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Yelling's affect on corps memebers

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Was it at Stanford? Was sitting right near him, "Show me ridiculous direction changes" was the actual statement. Got a few chuckles from the crowd, don't know if they could hear it from the field though.

There we go. Knew my quote was a little off :worthy:

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"Show me ridiculous ABSURD direction changes"

There...gotcha covered! :worthy: Great show, BD!

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I love the yelling. Especially when it's funny.

I remember during retreat at a competition we went to this year (Contest of Champions at MTSU, if you're curious), someone yelled out "I love you Meghan!" to our DM, and some guy on the other side of the stadium yelled "I love you too!". Whew, talk about comic relief. Well, that and watching our guard instructor (aka Ms. Perfect) trip on a flag and fall during retreat.

Whoops, forgot one. Someone yelled at one of our tenors to shave when the DM gave her salute.

Edited by OdeToArsenal47
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A number of DCP'ers yelled out for me when I was in the Cavaliers Anniversary Corps this year. It was a trip and I couldn't help but smile. I heard it while wheeling my marimba along the track out to the pit. After that, there was so much coming out of the audience prior to the performance I doubt I would have picked out anything specific. I'm guessing no one, especially if they're coming in from the back side of the stadium, is going to hear many specific things addressed to them due to the number of people yelling in the audience as the corps proper sets up.

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I love the yelling. Especially when it's funny.

1976 Red Carpet Association (smaller Sr circuit) Championships at Erie, PA. Forget when the caption awards were announced (either before 10th or 3rd place score) but local Erie Thunderbirds won them all.

Then we heard:

PA system: And in 10th (3rd?) place.

Voice in stands that really carried: ERIE!!!!!

A few seconds later, one of our corps members said "Hey wasn't that Kirk's (ex-member) voice? I think he's home on leave"..... Found out later it was Kirk, he was just letting us know he was there. :worthy:

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And you kept your composure, cause i know if i saw that i would start crying.

My fav is at NightBeat last year a girl wearing a cavies shirt yells, "I love the you, Blue Devils drumline"

A guy behind me kindly responds "Shut up girl, your wearing a cavies shirt"

and when a corps member sneezed during the retreat and the crowd in unison says...."God Bless you!"

Haha, my buddy that sneezed. :worthy:

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Before every performance with the glassmen Viv would scream after the announcer asks if the corps is ready he would say there always ready there rockin which always pumped me up.

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I used to be annoyed by that moment, but now I actually like it. I listen to 92 Crossmen probably 2 times a week. That yell is from caption head Mark Thurston who is screaming at the top of his lungs "CROSSMEN DRUM LIIIIIIIINE!" I've read a few posts about that year and that yell is full of love. Makes me smile every time.


that is actually saddening to me.

I dont think its neccessary to do that at the expense of a wonderful moment. Especially since it sounds like he waited for the most quite, touching moment. At that point in the show, the drumline hadnt been playing for about a minute and a half.

Certainly no disrespect to him. He is obviously a legend in the activity, but that just seems wrong to me. but thats just me. If the members dug it then i guess there was something there. I know its hard to control emotion sometimes when your so happy. I certainly would have been pumped to see my drum corps perform that way!


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I love when the crowd yells as we're taking the field! During the ballad or soft parts of the show, not so much.

Though this is my all time crowd moment to date.

The year was 2007. The place was....somewhere in Arkansas (i think)

We took the field, announcer announces, conductor counts us off, hornline plays full out, kid jumps into fetal position and begins balling.

That was a proud moment of my marching career :)

It just so happened that the kid was right in the front row behind the drum major, so I was lucky enough to witness this

as in rolling on the ground or bawling as in crying?

I think its great!

Makes me almost nostalgic to hear young people yelling for thier friends on the field!

Yelling "Go Joey"! or "Get it Guard" and things like that. Its one of the distinctive things about what we do!

There are times where it just borders on obnoxious.

My favorite example is the 1992 Crossmen. Thier show was winding down nice and soft,

they had just really hit a "Grand Slam" with that performance and were really creating a phenomenally beautiful moment and then someone starts screaming just before the last note. I even remember peoples concentration just being completely broken and the focus going from the kids on the field to scanning the stands wondering who the jerk was yelling. Shame on that person. Someone told me it was a staff member once (dont know if its true) but thats even worse!

I really hoped they would edit it from my tapes (yes... i just said "Tapes").

I got the whole top 25 tapes that year and i really wanted that to be gone when i popped it in but sadly, there it was.

Maybe they can reissue? lol


amen! like at finals this year where the guy kept yelling during the Cavaliers' ballad...something about "GO somebody!" and "this is your year, do it, and blah blah blah..." someone finally yelled, "shut up" but he kept going until he got the final word. no class. none whatsoever.

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