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Returning to high school / college band after DC

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Going back to high school marching band was really bad the first couple practices I was there. I'd missed leadership camp two summers in a row because of music camps and drum corps, so it took a little while to establish myself as section leader. After feeling completely miserable, I changed my thinking to making the most of my senior year in high school band. I ended up loving it, and I still have fond memories of that year.

Going back to college band was a lot easier because the differences between corps and my school's band are huuuuge. It was my rookie year in the band, so I was in "pre-season training" with all the other rookies. The vets of the marching band call it "hell week." Of course, being four days back from DCI Finals, I did not find it to be so... but I went along with it anyways knowing that a lot of the people who haven't marched corps would think the week as more difficult and demanding than high school band camps. My "row" (small group of rookies of the same instrument) consisted of me, a girl who marched(-es) BAC, and a very fast learner. You can imagine how that marching technique learning went. On top of that, my row leader marched Spirit back in 2000 on mello. We referred to ourselves as "Row of the Day, Everyday!" because we did, in fact, get row of the day on the first day of rookie camp. Plus, the staff complimented us... a lot :tongue:

As for peer interactions, I've always been told that I've handled the transition between drum corps and marching band well. I've seen what a big head can do, and I never want to act like that. This year I came back not to participate in a marching band, but to teach a high school one. I had a lot of fun, and I'd like to continue to do that until I graduate from college.

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Well, I came back and I didn't know most of the commands because it was radically changed in band camp from the year previous. I missed band camp at finals, and missed a lot of what happened. There were the same commands as drum corps sometimes, but they had different meanings, which threw me off. Also holding the horns different, but that didn't take long to get back into.

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I came back basically the same person... however, I didn't march until college, and my college only has a 'scramble band', not a marching band, which is something I greatly enjoy while at school, but is pretty much the opposite end of the spectrum.

If I came back from tour to a high school marching band, I'm sure it would be painful, but you just have to realize they're different things.

Mods I thought this forum was about DC. If So why are you all allowing all these threads about Band. Is there not a place for people to talk about band on another forum? You will close a thread about sosmeone asking for alum to donate. Yet, you allow all these threads about band on a DC forum. Interesting to say the least.

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The worst thing for me was how people acted in their uniform. The complete lack of respect really set me off.

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Mods I thought this forum was about DC. If So why are you all allowing all these threads about Band. Is there not a place for people to talk about band on another forum? You will close a thread about sosmeone asking for alum to donate. Yet, you allow all these threads about band on a DC forum. Interesting to say the least.

I'm willing to cut the mods some slack on this one. DC recruits heavily from bands - so the topic seems relavent.

Edited by Piper
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I love going back to college band!! It's like social hour! I love the ten minute water breaks, walking back to sets and goofing off. And the best part is....you get class credit for it!!! How could anyone not love going back to a band where people look up to you when you're a lower classman (as long as your not an ***)!! The director would ask me in front of the entire band if I was in my spot and then proceeded to tell everyone to dress to me. Granted I never told anyone to do anything until I was section leader and I think thats what made people respect me and not hate me for marching DC.

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Mods I thought this forum was about DC. If So why are you all allowing all these threads about Band. Is there not a place for people to talk about band on another forum? You will close a thread about sosmeone asking for alum to donate. Yet, you allow all these threads about band on a DC forum. Interesting to say the least.

Are you ####### serious?

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I had marched two years with my college band before entering drum corps. When I came back in August from Orlando, I was three or four days late to band camp. These days are spent mostly teaching basics and learning the old fight songs, etc. so I only missed learning a few sets of our opener. Well our director made me an alternate. I only marched if there was a hole from injury/absence. That really fried me for a long time. I thought he was anti-drum corps.

In retrospect, I was one of the very few that he could count on to jump in and learn one person's drill in a day or two and march the hole competently. Now I understand what he intended, at least that's my interpretation. He made me a section leader the following season after I aged out of PR.

And people thought I was nuts, running back to my set every time and never relaxing until told to, etc... all those awesome habits that corps drills into you.

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The worst thing for me was how people acted in their uniform. The complete lack of respect really set me off.


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