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Depressing, I know. Oil prices and DCI. The end of our sport?

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Two words boys and girls...two words...



Get to know the terms as soon as possible--and you'll realize drum corps tour costs will be the LEAST of your worries.

I haven't really been keeping up with these boards as much as I have in the past, but this is a topic I take a considerable amount of interest in, so I'll chime in.

I did a research paper on this topic my first year of college, and to play devil's advocate on the matter, peak oil is not a proven scenario, but merely a theory. Granted, many scenarios and effects that the peak oil theory discusses are certainly coming into effect, but there are also other factors to be noted which I don't really want to go into too much detail on (I have finals next week, I've been living in the library these past few weeks, and I'm tired of school/academia related material), but they include exploration costs, refining costs, taxes, etc... Additionally, you have people driving SUVs, trucks, and other large scale vehicles which have astronomical gas consumption rates, and people who are up in arms over the high price of fuel today (ironically, it's often these very same people who are very vocal about not drilling for new sources of oil in places like Alaska, the Gulf of Mexico, etc...)

All in all, I don't think oil prices will the be the end of DCI. Perhaps it will be the end of the current national touring model you see today, but I'm sure that once the corps realize that they cannot sustain the current model given the economic condition that things are in, they'll adjust to fit their needs with the resources at hand. To do otherwise would be fiscally irresponsible, and I think you'd see another large drop off in corps numbers like there was before.

Additionally, to follow up on my research paper on Peak Oil, I wrote my next paper on the fuel cell technology, which for those of you who are not familiar with is a HUGE milestone and could dramatically change the way we live given the proper funding, research, and education. Chevy's even released a test fleet of these hydrogen powered fuel cell vehicles, with it's only waste/byproduct/emission being pure water (SUVs, nonetheless!). You can read more about this technology and "Project Driveway" at http://www.chevrolet.com/fuelcell/. Please realize that it's still quite some time before something like this could be utilized and adopted on a large scale, but at least it's a start...

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As we speak, we are exporting American crude oil out of the port of Valdez ,Alaska to far east ports in Japan and Taiwan. There is a tanker in exess of 850 ft lng leaving every six days. Vessels such as the Denali, Prince William Sound, and others alternate their runs between U.S. coastal and foreign.

As for product, (diesel ,gas,glycol) we have been sending loads of American product to Israel since 1974 by an agreement signed by Henry Kissenger, Edmund Muskie, and Dept of Interior. This product will continue to be sent there at a lower price than American consumers. That is part of the deal. It is quietlyrenewed every three years.

Expanding drilling on the North Slope doubtfully will not solve any problems , because this oil if extracted, will go on the world market. The companies are now multi national, and the stockholders are also . There are no longer any national regulations to channel American resources.

The hope for lower oil prices will come when the Russians finish building their pipeline from the Caspian Sea to the sea of Japan (all in Russian territory) This is the second largest deposit in the world tat is not yet literally in the pipeline..

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In the 1980s, soaring insurance rates were going to kill drum corps.

In the 1990s...well, see the 1980s.

I trust that we'll figure a way to work through the economy. (A point of reference: The first time I went to China a couple years ago, I could get over 800 Yuan for $100. Just today, it slipped under 700 in the exchange rates.

And for the record, I'm in favor of barring holes. :)


Can you share any historical perspective on how drum corps made it through those issues?

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Additionally, to follow up on my research paper on Peak Oil, I wrote my next paper on the fuel cell technology, which for those of you who are not familiar with is a HUGE milestone and could dramatically change the way we live given the proper funding, research, and education. Chevy's even released a test fleet of these hydrogen powered fuel cell vehicles, with it's only waste/byproduct/emission being pure water (SUVs, nonetheless!). You can read more about this technology and "Project Driveway" at http://www.chevrolet.com/fuelcell/. Please realize that it's still quite some time before something like this could be utilized and adopted on a large scale, but at least it's a start...

