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You are correct, sir. The photo was taken by Matthew Brady back in '63 while the Roo was serving as a spy for the USofA in the Middle East. Behind the Roo are the mountains where Turkey, the Armenian S.S.R. and the Georgian S.S.R. all meet.

The camel's name was Gordon (from an old joke) and the guy leading the camel was called Haring (Turkish for "old guy who wears weird clothes").

So, what was the junior corps you aged out of? Beverly Cardinals???

Edited by gsksun4
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I'm not sure of that.... but, he's gone from Humps to Rumps these days!

I really, really, hate to comment on that statement. Would I like to...? Yep....but won't. :thumbup:

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There are some places you just shouldn't go............

Hope our paths cross next saturday Nanci......really have enjoyed the GW pages and yes...........I WILL have my badge on.....(cause I know you AND Siglow...) Just sayin......

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Before we go any further on the previous photo, I'd like to set the record straight.

The person sitting on the camel isn't me. In my job over there I had to become a master of disguises. I am, therefore, the fellow in the white cap leading the camel.

I've maintained that skill to this day. For example, when Fran Haring introduces George Hayek before a Cabs Alumni show, half the time that's not George, but rather it's me disguised as George. I've even disguised myself as Fran Haring on a couple of occasions, but the police apparently know better (something about having his fingerprints on their speed dial).

I tried doing my Nanci impersonation a couple of years ago in Rochester, but Peashey noticed immediately and said, "Hey, you're feet aren't small enough!!" I've tried to do a Cossetti, but my back hurts too much.

I'm working on a couple of others as well. So when you're talking with Tony White, for example, be absolutely sure it's him. I was going to do a Ron Allard, but even with makeup I can't look that far over age.

Anyway, the slate is now clean.

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and he gets to collect a whole BASKET full of Kewpies...

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and he gets to collect a whole BASKET full of Kewpies...

naw they are reseved for me & hairbear and sometimes you tom. don't forget old buddy you and i share one. :thumbup:

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