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What have you done for the activity?

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I am one of the old guys on here that fondly remembers the good old days of the many corps and the use of G bugles and no electronics etc. But what have I done to stop the decline of the numbers of corps? I guess my answer now is not to dam much. I write on here about my good ole days but what do I do other than that? I go to some shows and whine to my friends about the decline of drum corps. I do run a bingo game for our winterguard that use to be a drumcorps....I couldnt stop that from happening alone. But other than that....I am guilty. Lets all brainstorm and put out some ideas about how we can help. I am willing and I know that there are others out there that want to help but dont really know how. As individuals we can promote change that will translate into change for the better.

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Sounds like you're doing the right things!

Time and/or Money is all Corps need from us to help keep them going. Is there a Corps in your area that could use someone to help out during Camps or All Days to help cook or chaperone? Can you lend a week to a Corps while they are on tour to drive, sew, cook, fix equipment, etc.? What most Corps need are helping hands. People do burn out y'know.

Are you good at fundraising or do you have contacts with the media to help promote Drum Corps in the community? Are there underwriters in your area that can find grants for your local Corps? That is what is needed.

Do you go to any of the rehearsals and bring a (rich :tongue: ) friend along? How about the closest show even if it is only Open Class Corps.

Are you willing to go to all the Schools in your area and ask the Band Director if you can promote Drum Corps and recruit their kids into the local Corps?

Do you have your checkbook handy?

I'm not trying to be snide about it or anything. I'm "Old School" too and it took awhile for me to come back into the fold after I was done with the activity. It was only when I got to drive SCV '90-'93 that I realized that even though the styles and shows had changed dramatically, the kids HADN'T! The needs are still the same as when we marched and there were far to FEW people out there doing the grunt work getting the kids fed and on the road.

I've done my share of grunt work and and have written a few checks (ouch), but I know that I still haven't done nearly as much as others have. I don't always agree with the direction Drum Corps has gone, but when I see the kids get into their uniforms, put on their game faces and do their absolute best on the field, it's all been worth it and I do still love it. Truly.

There will never be as many Corps now as there used to be. Churches and VFW and American Legions no longer have the funds and time to have Corps like we did then. The thing that is important is to help the Corps that are out there NOW. Make them strong and viable. Maybe then, new Corps can come into being and feel confident that they will have a helping hand from us "Old Pharts" to make them strong and viable too.

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I aged out in 1977, and was asked to teach a local corps a month later. I have kept involved ever since either teaching judging or being a fan.

The biggest way for me to support the corps today is by investing my money in support of DCI shows and purchasing souvies.

One way that my friends and I stay connected is by attending Allentown every year. This coming Aug will be our 15th consecutive trip. It's our male bonding weekend and no wives or girlfriends are allowed to travel with us.

When I run into old friends, the conversation will eventually focus on drum corps. They will usually tell me they hate what the activity has done, blah blah blah. Their minds are made up, and they have left for good. I suppose if I had been disconnected for a loog time, I might feel the same way - but staying involved as allowed me to observe gradual change over a long time period of time. The young people today are absolutely the finest musicians and performing artists the activity has ever seen. I applaud and respect their devotion and energy. If these kids didn't find value in participating, then "our" activity would cease to exist - and then we'd have nothing to celebrate.

You still have time to support the activity, and it needs you.

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I have a quart jar affectionately known in our house as the Trooper Jar. My daughter (almost 5 years old) and I dig around for spare change weekly to put in the jar. In the past two years we've been able to give a little over $200 in "spare" change. When we find coins on the ground, my girl will pick them up and say "Trooper money!" and happily hold onto it until we get home. Then she runs to the jar and puts the coin(s) in.

I'm getting more and more involved with the corps as an alum. I can't volunteer much in the summer, but I do what I can on-line. I run a monthly "Trooper Chat" for members and alums, and I'm trying really hard to help people get reconnected to the corps if they've drifted away. When my girl is older, I'm hoping to be able to do more summer volunteering when the corps is in Texas.

I go to 2-3 shows per summer - usually Houston and San Antonio, and Denver when I can manage it. I always try to spread the souvie money around, especially focusing on lower-tier or open class corps. And I'll usually keep a handful of single dollar bills to put in gas buckets at souvie stands.

I have more plans for the future, so we'll see what comes.

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Eh - I don't support anything but BUGLE corps....the rest can whistle Dixie....


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Go to shows

Buy souvies

Help at the souvie booth

Teach if you can

Donate money

Help sponsor members

Attend alumni functions

Do that occasional alumni gig

(or go full out and do alumni stuff every month!)


You will not regret it!!!

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I was hoping that this thread would start to generate some other folks getting involved. I know that there are alot of folks that post and read here that are not actively involved. I plan to do what I can to promote the activity and generally help the corps. I am sure there are other ways that we havent explored yet......

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I was hoping that this thread would start to generate some other folks getting involved. I know that there are alot of folks that post and read here that are not actively involved. I plan to do what I can to promote the activity and generally help the corps. I am sure there are other ways that we havent explored yet......

In my experience, people don't really know how to get something started, and corps don't often know what they need. Sometimes you just have to look for opportunities, create a plan and offer it to the corps. Be creative!

(edited to remove the part where I repeated myself. :thumbdown: )

Edited by TerriTroop
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Some great ideas in this thread! I tend to buy souvies and go to shows-mainly DCA these days because I prefer that style a bit more.

In my experience, people don't really know how to get something started, and corps don't often know what they need. Sometimes you just have to look for opportunities, create a plan and offer it to the corps. Be creative!

(edited to remove the part where I repeated myself. :thumbup: )

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