekend. you go to a place with huge overhead costs, and you dont fill it...they lose money. for right now...we're at the level we need to be. In time...hey never say never. But since no one can/will answer the question I have asked twice in this thread, I'd say my point has been well proven
  10. please tell me it will show the Renegades s&m unis from a few years ago
  11. you do realize that in this economy, a lot of folks arent doing anything, including paying their bills since they are out work. I think a lot of realized attendance may be down this year, and sd as it is, people have to priortize the real world over a drum corps show.
  12. if they worked it in the way BD worked in Pegasus in 07, sure it could work. granted the other 10 minutes would have to be long chords where you werent sure what the melody was
  13. actually if Madison could do that show and have the DCi timeline to clean it'd kick ### regardless of the sheets IMO. that show was not your average DCA design. the problem with Madison and Latin is they usually go back to the same well over and over
  14. i cant believe someone would complain they actually want feedback
  15. minor point: the Cabs in DCA have been primarily Latin since 1946. Hasn't really hurt them. In fact the one time recently they strayed, they bombed competitively. A lot of it is how you arrange and design it. I felt in 08 they started to get a eel for it again. This years show came off as blah
  16. I'm sure DCi could try more, but the corps themselves could do a hell of a lot more. as long as they seem to be content with being second class citizens, you will not see change. the change must come from within
  17. and just as annoying is the posturing of some BD fans both can get over it (edited because i hit add reply before i was done)
  18. newsflash: BD won. the scores can not be changed. like it or not, they did. accept it. life is too short to ##### about numbers when you have stadium issues to ##### about
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