This is kind of like the issue with ethanol. Great idea on paper, but there are some major drawbacks, the main one involving the production of hydrogen. If we follow the lead of nations like Iceland and Denmark, where hydrogen is produced through renewable resources (geothermal and wind), then that truly is progress. But using fossil fuels is basically keeping us right where we are. Hydrogen vehicle

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And I'll just say this--mostly to Carl Sagar...but the idea of Peak Oil is NOT something that I necessarily "believe in". But on another discussion board that I frequent, there are a number of people that say that in fact the concept is VERY valid, VERY scientifically validated, and VERY scary. Hence, why I said that drum corps tour is the least of our worries. But just like the myth of human-caused global warming, there seems to be every generation some new menace that is going to destroy mankind and our "way of life".

But more importantly, and my old friend Sue points it clearly above...for every great news that comes out, there's an alternate view that casts a shadow on it. Even with hydrogen fuel cells, Carl states it's a long ways away. I just read on another discussion group the concept of oil shale and this absolutely mindboggling field that covers parts of 2 states in the United States (getting oil from rock). There's a new technology being developed that would cheaply get the oil and it's called an oil vacuum. There's of course natural gas. I see TONS of natural gas rapid transit buses. They seem to work fine. Isn't there an endless supply of natural gas? Why aren't drum corps bus and truck fleets switching to that?

My point....the field of energy is seemingly wide open....but there lurks SOMETHING that keeps it from EXPLODING with new inventions and ways of doing business...

Could it be...BIG OIL COMPANIES?!?!?!?

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And I'll just say this--mostly to Carl Sagar...but the idea of Peak Oil is NOT something that I necessarily "believe in". But on another discussion board that I frequent, there are a number of people that say that in fact the concept is VERY valid, VERY scientifically validated, and VERY scary. Hence, why I said that drum corps tour is the least of our worries. But just like the myth of human-caused global warming, there seems to be every generation some new menace that is going to destroy mankind and our "way of life".

But more importantly, and my old friend Sue points it clearly above...for every great news that comes out, there's an alternate view that casts a shadow on it. Even with hydrogen fuel cells, Carl states it's a long ways away. I just read on another discussion group the concept of oil shale and this absolutely mindboggling field that covers parts of 2 states in the United States (getting oil from rock). There's a new technology being developed that would cheaply get the oil and it's called an oil vacuum. There's of course natural gas. I see TONS of natural gas rapid transit buses. They seem to work fine. Isn't there an endless supply of natural gas? Why aren't drum corps bus and truck fleets switching to that?

My point....the field of energy is seemingly wide open....but there lurks SOMETHING that keeps it from EXPLODING with new inventions and ways of doing business...

Could it be...BIG OIL COMPANIES?!?!?!?

Follow the money.

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They seem to work fine. Isn't there an endless supply of natural gas? Why aren't drum corps bus and truck fleets switching to that?

the trick would be fueling them up on the road...city buses have a central depot where they can fuel, and they never go more than 10 miles or so away from it.

I've never seen a truck stop that has pump natural gas...

Follow the money.

Could it be...BIG OIL COMPANIES?!?!?!?

the profit for oil companies on a gallon of gas is 8%...(for every dollar, they make 8 cents)

The government in it's various forms profit on a gallon of gas is from 60 to 80 cents...

for a $4 dollar gallon of gas, the oil companies make 32 cents, and the government makes >60 cents. The oil company had to find the oil...drill the oil...haul the oil...refine the oil...transport the finished gasoline product to the gas station.

the government had to vote to tax the oil...

(and the roads still suck)

When you are looking for someone to blame about gas prices, don't jump immediately on the oil companies...I"m not saying they are innocent, but they are sure aren't the biggest profiteer on a gallon of oil...

Edited by skewerz
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I agree with skewerz on this one. Big Oil's profit margins have remained the same. It's the demand that has driven up prices...#### Nixon for going to China ;) I do however, believe that the oil companies directly or indirectly try to stifle innovation that might emerge as a competitor. On the other hand, if they discovered a way to create hydrogen from water in a cheap and efficient fashion, then they would be the first to market and license the production plans.

oh and the roads still suck :sad:

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It will kill the corps with bad finances

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